Joanna Yeates - Student murdered

softlad said:

You're right in that its irrefutable evidence that they stabbed the lads, assuming that DNA etc was linked to the perpetrators, but what we dont know and are uncertain of is the facts of the case.

I understand it doesnt sound great, but there are so many factors that could have caused this or been responsible (drink, drugs etc). It doesnt by any standards mean it is acceptable.....

Out of interest was that doc a Panorama one, or can you remember the name. I always try and watch stuff like that for this very reason so may try and download/stream it....

Turning to your point about your ex-colleague, of course its factually correct to say that he wouldnt have re-offended if dead, but it doesnt mean that this type of crime would not have occured and certainly wouldnt have acted as a deterrent for others.

As I have said, I agree that the penal system at the moment doesnt work or function as it should (IMHO) but it doesnt mean that it becomes acceptable to execute someone, does it?

Part of what I do involves dealing with Prisoners on a day in day out basis, and I have been into prisons (as a visitor I may add!) and they arent holiday camps, but prisoners are certainly given too much slack.

Take a look at the countries that still use capital punishment, how many of them would you seriously consider living in? Honest answer please......

To start off with i dont want to leave the UK im happy here no matter how much a shit hole its turning into. Anyway going of this wiki link below i'd happilly live in these countries that have the death penalty.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... _by_nation</a>

Africa = No where

Asia = India Maybe if i had money, Israil, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan Maybe.

Europe = Hardly anyone has the death penalty so i'll skip them.

North America = Bahamas, Barbados, Belize Maybe, Bermuda, Jamacia Maybe, USA

Oceana = No where

South America = No where

lol if im honest though im not built for warm weather so everywhere is off the list really.
for those who say prison isn't a holiday camp i suggest you speak to a prison officer first.

Prisoners seem to have more rights than them these days.

Did you know that 1 of their key rights is not to reveal they have HIV/AIDS if they don't want to?
Which means if you are said prison officer who finds a prisoner who has slit their wrists or neck and you try to save them you could be unwittingly infecting yourself with AIDS.
The guy needs to go through the legal system. Internet testosterone syndrome on overload in this thread. If anyone wants to summarily apply physical immediate justice(?) on the basis of police accusation (however damaging), then ask yourself what would you want to do if one of your own kids was accused of something heinous by the police. Same rules apply i take it? No need for legal process, move directly to throat slitting I presume? Didn't think so.

It's ok to want the harshest punishment, which to some would also be the most 'just' punishment - but lets not confuse that with removing a citizens right to trial by a jury of their peers in ALL cases. Let the debate rightly be what rights, if any, the guilty then recieve. I'd plump for no rights and capital punishment, deferred for 25 years for the fuckers to think about it, in isolation where possible. That should give enough time for appeal process and injustice to reveal itself. Then we can do the needful whatever that is.
Nobody ever returned for another do with the birch.....

Nonces i can assure you are not shrinking violets in nick, the gaffs full of 'em and in numbers they're willing to have a do. They'll shout to you reminding you what your in for...presumably working on the theory that noncin is higher up the chain of command (i kid you not).

With regards to violence breeding violence....the Japs were very lively pre copping a nuke on the Swede.

The poor girls parents are now odds on to split-up.
Haven't the police tortured a confession out of that weirdo landlord yet,prior to stringing him from the Clifton suspension bridge by his gonads?
The way things are going,this man may well end up getting a fair trial in a court of law,in front of a judge and jury.
What on earth happened to mindless mob rule,and the rule of 'innocent until proven that you look a bit odd?'
I suppose the only good thing to come out of this tragedy is that the Daily Mail have finally found one student they actually give a fuck about,though if it transpires that she supported the tuition fee protests,they will probably say that it was her own fault.
I think nijinsky's fetlocks is on a wind up. A plant by the BNP to make liberals look a bit stupid. The initials are NF, and judging by the content of some of his bile, I think it's a pretty good bet.

Let me ask you a serious question NF. If he IS convicted after a fair trial, (because we know that fair trials deliver justice - just ask OJ) what sentence would you advocate? 20 yrs but out in 10 on good behaviour? What if it was YOUR daughter? 30 yrs?
Johnsonontheleft said:
I think nijinsky's fetlocks is on a wind up. A plant by the BNP to make liberals look a bit stupid. The initials are NF, and judging by the content of some of his bile, I think it's a pretty good bet.

Let me ask you a serious question NF. If he IS convicted after a fair trial, (because we know that fair trials deliver justice - just ask OJ) what sentence would you advocate? 20 yrs but out in 10 on good behaviour? What if it was YOUR daughter? 30 yrs?

Oh fuck me - Bluemoon's leading intellectual has rumbled me.
A poster who wins most forumites 'most stupid' award unchallenged.
'The initials are NF' - yep,I knew that sooner or later some braniac would crack the enigma code.
Let me answer your 'serious question',and then hopefully you will fuck off and mither somebody else,as my main New Years resolution is not to debate with the hard-of-thinking in 2011.
First - the current legal system we have may well have it's shortcomings,but I consider it to be infinitely preferable to a bunch of monosyllabic chavs with a length of rope dispensing lynch mob justice,which is the alternative suggested by some loons on here.
Second - OJ was let off,(and then convicted),by the American judiciary,so what the fuck bearing that has on the Yeates case,only you and your head full of magic knows.
Thirdly - I am not a member of the legal profession,and neither are you,(thank fuck),so I leave the advocacy and sentencing to those who know more about it than I do.
As you do,in a civilized society.
Now I suggest you continue your amateur sleuthing and try to unveil some more BNP activists,because I can't be arsed responding to your drivel any more.
Bugs Bunny said:
Capital punishment is proven to be of no deterrent.

Is prison a deterrent? What about community service or an ASBO?

There is NO deterrent for somebody capable of commiting murder.

Capital "punishment" is exactly that, the ultimate punishment for the ultimate crime that ensures zero re-offending. Unfortunately we cant prove guilt reliably enough so prison is the only alternative.

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