Jacob Rees-Mogg’s new rules

I’m unsure as to why they’re toxic or losers.
Don't have to look too far really - check out their coalition support for punitive public spending cuts under Clegg, their broken guarantee on tuition fees or the Royal Mail privatisation led by Cable as just a few examples of their principled approach. Also, if you're unlucky enough to have a Lib Dem controlled council you'll know exactly what an utterly corrupt party it is.
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I mean, away from his 'personality', this is a pretty decent style guide, but IMPERIAL MEASUREMENTS. What a petty, and damaging attempt at political signalling. There's a trillion practical reasons why we stopped using them. The whole thing stinks of Reactionary demagoguery. As a Nation, we really ought to stop infantilising ourselves. We're playing into childish stereotyping and idealising the nonsense that lives in our collective memory, because it feels comforting. Trust me, this won't end well. Britain is pacifying it's inner toddler because a:politicians and others have been hard at work getting us in touch with the awfulness of life, the disconnect between our best feelings of being an adult and the lurking horrors of the lies and 'versions' of the truth we swallowed on the way to make it out into the world... and b: these disatisfactions became embodied in the actual effects that sustained austerity had on our quality of life, perception of society's effectiveness and thus our view of other people. They know what every other fucker who is unhappy enough to make this journey knows - your inner toddler is an unstable compound who doesn't need any more shaking, terrified and angry enough already at nothing more than the prospect of a world where it ceased to be the centre of everything.... a bomb of laughter, love and violence... it's not only been force-fed 'hard lessons' by a mother in a hair shirt that it originally thought was the greatest thing ever, but shaken, scared, by social dysfunction, and the increased levels of violence.

The other thing about baby-toddlers is how easily fucking pleased they are by 'silly daddy'. Boris in tennis shorts - Silly daddy. Donald Trump being an arse - silly daddy.

This seems to be how modern politics works - we invoke various psychological figures. The protestant, puritanical and uncharitable parent we saw gushing and relishing the puritanical self-denial of 'austerity'. Mother saying take your medicine! People might have accidentally found a foul after-taste, a sense that this was indeed the bleak, uncaring, defunct world that we were always a bit scared it might actually be.

What you've got coming now, we'll see. This lot are fucking liars, and vain, which gives me some hope... but they might also have the idea that a bad job is what really needs to happen, so we can have a bit of a sort out of who exactly owns what in our 'society'.

Clue: the answer will not be 'you and me' - rather it'll be that we owe 'THEM' for being in control of the job market. Which they created right? I mean, they own these companies. Some will actually applaud this return to common sense and the warm feeling of knowing where you belong in a society cleary divided along class lines. Maybe there's one or two on this page who are already gearing up for that. But for the rest of us, everyone who prizes their identity as a free adult, a citizen entitled to equal treatment in the only way that matters - under the law -.... can we PLEASE..... godssakes, this time, try not to forget that none of these 'job creators' would have anything without the functional legal system, infrastructure, healthy, regulated markets, and educated / healthy population that EVERYONE who has lived and worked in this country for GENERATIONS has contributed their entire life towards. They have a fanatical adherance to the idea of a capital provider's role being taking the money where it 'works' the hardest. I'll leave you to judge how 'loyal' to this country that makes them. For the true entrepreneurial believers, the Union Jack is a badge, a logo they can use in advertising themselves and their products. It denotes the masses of social, intellectual, emotional, capital wealth held by the United Kingdom. They don't care about all the people who worked and died for thousands of years to amass that wealth. But they know YOU do. Don't let them exploit this shit any further. There's foul tasting and neccessary medicine, and there's simple opportunism that seeks to exploits our nature and cultural psychologies.

A toff telling us we have to use Imperial fucking measurements. How exactly is that an improvement on our nation succesfully making the transition to the universal, decimal language of S.I?

It isn't. It's someone offering you a farley's fucking rusk and some baby talk, make you a bit drowsy and dreamy so you don't throw a fit when they start to fail. The last thing they need is people remembering what it is to BE one of the people, an adult of intelligence and experience amongst other equals, someone with critical faculties, and the confidence to use them when passing judgement on an issue.
Don't have to look too far really - check out their coalition support for punitive public spending cuts under Clegg, their broken guarantee
on tuition fees, the Royal Mail privatisation led by Cable or the expenses scandal as just a few examples of their principled approach.
Also, if you're unlucky enough to have a Lib Dem controlled council you'll know exactly what an utterly corrupt party it is.

As a junior partner they were always going to have to make concessions, I don’t blame them too much for it and I’m of the opinion that we needed to sort out the deficit.
If they hadn't taken their chance in 2010 they would have been deemed to be perennial bottle-jobs. The numbers didn't add up for a coalition with Labour.

Yeah but once the tories started being real twatty they could have pulled out and caused another general election, at least show some respect for themselves and their ideals.
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As a Nation, we really ought to stop infantilising ourselves. We're playing into childish stereotyping and idealising the nonsense that lives in our collective memory, because it feels comforting. Trust me, this won't end well. Britain is pacifying it's inner toddler because a:politicians and others have been hard at work getting us in touch with the awfulness of life, the disconnect between our best feelings of being an adult and the lurking horrors of the lies and 'versions' of the truth we swallowed on the way to make it out into the world... and b: these disatisfactions became embodied in the actual effects that sustained austerity had on our quality of life, perception of society's effectiveness and thus our view of other people. They know what every other fucker who is unhappy enough to make this journey knows - your inner toddler is an unstable compound who doesn't need any more shaking, terrified and angry enough already at nothing more than the prospect of a world where it ceased to be the centre of everything.... a bomb of laughter, love and violence... it's not only been force-fed 'hard lessons' by a mother in a hair shirt that it originally thought was the greatest thing ever, but shaken, scared, by social dysfunction, and the increased levels of violence.

The other thing about baby-toddlers is how easily fucking pleased they are by 'silly daddy'. Boris in tennis shorts - Silly daddy. Donald Trump being an arse - silly daddy.

This seems to be how modern politics works - we invoke various psychological figures. The protestant, puritanical and uncharitable parent we saw gushing and relishing the puritanical self-denial of 'austerity'. Mother saying take your medicine! People might have accidentally found a foul after-taste, a sense that this was indeed the bleak, uncaring, defunct world that we were always a bit scared it might actually be.

Your post is intriguing and I like the psychoanalytical perspective.

Paul Verhaeghe is someone who has also written in a plausible and engaging fashion about the psychological effects of neoliberalism.

The Yale historian Timothy Snyder's latest book is also worth a look. Check out some of the reviews on Amazon.

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