So the papers get released today. Sadly any dodgy stuff if there was any dodgy stuff will be redacted to kingdom come most likely.

A conspiracy within the conspiracy, i like it...

It will read something like: bush speaks with gambino, gambino hires ruby, who in turn hires Oswald... I used to be infatuated with this story, rather than Dr Zeus my mam read us tales of her JFK theories (true story).

The only time I'll get excited is if the Oswald interrogation is revealed, it holds the untilmate missing link... don't hold your breath!
A conspiracy within the conspiracy, i like it...

It will read something like: bush speaks with gambino, gambino hires ruby, who in turn hires Oswald... I used to be infatuated with this story, rather than Dr Zeus my mam read us tales of her JFK theories (true story).

The only time I'll get excited is if the Oswald interrogation is revealed, it holds the untilmate missing link... don't hold your breath!

You are depressingly on the money i reckon. Like when the cia files were unlocked earlier in the year. You know from the second it was announced they had a team going 24/7 going over everything double and triple to redact anything. That said i have not fully dug in myself and cross referenced bits and bobs but i will do one day as this does interest me.
Some of the files were literally a full page of blanked out writing or the word "the" was left on hahaha.

I wish his name was not Oswald, i keep thinking of Danny De Vito in a sewer, Penguin kills president? hehehe
The manner in which his brother died, and the fact that other heads of state were also assassinated during that period, (Olaf Palme, and Aldo Moro) does make me believe that there is way more to it.
Didn't a bunch of witnesses (to the shooter behind the fence) disappear conveniently before they were about to testify for the Warren commission?

Not having read everything there is to read on this case, but I find it very hard to believe Oswald was the shooter. He was blatantly set up though, and he knew it.
Wow, I want to read about him now. Thanks for educating me. I never new.

I was very young when Kennedy was assassinated but I can still remember the day very very clearly.... sat on the floor in our living room with the telly on ....Telly kept going off to a blank screen and just looping around the event....nothing else on the channel. My dad was very sombre just sat there watching the same news..... he always said after that we would be living in a different world had JFK not been killed.

i can remember the Cuban Missile crisis as well..
A conspiracy within the conspiracy, i like it...

It will read something like: bush speaks with gambino, gambino hires ruby, who in turn hires Oswald... I used to be infatuated with this story, rather than Dr Zeus my mam read us tales of her JFK theories (true story).

The only time I'll get excited is if the Oswald interrogation is revealed, it holds the untilmate missing link... don't hold your breath!
It has been. In fact is has never been anything other than revealed
It has been. In fact is has never been anything other than revealed

What has??? Give over if you think the warren commission was credible

The almanac complied by Mae Brussell exposed the holes throughout the documents..

Oswald maintained that he was a patsy. A fall guy throughout, however, he spent 2 days in a Dallas police station and yet no official documentation or recordings were taken? Yeah right!!!
What has??? Give over if you think the warren commission was credible

The almanac complied by Mae Brussell exposed the holes throughout the documents..

Oswald maintained that he was a patsy. A fall guy throughout, however, he spent 2 days in a Dallas police station and yet no official documentation or recordings were taken? Yeah right!!!
Well that is right, yeah. In fact, the Dallas police dept did not even own a tape recorder.
Texas had state law that used Miranda before the Supreme Court later brought it into the rest of the country. Oral statements were not recorded in the early 60s because they were not seen as being of any value as a result of this; suspects had to be informed that they did not have to give any statement or answer any questions, if they did it was all voluntary, had to be witnessed and written up, (not tape recorded) and signed by the suspect as correct and accurate and again witnessed. Of course none of them ever did this really and so the practice rarely occurred. Given the sheer amount of physical evidence they had against Oswald, the questions were just for info gathering purposes.
Also, he never said he was a patsy when he was being questioned, not once. He said this only once to the press. All he did in his interviews was lie about things that were already known to be lies and were established facts (lied about his movements, purchase of the rifle, use of alias, everything really).

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