Jadon Sancho

Southgate falling in line. He really is a pathetic individual.
The one thing that is common with managers, and I suppose the totality of humanity, is that they don't like anyone pissing inside the tent. Sancho left City because he thought he was better than anything currently being picked for the first team and slouched off to Dortmund, much to the delight of the rat pack within the RDAHMeedya, and whenever he touched the ball, assisted or even scored a goal they were cockahoop that we'd let one slip through the net. I saw him play quite a bit at The Academy and as a team member he contributed his share to the squad, but once he started coming Billy BigBalls it was time to fuck him off, and the City hierarchy did the right thing. The wheels are coming off and the Rags are also beginning to realise it. He can't deliver on a regular basis.
It's every newspaper not just the Mail. They all have to get online views and the only way to do that is to pander. To be fair it's what newspapers have always done. They pander to what sells most, but with football coverage it's certain things that get clicks and a lot of that has to do with which players/clubs have the biggest Instagram or Twitter followers. Whichever has most followers will be the one they put their online coverage to.
Another toxic briefing from Neil Ashton and the Rags' propaganda machine. No doubt Sancho has underperformed but does he deserve to be destroyed for attacking Tent Peg. This is the way United have always operated. The difference now is that most fans (including their own) are not fooled by it. The mainstream football media is totally out of touch with their customer base. It is easy and lazy to publish or broadcast a few anonymous toxic comments from the club instead of investigating the bigger story.
Another toxic briefing from Neil Ashton and the Rags' propaganda machine. No doubt Sancho has underperformed but does he deserve to be destroyed for attacking Tent Peg. This is the way United have always operated. The difference now is that most fans (including their own) are not fooled by it. The mainstream football media is totally out of touch with their customer base. It is easy and lazy to publish or broadcast a few anonymous toxic comments from the club instead of investigating the bigger story.
If they abandoned their hospitality packages for a couple of matches and went and stood on the terraces . . . . !
I worked with the dad of a lad who was in our Academy at the same time as Sancho, I won’t name him, as he is still playing in the EFL now. Anyway, the dad would often go on about Sancho, how difficult he could be, turning up when he felt like it, arrogant attitude because he had been recruited from Watford, rather than coming through the junior teams and so on. It is telling that three clubs and a national side all now seem to have concluded he is not manageable. Dortmund did an incredible piece of business getting what they did for him. And we didn’t do badly either with the sell on. It was typically Utd who just had to pay the earth for him, despite the warning signs.

Obviously do no research into the background of their signings , but would rather hype them up and brag about their abilities.

Totally unprofessional set-up.
I find it crazy that the Glazers get all the blame, they've backed every manager (bar moyes strangley who was the next messiah at the start)with some mega signings and a spend of over 1bil! I know they take out shitloads and cold scaffold is falling apart, but I find it weird when most rags blame the owners for not backing managers when they bloody well do!! Tent peg has spent 330mil! And they look no better!! He'll be gone within 2 years and it's back to square one again.
Time someone had the balls too say that they've just recruited shite and have no plan or structure in their signings. Saying that.....say fuck all and let's keep laughing at them! :-)
I read yesterday that 7 from their 10 most expensive signings are still in the squad today. An incredible stat IMO regardless of how you look at it. Either the manager has the resources and can't use them or massive amounts of money have been waisted on a poor recruitment policy. Or at best/ worse a bit of both.
Obviously do no research into the background of their signings , but would rather hype them up and brag about their abilities.
Actually they do. question 3 on the 4 question form says ' does he like to batter women around? '
It would appear that Jaydon slipped the net - atm.

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