Jadon Sancho

There is an element of truth in that, even ex pros like Merson spout absolute bollocks and in spite of playing the game at a professional level haven't got a clue most of the time. When Melissa Reddy is your chief reporter you know you've got problems.
Her voice is enough to make you turn over, let alone listen to what she says
The famous "rag bubble of delusion" :)

It's obvious Chief Ten Bags is after selling Sancho as they're skint and he want's more money to waste in January. (Why not throw one of your players under a bus)
Maybe hoping Saudi come knocking
Is their any ajax players or players that he has 'worked' with in the past left to buy?
I worked with the dad of a lad who was in our Academy at the same time as Sancho, I won’t name him, as he is still playing in the EFL now. Anyway, the dad would often go on about Sancho, how difficult he could be, turning up when he felt like it, arrogant attitude because he had been recruited from Watford, rather than coming through the junior teams and so on. It is telling that three clubs and a national side all now seem to have concluded he is not manageable. Dortmund did an incredible piece of business getting what they did for him. And we didn’t do badly either with the sell on. It was typically Utd who just had to pay the earth for him, despite the warning signs.
I find it crazy that the Glazers get all the blame, they've backed every manager (bar moyes strangley who was the next messiah at the start)with some mega signings and a spend of over 1bil! I know they take out shitloads and cold scaffold is falling apart, but I find it weird when most rags blame the owners for not backing managers when they bloody well do!! Tent peg has spent 330mil! And they look no better!! He'll be gone within 2 years and it's back to square one again.
Time someone had the balls too say that they've just recruited shite and have no plan or structure in their signings. Saying that.....say fuck all and let's keep laughing at them! :-)

Exactly. It’s not like a Mike Ashley situation where they’re not spending any dosh - they’ve forked out literally billions but just on absolute dross.
Spot on mate. The money has been there and they have been backed like you say. If they were winning shit you wouldn't hear a pip squeak, just like it calmed down a bit with Jose there.

There is always a blame game at that club, it's never ending.

I don't have much sympathy to be honest. At school/work/pubs we had these southern United fans who were obnoxious. They thought because they supported a club that won medals their opinion was superior and anyone else was irrelevant. Shitty comments about why do you support this club if they win nothing, what's the point etc.

Now they're in that situation and desperate to be relevant, Neville, Scholes, Butt, Keane all gazing into each other's eyes telling anecdotes of times gone by, desperate for it to come flooding back.

Ten Hag couldn't keep his trap shut, just like him with Ronaldo, who in turn spoke out. Now Sancho is speaking out. Instead of holding your hands up on the defeat you point to a prick who isn't playing.

Your average kid these days probably has very little idea who Keane, Scholes and ratboy are beyond being tv presenters and part time perverts.

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