Jérémy Hélan & City (Merged)

Re: Jérémy Hélan & City (Merged)

Copied and Pasted from the FA Web-site. There's a link to Rules and Regs on their web-site.


Players with Written Contracts
1 (a) Minimum Age
(i) A Player under 18 years of age and in receipt of full-time education2 may not enter
into a contract of employment with a Club in membership of The Association
and/or an Affiliated Association.
(ii) A Player under 17 years of age may not enter into a contract of employment with
a Club in membership with The Association and/or an Affiliated Association,
except under a Scholarship as provided for by Rule C3.
(b) Financial Arrangements – Registration
(i) Subject to paragraph (a) and (b)(ii) to (b)(vii) of this Rule, and to the rules and
regulations of the league of which the Club is a member, any Club in membership
of The Association and/or an Affiliated Association may negotiate a financial
arrangement with its Players.
(ii) All Players under written contract must be registered with The Association.
(iii) No Club shall enter into a contract which enables any other party to that contract
to acquire the ability materially to influence the Club’s policies or the performance
of its teams in Matches and/or Competitions.
2 Throughout these Rules full-time education refers to a child who is of compulsory school age within the meaning
of the Education Acts applying in England or who is over the school leaving age but is for the time being attending
a school or in full-time education in an establishment of further education.
(iv) All payments and/or benefits whatsoever due to a Player must be set out in a
written agreement between the Club and the Player. Any other payments and/or
benefits whatsoever due on behalf of, or in relation to, a Player (not otherwise
detailed in the written agreement between the Club and Player) must also be set
out in a written agreement, to which the Club shall be a party. In each case a copy
of any such agreement must be provided to The Association.
(v) All payments made to Players must be must be made by the Club and fully
recorded in the accounting records of the Club.
(vi) All salaried payments must be subject to PAYE and National Insurance.
(vii) All salary payments due on written contracts must be stated gross, before PAYE
and National Insurance deductions.
(viii) Any Players paid expenses must be reimbursed via an expense claim form. The
Club must retain all expense records in a format acceptable to HM Revenue and
(c) Contract of Employment
(i) All contracts must be in the full name of the Club. If the Club is a corporate body,
the contract must also include the Company registration number.
(ii) Contracts or letters of employment exchanged between a Club and any Club
Official, Player or any other employee of the Club, must specify that all
emoluments due are paid to the employee concerned and not to any company or
agency acting on behalf of the employee.
(iii) All such contracts must also specify that the individual is directly under the
disciplinary control of the Club and of The Association.
(iv) All claims by Players against Clubs for wages or expenses must be submitted to
The Association within three months of the termination of the agreement to which
they refer, unless special grounds are shown for the delay.
(d) Form G(1) – Registration for One Calendar Month
A registration for a period of one calendar month is effected when The Association
receives Form “G(1)” (in such form as shall be published by The Association from time
to time), signed by the Player.
(e) Form G(2) – Registration Exceeding One Calendar Month
A registration for a period in excess of one calendar month is effected when The
Association receives Form “G(2)” (in such form as shall be published by The
Association from time to time), signed by the Player. Such a registration must
terminate on the first Saturday in May, or the date of the last league or knock-out
Competition match of the Club’s first team, whichever is the later, or on 30th June in
any calendar year.
(f) Forms to be Returned to The Association
(i) Within five days of having been signed by the Player, Forms G(1) or G(2) must be
returned to The Association, accompanied by a copy of the contract.
(ii) A Player seeking registration under written contract is not permitted to play under
the terms of the contract until the Club registering the Player has received the
registration certificate from The Association.
Re: Jérémy Hélan & City (Merged)

i smell 2 very big rats in all of this tapping up shit at the moment and they will be rubbing there little grubby paws in glee!
Re: Feel ill but a Rag just spoke some sense and I agree!

Bluemoonbaldboy said:
Watchman said:
a couple of points...

the FA have brought this uopn themselves. In 1999 they introduced the 90 min rule, good old Howard Wilkinson thought that it would help devleop local talent with their local clubs , this was meant to prevent big PL clubs aquiring all the best talent up and down the country . This meant that city and United could not sign any youngster who lived more than 90 mins drive away . But this did not apply to foriegn players..so we now have a situation where Chelsea , United , arsnela have feeder clubs abroad who spot and develop talent within their locality , at a much lower costs. Then when suitable players are recognised they can be brought to this country for a lower fee..rafeal and Fabio were bought for 1m each from the brazilin feeder club , Song , denilson bought from the german feeder club ...it wouldnt be possible now for United to sign a kid from London , or city to sign a youth player from Scotland...

the legalities with regards contracts are not standard across different countries, and are subject to many different regional and local FA laws

as for the two cases brought by the french clubs...I understand the facts to be ..the city player was under a pre contract ..although how legaly binding that is is hotly debated

the lad Pogba , never signed a contract
So why are Le Harve saying he did? If verbal still legally binding though hugely difficult to prove

as of 6pm today , they still have not made any complaint to FIFA...if their case was so watertight , then they would have appealed by now?

their president is now saying that United didnt act in the spirit of the law...but no laws were transgressed
Re: Feel ill but a Rag just spoke some sense and I agree!

Watchman said:
Bluemoonbaldboy said:
So why are Le Harve saying he did? If verbal still legally binding though hugely difficult to prove

as of 6pm today , they still have not made any complaint to FIFA...if their case was so watertight , then they would have appealed by now?

their president is now saying that United didnt act in the spirit of the law...but no laws were transgressed
as of 6pm today , they still have not made any complaint to FIFA...
PMSL,it's a bit like transfer deadline day for you, but with the chance of a possitive ending.
Re: Jérémy Hélan & City (Merged)

This is bullsh*t.

The lad Helan is in dispute with the Rennes over the contract that he signed at 13 !!!! The Chelsea case is founded on the fact that Chelsea supposedly 'induced' the player to break his contract.

I don't 'think' City are denying that he is in dispute over his contract with Rennes - and the French guy from Rennes pretty much says we had no contact - City are however strongly denying that they 'induced' the player to breach his contract - and that is the key point.

This is about tapping up and stealing youth players from other clubs and City did nothing of the sort in this case. How are UEFA going to prove they did ?
Re: Jérémy Hélan & City (Merged)


this is the lad, I take it from the number 3 and 'the new Patrice Evra' that he's a left-back - so we know have Zander, McGivern and Helan all highly-rated and coming through at left-back....if they're all ultimately good enough to make the grade maybe one of them will switch to playing left-sided CB
Re: Feel ill but a Rag just spoke some sense and I agree!

Balti said:
whp.blue said:
whilst I agree with the sentiment this is fact a restraint of trade.

what happens when the next superstar comes along and is the best player in the world aged 17 he has the right to play for the biggest teams and earn the best money,

I know we all slag off players wages but in some cases it may be deserved look at messi I want to see him playing on a world stage not some backwater club in argentina and if this was brought in some small clubs would go bust waiting for their top young players come of age

Would it be restraint of trade if he had willingly signed a contract on that basis?

For me if a small backwater club in Argentina or a small English lower league side like,say, Leeds unearthed a gem then why shouldn't they get to capitalise on that. That player might allow them to beat the drop or gain promotions. Why shouldn't they enjoy that benefit if they did all the ground work? Seems far fairer to me. (Wouldn't actually apply to Leeds though obviously). Otherwise it is just another part of the system that helps to maintain the status quo and for me that goes against the very ethos of what is meant to be a competitive sport. It would distribute money around the lower leagues more fairly too. Anyway just thinking out loud. I know it's probably impractical and certainly won't happen. But rules that make the game more equitable and help to level the playing field are sorely needed. Otherwise for the majority of clubs what is the point of participating? Seriously.

Tbh what benefits my club is all I'm interested in - and it pisses me right off that there is a crack down on big clubs just at the time we are able to throw our weight around.... strange that ?

Lets face it there is no guarantee with any player at 17/18 as to whether they are going to make it. If a big club comes sniffing around a young talent and the lad chooses that he wants to leave then he should be allowed to do so and the club who developed the player should be compensated commensurate with their stage of development. £1million say would more than cover the cost of developing a player to that point and would help keep an academy going.

However duping 13 year olds into signing contracts now that IS scandalous.
Re: Jérémy Hélan & City (Merged)

a year ban now would effect our development! we have who we need to break the top four so players could then arrive just in time for the champions league and it will give the current squad time to gel and then less disruption when the likes of messi sign... legally!!
Re: Jérémy Hélan & City (Merged)

I wonder how many of these foreign players would not have achieved if they had stayed at home?

What would have become of George Best if he had had to stay bogside?

Staying in a small town club isnt necessarily doing justice to talent,

Sprinters from the UK need to go to warm weather training etc.

Just a thought.
Re: Jérémy Hélan & City (Merged)

bluebean said:
a year ban now would effect our development! we have who we need to break the top four so players could then arrive just in time for the champions league and it will give the current squad time to gel and then less disruption when the likes of messi sign... legally!!
Dont forget what Hughes said, we have done 2 in windows what should of been done over 4.

So even if we did get a ban we wouldnt be behind

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