
Ghost in my house said:
Darker shade of Blue said:
Hi guys .
I'm an Everton fan obviously . Have read a lot of comments about the Jo saga and have to agree that he hasn't been given too much of a chance in the prem with City .
It will be a good opportunity for him , and indeed both our teams , to have him play week in week out and see how he shapes up .
I had a little smile to myself though when it was mentioned that we are your nearest rivals etc .
As I see it , your opportunity with Sven was a wasted one , and had he been given the same funding as Hughes , who knows where you would be today , or infact in the future .
Much more experienced and productive manager than Hughes in my opinion .
At this moment in time though , I think your nearest rivals are around and below you , and you main concern this season should be to stay up and get your players working together . It will be a season or 2 yet before you can call Everton your main rivals I think , as at the moment , and I say this respectfully , you're really not in the same ball park as us as a team yet .
For all your money , you'll need to find the same spirit as Everton have first and foremost to be able to challenge for Europe , and especially if you want to challenge for the title .
We don't have the funding or squad size to make a huge impact at the moment , but imagine what we could do under Moyes with a few quid .

I don't know if there is an opportunity to buy Jo in the summer under what ever contract was drawn up , but I hope he does well , and I think if Hughes didn't have him in mind for this season , then it was an excellent bit of business for you guys to have him with us .

I'm sure you guys will agree that if anyone can make him work harder , it will be Moyes , so it should be interesting to see how he develops .

Good luck for the rest of the season .

I don't look at City in the same light as I used to now they have cash , but the fans have always been decent fans .
Firstly, welcome mate.
Loaning Jo out to yourselves is perfect for all parties and I, for one, don't subscribe to this train of thought that we are strengthening a rival.

We have a £19m asset who will only decline in quality (and value) if he had remained with us. The club have a duty of care to their players, whether fans like it or not, and this deal can only help the lad, I'm sure.

As for strengthening another team.......we have a more pressing need to get our own house in order and the Jo loan is a step in the right direction.

Regarding your "nearest rivals" comment, the table doesn't lie however, I'd like to draw inspiration from Big Mal and say that eventhough Moyes has had 7 years head-start on Hughes, we'll pass you by next year! ;-)

Good luck to your boys too.

Thanks for the warm welcome m8 .
I'm a ToffeeTalk Blue , and everyone gets a warm welcome there , regardless of team :o)

Yep , the tables a pretty good judge .
Regarding the gap , it's also important to remember that in recent weeks , we've also played Chelsea , Liverpool ( 3rd time tonight ) , Arsenal and United , as well as Hull who were playing well at the time of the match , all without strikers :o)

I think the gap might have been quite a bit more had we not just faced those teams .
Darker shade of Blue said:
Slight change of topic , but how are you guys feeling about all this money ...?

Well its a burden no question but I think we will man up and struggle on with the tricky business of spending the odd billion on the world's best players...

...I won't lie to you though its keeping me awake at nights with the worry
BobKowalski said:
Darker shade of Blue said:
Slight change of topic , but how are you guys feeling about all this money ...?

Well its a burden no question but I think we will man up and struggle on with the tricky business of spending the odd billion on the world's best players...

...I won't lie to you though its keeping me awake at nights with the worry

Seriously though Bob , don't you ever think it's not City anymore , or soon won't be ?

New ground , new owners , new manager , and new team , that soon will unlikely not have any familiar faces left in it from before hand ?
Can you really have the same passion about it all ? Surely it's not just about winning a title by buying it ?
Hi all! Another Evertonian here.

Firstly I don't like to see both sets taking bits out of each other on here. I've got a lot of respect for City. We're both very good sides on our day who can beat anybody but no matter how hard we try we're always overshadowed by the other lot. Your are obviously one of our main rivals but you have and are suffering so much instability at your club, which we obviously have had in the past.

Looking at us in paticular, you got to give us some credit. With Moyes working on a shoestring do you really expect us to be playing samba flowing football? No. We play the way that suits our team and more often thatn not it gets results. In the past 3 seasons we have become MUCH easier on the eye. Arteta, Pienaar and Osman are really tidy players which have some skill in the locker and have all been a snip each time. I can't understand why some on here say we are and always will be shite. Not really fair that in my opinion. 4th, 11th, 6th, 5th and looking good again has been a decent record over the past few seasons which can't be earned playing shit football every week.

City wise, I feel you've got most of the players. Defence is solid, good midfield and an ok strike force. You're mkissing a bit of that cohesion and spirit within your team I think which is so important when things go ugly and even more important if things go wrong upstairs. I wish you all the best anyway and will be ecstatic if you finish a plce behind us this season!

Now then - JO!!

I must say I'm happy. He's got everything to prove in this league and we've got a brilliant deal in where we have 6 months no risk deal. There were grumblings that we did have an option to buy and if that is the case it would be an even better deal. If truth be told, with our striking crisis at the moment I would of taken any striker just to put on the bench but I hope this could prove more. Its important to remember that the boy is still only 21! Just cross fingers that Moyes does his magic!!

Anyway thanks for reading lads and best of luck this season except at Goodison

p.s. we've got a topic on on Jo chants. Any to share or was he even to shite for that? haha.
toffeefan said:
p.s. we've got a topic on on Jo chants. Any to share or was he even to shite for that? haha.


I jest of course. ;)
Darker shade of Blue said:
BobKowalski said:
Darker shade of Blue said:
Seriously though Bob , don't you ever think it's not City anymore , or soon won't be ?

New ground , new owners , new manager , and new team , that soon will unlikely not have any familiar faces left in it from before hand ?

This is how City have always been! An unrecognisible MCFC would be one with consistancy, stability and without a revolving door on the dressing room.
Surely, you don't want me to comment about having a new stadium compared to a run down, delapidated fire hazard?! And I hope you are intelligent enough to see that, so far, we are far from a rich man's you think such a man would've sanctioned the players that we purchased in Jan?
toffeefan said:
Hi all! Another Evertonian here.

Firstly I don't like to see both sets taking bits out of each other on here. I've got a lot of respect for City. We're both very good sides on our day who can beat anybody but no matter how hard we try we're always overshadowed by the other lot. Your are obviously one of our main rivals but you have and are suffering so much instability at your club, which we obviously have had in the past.

Looking at us in paticular, you got to give us some credit. With Moyes working on a shoestring do you really expect us to be playing samba flowing football? No. We play the way that suits our team and more often thatn not it gets results. In the past 3 seasons we have become MUCH easier on the eye. Arteta, Pienaar and Osman are really tidy players which have some skill in the locker and have all been a snip each time. I can't understand why some on here say we are and always will be shite. Not really fair that in my opinion. 4th, 11th, 6th, 5th and looking good again has been a decent record over the past few seasons which can't be earned playing shit football every week.

City wise, I feel you've got most of the players. Defence is solid, good midfield and an ok strike force. You're mkissing a bit of that cohesion and spirit within your team I think which is so important when things go ugly and even more important if things go wrong upstairs. I wish you all the best anyway and will be ecstatic if you finish a plce behind us this season!

Now then - JO!!

I must say I'm happy. He's got everything to prove in this league and we've got a brilliant deal in where we have 6 months no risk deal. There were grumblings that we did have an option to buy and if that is the case it would be an even better deal. If truth be told, with our striking crisis at the moment I would of taken any striker just to put on the bench but I hope this could prove more. Its important to remember that the boy is still only 21! Just cross fingers that Moyes does his magic!!

Anyway thanks for reading lads and best of luck this season except at Goodison

p.s. we've got a topic on on Jo chants. Any to share or was he even to shite for that? haha.

There was "feed the jo and he will score"

but obviously this is from the shaun goater chant so pointless u lot singing it .. guess ul have to get creative.

Jo should be a good addition to your squad im very unhappy that we have not give the lad a chance as every1 can see he has talent. Hopefully you can give him first team football and we can reap the benifits next season.

I would also like to point out that yes everton maybe above us in the league but city outclass everton in open play in the middle of the park every day of the week. We have just had a piss poor back line for the first half of the season letting in stupid goals... ala you lot scoring in the 90th at eastlands, This problem now seems to be kinda sorted.
i personnally think jo will do all right at goodison, at the end of the day you dont get in the brazil squad for being shite, i think he's a young kid whos been stuck up front on his own when he got a chance. i hope everton play him regular and he gets some belief back then hopefully comes back to us a better player for it
Pollerz said:
toffeefan said:
Hi all! Another Evertonian here.

Firstly I don't like to see both sets taking bits out of each other on here. I've got a lot of respect for City. We're both very good sides on our day who can beat anybody but no matter how hard we try we're always overshadowed by the other lot. Your are obviously one of our main rivals but you have and are suffering so much instability at your club, which we obviously have had in the past.

Looking at us in paticular, you got to give us some credit. With Moyes working on a shoestring do you really expect us to be playing samba flowing football? No. We play the way that suits our team and more often thatn not it gets results. In the past 3 seasons we have become MUCH easier on the eye. Arteta, Pienaar and Osman are really tidy players which have some skill in the locker and have all been a snip each time. I can't understand why some on here say we are and always will be shite. Not really fair that in my opinion. 4th, 11th, 6th, 5th and looking good again has been a decent record over the past few seasons which can't be earned playing shit football every week.

City wise, I feel you've got most of the players. Defence is solid, good midfield and an ok strike force. You're mkissing a bit of that cohesion and spirit within your team I think which is so important when things go ugly and even more important if things go wrong upstairs. I wish you all the best anyway and will be ecstatic if you finish a plce behind us this season!

Now then - JO!!

I must say I'm happy. He's got everything to prove in this league and we've got a brilliant deal in where we have 6 months no risk deal. There were grumblings that we did have an option to buy and if that is the case it would be an even better deal. If truth be told, with our striking crisis at the moment I would of taken any striker just to put on the bench but I hope this could prove more. Its important to remember that the boy is still only 21! Just cross fingers that Moyes does his magic!!

Anyway thanks for reading lads and best of luck this season except at Goodison

p.s. we've got a topic on on Jo chants. Any to share or was he even to shite for that? haha.

There was "feed the jo and he will score"

but obviously this is from the shaun goater chant so pointless u lot singing it .. guess ul have to get creative.

Jo should be a good addition to your squad im very unhappy that we have not give the lad a chance as every1 can see he has talent. Hopefully you can give him first team football and we can reap the benifits next season.

I would also like to point out that yes everton maybe above us in the league but city outclass everton in open play in the middle of the park every day of the week. We have just had a piss poor back line for the first half of the season letting in stupid goals... ala you lot scoring in the 90th at eastlands, This problem now seems to be kinda sorted.

If your counterpart agree it may of been helped by a certain £32 million master lol
Darker shade of Blue said:
BobKowalski said:
Darker shade of Blue said:
Slight change of topic , but how are you guys feeling about all this money ...?

Well its a burden no question but I think we will man up and struggle on with the tricky business of spending the odd billion on the world's best players...

...I won't lie to you though its keeping me awake at nights with the worry

Seriously though Bob , don't you ever think it's not City anymore , or soon won't be ?

New ground , new owners , new manager , and new team , that soon will unlikely not have any familiar faces left in it from before hand ?

Seriously I have had 39 years of living off zilch - in fact its less than zilch. So yes I welcome the opportunity to have some of the world's top players playing for the club and managed by someone like Mourinho and actually winning something - no not just something but the top prizes like the CL

And yes there is a small part of me that loves the 'old City' with its quirky charm and unerring ability to do the right thing at the wrong time and do the wrong thing at the right time and yes if we do become successful I will miss that but...

...we are still the 'old City', have yet to win anything and I would not be in the least surprised if we still cocked this up big time and in ways that will have the rest of football scratching their heads in amazement.

And of that happens the wife will say that its for the best and that deep down I really prefer it this way and it just wouldn't be City if we didn't cock it up and you have admire them for it really and the annoying thing is she will be a little bit right as well.

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