That is harsh Ban, he is different to us because he is a product of his upbringing, an upbringing the vast majority of us will never understand or experience. I don't doubt for one minute he believes his intentions are honourable, but because of his upbringing his sense of morality, justice and common decency differs greatly from those of us who are working class. He is the epitome of an old upper class mentality, so he sees life through that particular prism. He comes across as an extremely well mannered decent fella, with a sense of humour and I can not fault him for what he is.
Not for one minute though do I agree with him politically and I find some of his views abhorrent, but he is no more guilty of holding his views as I am of mine as I am also a product of my upbringing.
It’s one thing to be upper class, like many Tories, it’s another to carry on and act as if you’re a Victorian.