James H Reeve

His verbal jousts with Roy West are hilarious.

Blimey. What have I got myself into?

Didsbury Dave: thanks for the offer. I'm trying to find out exactly. Pls bear with me.

There Is A Light: I'm not arguing with you on my own time.

Is podcasting something to do with growing your own veg? Sounds great. Can't wait for my podload to be downcast.

And yes, I do remember being tall with dark hair.

Please, no more posts that contain the words "years ago" or "when I was a kid".
Aha. It turns out that the Britannic Printing hoarding was on the wall above the tunnel between the Platt Lane and the Kippax. It was there in the 50s and early 60s. That's the best I can do.

Thanks for all efforts.
JamesH said:
My lifelong mate's parents have both died in the last 18 months or so. They were both in their 90s and season ticket holders for decades. For many years they had an advertisement for their stationery business on top of the Platt Lane; the firm was called Britannic Printing. I've been trying to find a photo of it, but no joy. Even Gary James couldn't come up with anything, although loads of people say they're sure they've seen a picture somewhere. If one exists I'd love to have a copy to give to my mate in their memory. If anyone can give me a clue it would be greatly appreciated.

James H - I keep looking. I've found images showing Covonia, DER, Tetleys (Bittermen - not Bitter Blues), Lookers, Trumanns (for steel of course), but not this one yet. I'm sure one will turn up though.

A point on James... His Piccadilly sports prog is sadly missed today. He was the first radio broadcaster ever to show interest in my writing and his support really did help enormously. I always try to acknowledge him in my books and I'd love to hear him back on local sports radio.
By far the wittiest, smartest and funniest presenter I've ever heard. If radio has no room for a man of such talent, the fault lies with radio.
James the mid-Sussex mob will never forget your trip down with Tommy Booth - it was an absolute scream.

Thank you.
JamesH said:
Aha. It turns out that the Britannic Printing hoarding was on the wall above the tunnel between the Platt Lane and the Kippax. It was there in the 50s and early 60s. That's the best I can do.

Thanks for all efforts.

Ironically, Piccadilly Radio occupied that ad spot by the late 70s!
Is this the real JamesH or a WUM?

If real, great to here from a true legend of Radio!

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