Joanna Yeates - Student murdered

tweetstreet said:
JoeMercer'sWay said:
Then I would ask the family of the criminal if they'd like to do the same to you, etc. etc. etc.

I will never advocate it, all I would do is have special solitary confinement prisons which are literally a hell hole for these people to live in, let them suffer properly, killing them a) makes you no better than them and is murder b) doesn't give your dead loved one any solace or comfort because it's too late and they wouldn't advocate you to do that most likely, because most people don't advocate cold blooded revenge killings c) it gives the criminal an easy way out, and if they're that mental to do such things then they won't really give a shit anyway.

I'll sort of agree with you there stick them in a prison where it's actually a punishment (think of the film Pappilon) and your about right. These days the punishment does not fit the crime though.

Why should the likes of Huntley have anything more than a bed and a chair in their room? TV's and PS2's are not a human right.

And they will be able to vote at the next general election!
tweetstreet said:
JoeMercer'sWay said:
Then I would ask the family of the criminal if they'd like to do the same to you, etc. etc. etc.

I will never advocate it, all I would do is have special solitary confinement prisons which are literally a hell hole for these people to live in, let them suffer properly, killing them a) makes you no better than them and is murder b) doesn't give your dead loved one any solace or comfort because it's too late and they wouldn't advocate you to do that most likely, because most people don't advocate cold blooded revenge killings c) it gives the criminal an easy way out, and if they're that mental to do such things then they won't really give a shit anyway.

I'll sort of agree with you there stick them in a prison where it's actually a punishment (think of the film Pappilon) and your about right. These days the punishment does not fit the crime though.

Why should the likes of Huntley have anything more than a bed and a chair in their room? TV's and PS2's are not a human right.

No bed or chair for me. concrete floor, damp preferablly.

Imagine waking up to him cleaning your windows of a morning.
softlad said:
There isnt, and never will be such a thing as irefutable evidence.... therein lies your problem.

I watched a documentry last year on the BBC on knife crime. During the documentry they showed real life CCTV footage of somone being murdered on camera.

This is how it went, two lads came out of a night club and walked towards the road and they sat on two bollards (one each) waiting to be picked up by one of the lads sister and taken home. Another 3 lads came out of the club a couple of minutes latter and walked towards the lads sat on the bollards. The 3 lads started to shout at the lads sat on the bollards. The lads on the bollards looked very intimidated and it didnt look they answered back and kept looking away at the road. The 3 lads then procedded to stab the shit out of the lads sat on the bollards firstly in there back. Then in the front when they turned around because they had been stabbed.

This stabbing/beating (many kicks and punches also) carried on for another minute or so then the 3 lads that did the stabbing ran off. Before the ambulance arrived as security from the night club hand phoned 999. One of the lads died right in front of the CCTV camera.

Now you might argue the toss softlad but in my eyes that is 100% irrefutable evidence that the gang of 3 lads murdered someone.

Note: Just to let you know the 3 lads were caught and sentanced. The ring leader that orchestrated the attack and did most of the stabbing got IF IRC 8 years. Great that isn't it 8 years for stabbing some to death, all recorded on CCTV.

softlad said:
Judge Roughneck said:
0% re-offending rate.

Brilliant, what an answer. It quite obviously stops all murders/rapes etc in America, China, Uganda, Taiwan, Thailand, Sudan, Saudi Arabia etc....


I swear on my mrs life this is true softlad. When i was working security when i was a student i worked with a guy that had been in nick for 20 years for committing murder. The original crime he committed was he got drunk had an argument then murdered someone then he set fire to the house they were in to try and hide it. The nutter did the nearly the exact same thing again on one of his days of from work after me working with him for a couple of months. This time though it wasn't a house he burnt down it was a small block of flats.

If that lunatic had got the death sentance in the first place he wouldn't of been able to have murdered someone else. So imo roughneck is definitely not a baffon he's 100% right in what he's saying.

You're right in that its irrefutable evidence that they stabbed the lads, assuming that DNA etc was linked to the perpetrators, but what we dont know and are uncertain of is the facts of the case.

I understand it doesnt sound great, but there are so many factors that could have caused this or been responsible (drink, drugs etc). It doesnt by any standards mean it is acceptable.....

Out of interest was that doc a Panorama one, or can you remember the name. I always try and watch stuff like that for this very reason so may try and download/stream it....

Turning to your point about your ex-colleague, of course its factually correct to say that he wouldnt have re-offended if dead, but it doesnt mean that this type of crime would not have occured and certainly wouldnt have acted as a deterrent for others.

As I have said, I agree that the penal system at the moment doesnt work or function as it should (IMHO) but it doesnt mean that it becomes acceptable to execute someone, does it?

Part of what I do involves dealing with Prisoners on a day in day out basis, and I have been into prisons (as a visitor I may add!) and they arent holiday camps, but prisoners are certainly given too much slack.

Take a look at the countries that still use capital punishment, how many of them would you seriously consider living in? Honest answer please......

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