Well that is right, yeah. In fact, the Dallas police dept did not even own a tape recorder.
Texas had state law that used Miranda before the Supreme Court later brought it into the rest of the country. Oral statements were not recorded in the early 60s because they were not seen as being of any value as a result of this; suspects had to be informed that they did not have to give any statement or answer any questions, if they did it was all voluntary, had to be witnessed and written up, (not tape recorded) and signed by the suspect as correct and accurate and again witnessed. Of course none of them ever did this really and so the practice rarely occurred. Given the sheer amount of physical evidence they had against Oswald, the questions were just for info gathering purposes.
Also, he never said he was a patsy when he was being questioned, not once. He said this only once to the press. All he did in his interviews was lie about things that were already known to be lies and were established facts (lied about his movements, purchase of the rifle, use of alias, everything really).

Sorry mate, and I'm not being patronising but a great deal of your info is false.... J W fritz was deposed in the 80s, he led the interrogation and swore under testimony, having been instructed by the FBI to request a recorder due to the high ranking of the case, it wasn't a state issue it became a federal crime the moment he was shot, the same laws don't apply.. fritz also swore under testimony, that his notes were made 2 days after the interrogation, which is preposterous, but also pretty much taking the 5th when asked if Oswald was questioned by anybody else..... it's not even a stretch when contemplating others interrogated him, that's what I was alluding too..

Oswald 100% did the crime, that I've never doubted, it's the puppeteers that have intrigued generations!!!
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Oswald knew he was a patsy.Thats why he said it. If he had been a lone assassin he would have been eager to take the plaudits.
I went to the site of the shooting last November including the book depository building - amazing and fascinating afternoon.
Looking from the window (well, actually the floor above where the shooting took place) and looking at the gun itself, I can't see him being successful twice with a moving target in quick successive shots.

Funniest and bizarrist sight of the day was when sitting on the grassy knoll and all of a sudden a black open top limo drives by slowly, in the centre lane.... two people in the back waving..... I look at a couple sat near to me and we just look at each other open jawed in amusement / amazement.... I go over to one of the many tour guides nearby and ask if I have just seen an illusion.... he laughs and says there is a bloke who owns the limo (the driver) and tourists hire him and the car and he drives the exact route at the exact speed that JFK was taken on that fateful day. Brilliant and crass at the same time!

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