Jim Davidson

What I dislike about all this, is the attempt to wipeout the past when little Britain and come fly with me were removed I was pissed off because like it or not it’s part of history In tv. If we take everything off that people dislike in the future we are going down a dark route for me. You can’t rewrite it, if you don’t like it dont watch it, there is an off button, they don’t show Alf Garnett anymore yet that show was showing the white man to be a racist ranting loon, we were laughing at him not with him, yet the snowflakes just jump on board and say it’s racist, no it’s not it’s taking the piss out of a bigot. The same with Love thy Neighbour it was laughing at the white man, the language he used was terrible but it was a reflection of times, if we don’t show it up for what it was how do you learn from it?
JD and others of his time reflected those times, are his views offensive to some yes to some no, but if you dont like don’t watch him, do you think people are going to rise up because of what he says I very much doubt it. I’m sick to death of people telling what I can and can’t say or watch, if they want to re run all this type of comedy, there are enough channels to do it just don’t watch it.
Oh and Bernard Manning was a brilliant comedian it’s amazing how everyone concentrates on his racist jokes when they were just part of a bigger show, again he took this piss out of everyone, if he concentrated just on one part of society I’d get it but he was a piss taker of all of them. We are taking about a comedian from the 70s nearly 50 years ago, I guarantee in 50 years theyll not be talking about one single of the modern day comedians as they are shit, forgettable and interchangeable.
My mate ran a comedy night at a pub in central Stockport. Can't remember the venue but Daryl Fitton & Tony O Shea played darts for them in the Stockport league. Anyway they'd made a few quid every month on the comedy night so the crowd were asked, if money was no object who would they want for an anniversary special. Despite it being a successful alternative comedy night, they voted overwhelmingly for Bernard Manning. We contacted Bernard Jnr and were told 40 min act, £2000 cheque or £1000 cash on the night. It was near the end of his life and it took him 10 minutes to reach the stage. Once comfortable he took the mic and did 20 minutes of non racist up to the date topical jokes that were bang on the money and he was sharp as a tack.
The second 20 minutes were the most racist and offensive material you will ever hear and the crowd were literally dancing on the tables. I always wondered if he did the offensive stuff to give people what they want. I'm not apologising for him but he was very capable of doing topical, relevant material which was not offensive
Let's cut to the chase.

You either find racist jokes and the stereotyping of minorities offensive and hope it's confined to the past or

you don't and wish it was like it used to be when you were younger when you could be racist and stereotype minorities because you find it funny.
Or you could not do either of those things and make your own mind up instead.
I think the Bernard Manning vs Jim Davidson thing basically comes down to the fact that Manning was a good comedian, whereas Jim Davidson was a bit crap by comparison. Kinda like how we'll still listen to Michael Jackson, but Gary Glitter's stuff never gets played.
Jim Davidson is the unfunniest man on the comedy circuit - peddling outdated material based on a number of racist sets from the 70's - he is the epitome of a burning man and me with a full bladder crossing the road rather than getting involved
I'll raise you Lenny Henry. He's a comedian isn't he? I don't find him funny one bit.

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