Jamie Redknapp: "I don't want to sound like a party pooper"

I remember he done a question and answer thing on sky. I sent him a question asking him. Jamie whats it like being the worst analyst on the Sky Sports panel. He never answered the bastard lol.
leighton said:
I remember he done a question and answer thing on sky. I sent him a question asking him. Jamie whats it like being the worst analyst on the Sky Sports panel. He never answered the bastard lol.[/quo

And how exactly do you know he is the worst anal-ist! lol.
At Anfield in the cup we absolutely ripped Jamie Redknapp to shreds. At one point in the game we were singing about him or his Dad for about ten minutes non-stop and pointing up at him. He definitely heard us and stood looking right at us for a while. Whoever was in there with him was laughing.

We absolutely ripped him!

No wonder he hates us.
Re: Jamie Redknapp " i dont want to sound like a part pooper "

daveduke67 said:
I like City haters being pundits - seeing them squirm and having to bite their tongue is far more entertaining than someone piling on the compliments :-D
Completely agree with you. I'd hate it to see people blowing smoke up our arse and not meaning it, it would be false as fuck and shit television (Gary Neville does mean it and is a realistic man - if you told me two years ago that I'd be saying that I would have laughed for a week!).

I love being hated, I love watching people who hate us have disappointment all over their face when we succeed. Long may it continue, and fuck you all if you're not with us, hahaha....

Re: Jamie Redknapp " i dont want to sound like a part pooper "

ForzaMancini said:
Eccles Blue said:
I didn't like the way he was with Patrick Vierra either, he was so disdainful and patronising (or trying to be patronising) with him and about the French.

Think you are on about Carragher, not Redknapp, in which case I agree I thought Carragher came accross as though he was trying to wind Vieira up and provoke him into saying something bad about England or just cause an argument. Luckily Patrick has class and took no notice of the cretinous scouser. Carragher is probably jealous Vieira has more medals and that he speaks better English than him.

what a load of bollocks carragher was asking decent questions which adrian childs didnt have the nuts or brain to ask
barcadelight said:
Went past as I was basking outside the stadium in a we are champions haze. Let him know what I thought of his pundit judgements as he sprinted to his car. What a waste of space! Like father like son.

Good lad !!
It's hilarious how Neville has been fast tracked over the apologetic wanker

He must be seething.
Whatever we think of Gary Neville, at least he gives an honest insight into a game of football that he has just watched..Regardless of the result..

This tosser just makes it personal...

I remember after the 1-6 game, the camera went back to the studio after the game and Redknapp looked totally gutted that City had won..

I remember thinking at the time that i had never seen such a giveaway expression from a pundit before..

What is his problem ?
bellamys dodgy knee said:
I have been watching the game again and i cannot believe what this guy says..

" i dont want to sound like a party pooper but Man City have had some big things gone there way this season"

I dont know why, but i get the impression he does not like City..

what a tosser..

You've only got an impression? I am rock solid totally convinced of two things. St Jamie of Redknapp is a tosser and he has a downer on MCFC.

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