Jay Slater (missing kid in Tenerife)

It was on the news she's requested to withdraw some/all of the funds
Won’t lie, I’m not sure how those gofundme things work but I’d be surprised due to the inconsistencies if she has been allowed the lot in one go.
Interesting development if true.
Won’t lie, I’m not sure how those gofundme things work but I’d be surprised due to the inconsistencies if she has been allowed the lot in one go.
Interesting development if true.
Not sure on Go Fund Me, i think if no one reports it or has any issues they will pay out but my guess is they will have some sort of process if there's dodgy stuff going on. Which there is here.
Been reluctant in contributing to the thread as its hard to fathom what the fuck has actually happened. But that message from the gofundme beneficiary screams 'We've invited most of Osaldtwistle over but they're missing the other half of the town. So we're flying them all out too so they can enjoy the accommodation and food you've coughed up for with your hard earned whilst they search for the lad who came over to peddle drugs for an organised crime outfit. Thanks for paying for everyone's holiday. PS: The weather is gorgeous!!!!'.
Been reluctant in contributing to the thread as its hard to fathom what the fuck has actually happened. But that message from the gofundme beneficiary screams 'We've invited most of Osaldtwistle over but they're missing the other half of the town. So we're flying them all out too so they can enjoy the accommodation and food you've coughed up for with your hard earned whilst they search for the lad who came over to peddle drugs for an organised crime outfit. Thanks for paying for everyone's holiday. PS: The weather is gorgeous!!!!'.
I'm out in tenrrife in early October , is it too early to start a go fund me page. To aid the search I promise not to wander off any mountains such as Teide or Masca and will not converse with any shady Morrocans by Veronica's

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