ive always liked Spurs

corky1970 said:
Now contrary to a lot of posters on here i would like to put my tenpenneth in.

i actually like Spurs.
i like how they have a football philosophy of playing the right way, i loved the Hoddle, Waddle, Gasgoine, Klinsmann , era,s i even liked them when when the two argies were there, even though Villas goal was a sickner in the Fa cup final.
they play football right and so do we ( when we are confident)

Never had any problems with em, and to be perfectly honest id rather ourselves and Spurs were occupying 4th place instead of the scum and or Liverpool/Arsenal.

its about time our 2 teams stood together and told the SKY 4 to fuck off we are here to stay.
its teams like ours that need to stick together against the monopoly.

of course i want City to rip them a new arsehole on Wednesday but only in the sporting sense , its a pity were not fighting for 3rd and 4th so we can both get CL spots.

we all have arrogant fuckwits as fans , and its no suprise its gone up a notch due to the circumstances, but come on blues, we cant hate every fucking team in the Prem !!!!

Couldn't agree less, they're one of the two teams in the league I hate, behind the rags.
Lets face it,if Spurs weren't our rivals for that last champions league spot and were currently occupying a mid table (no threat) place,Spurs would be getting as many complimentary comments as the likes of Fulham,reverse that and if it was Fulham we were playing on Wednesday in a battle for that final champions league spot,Hodgson and Fulham would be recieving the same hate wrath as Spurs currently are.
royle said:
Lets face it,if Spurs weren't our rivals for that last champions league spot and were currently occupying a mid table (no threat) place,Spurs would be getting as many complimentary comments as the likes of Fulham,reverse that and if it was Fulham we were playing on Wednesday in a battle for that final champions league spot,Hodgson and Fulham would be recieving the same hate wrath as Spurs currently are.

Not a chance mate, i have nothing against Fulham now or in the past, but detest spuds almost as much as the rags and have done since '81 (maybe even earlier tbh), & I respect Woy Hodgson but cant stand twitcher.
Behind the rags and the Blue Dippers, Spurs are the third biggest twats to ever walk the planet. They are oxygen wasters and toilets.
they dont bother me as a club just cant stand twitcher,or their fans but if we dont get forth spot then for what happened to them a couple of seasons back with the last day lasagnegate affair,which was a disgrace imo and stank of top4 corruption then fair do's.....
royle said:
Lets face it,if Spurs weren't our rivals for that last champions league spot and were currently occupying a mid table (no threat) place,Spurs would be getting as many complimentary comments as the likes of Fulham,reverse that and if it was Fulham we were playing on Wednesday in a battle for that final champions league spot,Hodgson and Fulham would be recieving the same hate wrath as Spurs currently are.

complete bollocks
Now as a spurs fan I can honestly say the same as the original post when it comes to Man City. I am struggling to understand why there is so much hate towards us from the majority of City fans.

Surely its still not about 81 is it? FFS its been nearly 30 years, and I would probably say get over it, shit happens in football.

Is it because we have a very good record against you? Well we had a very similiar record against Everton upto a few years ago, but I didnt hear them talking like some of you are about how much they detest spurs.

There is so many things that are the same about our 2 GREAT clubs, such as a huge fanbase, fantastic support both home and away, quality players throughout the years, not won anything of real note for far too long, living in the shadow of our closest neighbours for long enough.

What will be, will be come Wednesday night, and whoever gets 4th deserves it, as the table will show on May 9th. But I would agree surely its about time that the Sky4 are broken up, and whether its you, us, or Villa or Everton in the future, its got to be good for the game?


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