I've never hated the rags more

The rag media have gone all out and turned this into a supposed injustice. Truth is the madrid player had jumped at least 2 feet off the ground and Nani still managed to get his studsbinto the lads ribs.

Fuk the rag Basts i hate them with a passion.
AustinBlue said:
I don't hate them, I pity them. None of them know what it's like to support a team that has no hope of winning anything, and yet still belonging to a brotherhood of other fans. None of them know what it's like to sing songs like "we lost last week" or "we're not really here." They sing nursery rhymes about glory and winning. They have this shallow experience that they think is rooted in some divinely appointed right to win that one day will come crashing down on them. They'll never know what it's like to beat United. So they can bleat on about injustice and unfair treatment... but I won't hate them. They have a shallow, plastic experience and I celebrate every time they have to choke on a loss, but mainly I'll just feel sorry for them because they don't support a team like City.

Just went on RagCafe to get a good laugh at the pricks...never seen anything so hilarious, and they call US bitter?!

Also the Roy Keane thread...take a look its comedy gold. The lot of them absolutely slating their former Captain and 'legend' for not backing them. Pathetic. God I hate that club.
Bert Trautmann's Parachute said:
james1910 said:
was that the 5-0???
we was sat there and it was the worst night ever
I was sat in the stretford end for the 5-0. Lovely evening.

I can still picture the bloke sat infront of me saying, "Oh no Mr Tracy," in his best Thunderbirds voice as Kanchelski hammered in his second. Or maybe third.
Although I will have a bit of a laugh at them when shit like this happens I can't help but think "I just don't care about them any more" and I feel nothing but complete indifference towards the whole club. I couldn't care less if bacon face feels to upset to talk to the press or that they have had the rub of the green for so long that it's sweet justice for it to happen to them.

Why do I feel this way? Simple, we are the future; they will soon be the past. In the coming years there will be threads on that sewer they call their forum complaining that City have had yet another cracking season and that we are treated with too much respect by the media and the premier league. They will also complain that our manager has too much power and can get away with near murder on the touch line. I also know that we - the fans and players - will conduct ourselves with much more decorum. Although those lucky enough to get to games will sing about our success we will never forget our roots.

I just can't be bothered with them any more. I just sit back and think "yep that's one more nail in your coffin"
AustinBlue said:
I don't hate them, I pity them. None of them know what it's like to support a team that has no hope of winning anything, and yet still belonging to a brotherhood of other fans. None of them know what it's like to sing songs like "we lost last week" or "we're not really here." They sing nursery rhymes about glory and winning.

Arbeloa(former Liverpool) put in a tackle of one of the scum players and I clearly heard on tv the vile song from the whole stdium "Murderers...Murderers" referering to Liverpool. Absolutle disgrace. It's just evil amoungst some people and then the weak people joins in singing. It sums up their whole club.

I want to pity them. But I just hate them. I hate their fans. I hate the media for loving them. I hate Wio Ferdinand. I hate Sir Baconface. I hate Paddy Cerand the most. And I even hate hating them.
If ever proof were needed that the media is rag infested then this episode has proved it beyond all doubt.

I've come to expect this kind of biased, pro-rag propaganda from Sky and the red top tabloids, but to see it from the BBC and broadsheets has taken even me by surprise.

They just don't seem to realise or care that the every other football fan in the country are laughing their heads off at the rags misplaced sense of injustice.
I was sat in the Utd end at the 5-0. I was only young but still remember the glory hunting fuckers celebrating. "Why dont you support a proper team!" the misserable twats goaded a 10 year old. Why don't you all kiss my arse and die an angonising draw out painful death I thought. Fucking hate them.
I think the only thing that is now crystal clear judging by the media coverage/protection the rags get is they are not owned by the glaziers they are actually media owned and more specifically sky.

It can be the only reason for this constant promotion of their club.

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