ive always liked Spurs

BringBackSwales said:
complete bollocks

So it was just a coincidence that most of the City fans were of the same opinion about Villa at the weekend?

If everyone on this forum were to list all the teams they hate (dislike) i am sure the list would be primarily made up of those teams in and around us. (The competition)
spudsulike said:
Now as a spurs fan I can honestly say the same as the original post when it comes to Man City. I am struggling to understand why there is so much hate towards us from the majority of City fans.

Surely its still not about 81 is it? FFS its been nearly 30 years, and I would probably say get over it, shit happens in football.

Is it because we have a very good record against you? Well we had a very similiar record against Everton upto a few years ago, but I didnt hear them talking like some of you are about how much they detest spurs.

There is so many things that are the same about our 2 GREAT clubs, such as a huge fanbase, fantastic support both home and away, quality players throughout the years, not won anything of real note for far too long, living in the shadow of our closest neighbours for long enough.

What will be, will be come Wednesday night, and whoever gets 4th deserves it, as the table will show on May 9th. But I would agree surely its about time that the Sky4 are broken up, and whether its you, us, or Villa or Everton in the future, its got to be good for the game?

Top post mate agree 100%.
spudsulike said:
Now as a spurs fan I can honestly say the same as the original post when it comes to Man City. I am struggling to understand why there is so much hate towards us from the majority of City fans.

Surely its still not about 81 is it? FFS its been nearly 30 years, and I would probably say get over it, shit happens in football.

Is it because we have a very good record against you? Well we had a very similiar record against Everton upto a few years ago, but I didnt hear them talking like some of you are about how much they detest spurs.

There is so many things that are the same about our 2 GREAT clubs, such as a huge fanbase, fantastic support both home and away, quality players throughout the years, not won anything of real note for far too long, living in the shadow of our closest neighbours for long enough.

What will be, will be come Wednesday night, and whoever gets 4th deserves it, as the table will show on May 9th. But I would agree surely its about time that the Sky4 are broken up, and whether its you, us, or Villa or Everton in the future, its got to be good for the game?


Good post mate-but sadly all to rare from the Spurs side.
I'll do my best to explain why I don't like Spurs.

You're right about 81,I'm still not over it!!It remains the first time I ever shed a tear over a football match.I think it was the way we lost,the feelings of injustice from the 1st game.
Add to that the endless re-runs (even now) of Villa's goal,the media's complete disregard for the best goal of both games (McKenzie's 25 yard volley into the top corner) and you can see where we're going...

Fast forward a little and Tottenham's visits to Maine rd always make me think of two things...defeat,usually by some crappy goal or shit decision and the unexplainable feeling of what I can only describe as a "superiority complex" from many of your fans-not just in a footballing sense,more in a "North V South" type manner.
I remember Spurs fans waving £20 notes at us in one game at Maine rd in a "look at us you Norvern peasents" style.Never seen that since...though I must admit to seeing a few of our more excitable fans doing the same just after the takeover....I hate that shit.
In the mind of much of our support,many of your fans personify every stereotype of the "Cockney loudmouth"....brash,arrogant,aloof,self-important-some would say,deluded....it's probably not fair to use that to judge all your fans but I have to admit that virtually every Spurs fan I've met has had a totally myopic "ickle Citeh" mentality towards us-its the closest I can think of to the armchair rag attitude.It's why you'll see Spurs in so many "most hated clubs" polls from City fans.In the past at least,there's been almost a total "culture clash" between us.

Sort of Eastenders v Corrie........;-)

Back to the football....If we don't get fourth this season,great-we'll come again.
I would like to think that the football "Karma Gods" will smile on us Wednesday and we do enough to win at your expense....I just hope Jon Macken didn't use it all up in one go at your place....;-)

If not,so be it........ and good luck.
corky1970 said:
Now contrary to a lot of posters on here i would like to put my tenpenneth in.

i actually like Spurs.
i like how they have a football philosophy of playing the right way, i loved the Hoddle, Waddle, Gasgoine, Klinsmann , era,s i even liked them when when the two argies were there, even though Villas goal was a sickner in the Fa cup final.
they play football right and so do we ( when we are confident)

Never had any problems with em, and to be perfectly honest id rather ourselves and Spurs were occupying 4th place instead of the scum and or Liverpool/Arsenal.

its about time our 2 teams stood together and told the SKY 4 to fuck off we are here to stay.
its teams like ours that need to stick together against the monopoly.

of course i want City to rip them a new arsehole on Wednesday but only in the sporting sense , its a pity were not fighting for 3rd and 4th so we can both get CL spots.

we all have arrogant fuckwits as fans , and its no suprise its gone up a notch due to the circumstances, but come on blues, we cant hate every fucking team in the Prem !!!!

i don't hate every side in the prem, just spurs. even united don't come close to how much i despise spurs
Surely its still not about 81 is it? FFS its been nearly 30 years, and I would probably say get over it, shit happens in football

Really? So when you Southern mongs are in Manchester that's all you go on about. Get over yourself ffs! Over 30 years ago and all your clown supporters can sing about is "Wicky Willa" Pricks, half of them weren't even born then. Still gonna be singing about it in another 20years.

I read this post and was violently sick over the cat. Fuck Spurs.
spudsulike said:
Now as a spurs fan I can honestly say the same as the original post when it comes to Man City. I am struggling to understand why there is so much hate towards us from the majority of City fans.

You are arse-hats, that's why.
Lets also mention that tottenham is also a shit hole. Passed through (albeit very quickly) a few months back and it is one of the most ugliest places in London.

Meanwhile, I hate spurs and yes it is to do with that game alongside their innate arrogance. I really want our own Argie karma to work in City's favour.

Can hear it now - Tevez dribbles past every Spurs player and scores a wonder goal. Then we can see it repeated on TV as the goal of the season for years to come.
Can hear it now - Tevez dribbles past every Spurs player and scores a wonder goal. Then we can see it repeated on TV as the goal of the season for years to come.
alternatively plant an IED under Gomes and watch that on youtube for years to come

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