Januzaj mania? What the....

No mystery surrounding the over-the-top wankfest surrounding this lad really - just a fine example of the Rag PR machine in overdrive!

The rags were outplayed for large parts of the game by the league's poorest team, they could and should have conceeded 3 easily in that first half. Again Vidic was shown to be way off the pace, as well as pretty much every other Rag player out there - including Januzaj, the only one earning his money was De Gay who kept them in it.
Januzaj played ok, nothing more, but scored two...

...so do the papers report on how the rags were lucky to scrape a win, and played shite? OR do they completely ignore all that and spunk themselves silly over some Belgian kid?

Basic rule of being a magician really - distraction. Force everyone to look at what you want them to see. And it appears to have worked like a charm, took pressure off Gollum that's for sure.
I just find it all a bit bewildering really.
Symptomatic of today's society though, unfortunately.
I really feel sorry for this kid.

I hope he has a long and distinguished career after all this pressure that's been placed on him, hopefully it will not be at United.
ifiwasarichfan said:
I really feel sorry for this kid.

I hope he has a long and distinguished career after all this pressure that's been placed on him, hopefully it will not be at United.

I don't feel sorry for him. Disreguarding his scummy club, he's a young lad who is earning thousands a week and will most likely be a millionaire before he's 20. Big breasted, brain dead bimbos will fall at his feet every time he walks into a club. Men will buy him drinks every time he walks into a pub. He'l be driving a Ferrari before he learns how to spell it.
What exactly is there to feel sorry for ?
dario2739 said:
it appears to have worked like a charm, took pressure off Gollum that's for sure.
Not all bad then!
#MoyesIn<br /><br />-- Fri Oct 11, 2013 7:02 am --<br /><br />
Benarbia_is_god said:
Already hate him and he's only been around a few minutes. Just got one of those faces you want to smack.
Facially reminds me of a young Lineker.
Smackable indeed.
Blue Mist said:
6 Pages and nobody mentions he is a diving Rag cheat. Mind you the media haven't mentioned it yet either.

Stats for him.
Played: 1
Booked (for simulation aka diving to cheat the other team by winning a penalty) 1
Scored 2


Some rag was banging on about him on Sunday. My 14-year old son just went, "yeah, fantastic debut, slotted into the team straight away ... getting booked for diving in the first half". Rag got a bit tetchy after that!
stony said:
ifiwasarichfan said:
I really feel sorry for this kid.

I hope he has a long and distinguished career after all this pressure that's been placed on him, hopefully it will not be at United.

I don't feel sorry for him. Disreguarding his scummy club, he's a young lad who is earning thousands a week and will most likely be a millionaire before he's 20. Big breasted, brain dead bimbos will fall at his feet every time he walks into a club. Men will buy him drinks every time he walks into a pub. He'l be driving a Ferrari before he learns how to spell it.
What exactly is there to feel sorry for ?
Someone's bitter :D
His contract is up in the summer

Barca have wanted him for 2 years
City have reportedly told him they'll quadruple his wages

It's just the scum trying to tie him down.

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