jobsworth rag stewards

I've already said that the ideal solution would be to have a section of the stadium where you can leave and return at half time, charge a bit more (say £2) for tickets to cover the extra stewarding that would be required. That leaves the club completely covered from the law, but still allows the smokers to have a fag.
smoking area's around the ground would be good, although theres so many people who smoke every bugger would try an get there, would have a few thousand people trying to crowd in each smoking area, and if the spirlas were used im sure it would be seen as a fire hazard of some sort.

people askin for smoking areas is fair enough......

but people who get caught for doing wrong, give shit and attitude to stewards (even if they were smirking) abuse them for doing a job and trying to enforce the rules....and then playing the victem fuck me off....theres a lot of dick heads in coms who go to cause trouble.....if you got over handed treatment then take it, the stewards have a job to do.....and my guess is its pretty hard to control 43k people....if you wanna watch the game then hold off for a couple of hours
Prestwich_Blue said:
Brucie Bonus said:
ballinio said:
Jesus , its like the Man city christian society on here tonight.
Non-smokers mate, self-righteous pricks, little Napoleon-complexes walking small in these days: eyes of eagles when it comes to the faults and vices of others, and strict justice must be applied; blind as bats when it comes to their own faults and vices - and when found, cry "mercy". Self-righteous prigs: definite "I was only obeying orders" types. There ought to be a wanker section of the ground (coutnry) where all these twats can go and be by themselves and congratulate one another on their righteousness and purity, and thank God He did not make them as other men.
I bet you're one of those who, if stopped for speeding, berate the coppers and tell them to go and catch some real criminals.

Then you'd lose your bet; and If you don't know the difference between malum prohibitum and malum in se, then you're in good company.

Location, location, location, and context, context, context; I wrote about a particular type of non-smoker; the kind ballinio saw on here and termed "the Man city christian society": smoking is nothing more than a smokescreen for these types; health and smells is just a cover.

I do not smoke around non-smokers, unless it is with their consent (which I never ask for, as some really will feel uncomfortable saying "no", even though they shouldn't), and even then I'll excuse myself and leave the area. I do not smoke inside my house or anyone elses. I do not smoke in restaurants. I only smoke in pubs or bars after asking if it is okay (in some places over here you can't regardless of the landlord or other patrons). In bars or pubs that do permit smoking I locate the air-purifying system (which work amazingly well) and get as close to it as I can. I do not abuse my boss or co-workers by nipping outside every few minutes for a tab, but I wait for regularly scheduled breaks. At my current job I asked my boss If I could split my lunch hour into four 15 minute smoke-breaks throughout the day and that was agreed to...I even spend a good five minutes of those breaks walking quickly to try and get some of the smell out :-). I do not smoke around children - not my own, nor anyone elses. I take care to make sure I cannot be seen. When I am outside having a smoke and a non-smoker is outside, on a cell-phone or something, I make sure I am down-wind of them. I do not toss my fag-ends on the floor, etc. etc.

Generally, the unwillingness to permit exceptions, or to provide smoking (pipes, cigars, cigarettes) areas well out of the way of non-smokers, has nothing to do with health or safety or inconvenience but is about power, control, and in many cases (I suspect) "getting even". Humans love to control one another...for the "common good" and for health and safety reasons.

No one is perfect in prudence (practical wisdom) or temperance, and there are few who do not practice some form of self-medication (whether they preen among bottles of high-end cologne, raid the fridge, have a bit too much to drink, practice dangerous activities for "the rush", look at porn and condone organized crime and abuse within families, sleep-around etc.), but I am always amazed at how shallow SOME non-smokers are in that they scream blue-smoke-murder and point to studies about passive-smoking, whilst they ignore the terrible physiological effect smoking has on many smokers, and the obsessive-compulsive-associative psychological element; rather, they look with contempt at smokers as men of little will (smoking is the thin end of a life fallen to dissipation and disorder) and even less sense, whilst glibly pointing to some bloke who smoked 40 a day for 20 years and just quit overnight - as though that proves something other than a bloke who smoked 40 a day for 20 years and just quit overnight, quit: and the subtext in all this is no more than, "You smoke, you are weak-willed; I do not, I am strong-willed: he quit, it is all in the will".

Live and let die, eh?
Brucie Bonus said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
Brucie Bonus said:
ballinio said:
Jesus , its like the Man city christian society on here tonight.
Non-smokers mate, self-righteous pricks, little Napoleon-complexes walking small in these days: eyes of eagles when it comes to the faults and vices of others, and strict justice must be applied; blind as bats when it comes to their own faults and vices - and when found, cry "mercy". Self-righteous prigs: definite "I was only obeying orders" types. There ought to be a wanker section of the ground (coutnry) where all these twats can go and be by themselves and congratulate one another on their righteousness and purity, and thank God He did not make them as other men.
I bet you're one of those who, if stopped for speeding, berate the coppers and tell them to go and catch some real criminals.

Then you'd lose your bet; and If you don't know the difference between malum prohibitum and malum in se, then you're in good company.

Location, location, location, and context, context, context; I wrote about a particular type of non-smoker; the kind ballinio saw on here and termed "the Man city christian society": smoking is nothing more than a smokescreen for these types; health and smells is just a cover.

I do not smoke around non-smokers, unless it is with their consent (which I never ask for, as some really will feel uncomfortable saying "no", even though they shouldn't), and even then I'll excuse myself and leave the area. I do not smoke inside my house or anyone elses. I do not smoke in restaurants. I only smoke in pubs or bars after asking if it is okay (in some places over here you can't regardless of the landlord or other patrons). In bars or pubs that do permit smoking I locate the air-purifying system (which work amazingly well) and get as close to it as I can. I do not abuse my boss or co-workers by nipping outside every few minutes for a tab, but I wait for regularly scheduled breaks. At my current job I asked my boss If I could split my lunch hour into four 15 minute smoke-breaks throughout the day and that was agreed to...I even spend a good five minutes of those breaks walking quickly to try and get some of the smell out :-). I do not smoke around children - not my own, nor anyone elses. I take care to make sure I cannot be seen. When I am outside having a smoke and a non-smoker is outside, on a cell-phone or something, I make sure I am down-wind of them. I do not toss my fag-ends on the floor, etc. etc.

Generally, the unwillingness to permit exceptions, or to provide smoking (pipes, cigars, cigarettes) areas well out of the way of non-smokers, has nothing to do with health or safety or inconvenience but is about power, control, and in many cases (I suspect) "getting even". Humans love to control one another...for the "common good" and for health and safety reasons.

No one is perfect in prudence (practical wisdom) or temperance, and there are few who do not practice some form of self-medication (whether they preen among bottles of high-end cologne, raid the fridge, have a bit too much to drink, practice dangerous activities for "the rush", look at porn and condone organized crime and abuse within families, sleep-around etc.), but I am always amazed at how shallow SOME non-smokers are in that they scream blue-smoke-murder and point to studies about passive-smoking, whilst they ignore the terrible physiological effect smoking has on many smokers, and the obsessive-compulsive-associative psychological element; rather, they look with contempt at smokers as men of little will (smoking is the thin end of a life fallen to dissipation and disorder) and even less sense, whilst glibly pointing to some bloke who smoked 40 a day for 20 years and just quit overnight - as though that proves something other than a bloke who smoked 40 a day for 20 years and just quit overnight, quit: and the subtext in all this is no more than, "You smoke, you are weak-willed; I do not, I am strong-willed: he quit, it is all in the will".

Live and let die, eh?
Did you really use the phrase "self righteous pricks" about non-smokers?
Smoking areas even outside the stadium, but still inside the land it lies on is sill against the law, so that will be the reason this was and never will be an option.

I fail to see how anyone can not last 2 hours without smoking. Thats probably less than you have to wait while on a plane, for example.
Prestwich_Blue said:
kippax90 said:
anyway to wrap it up i've been stupid but what has blown me away is the shear venom from fellow blues i mean shit guy's i was wrong but some constructive critism would have been fine but for fucks sake you'd have thought i was a rag dont expect people to condone my behaviour but in my opinion some have been a bit over the top and a bit petty and personal that's why things at city are not what they used to be we used to have each other's backs not get on each other's backs were supposed to be shooting for the same team.
Let me try and point out calmly why you've got a reaction.

First, you entered the stadium drunk. That's against the stadium rules and the stewards would have been within their rights to stop you coming in.

Second, you admit you broke the law when you smoked in the toilets yet don't seem to accept there would be consequences.

Third, you're 32 years old not 16. Do you really need to have a skinful before you watch a game and a smoke during it like some naughty schoolboy?

Thirdly, you proved what an idiot you are by coming on here and telling everyone about it, yet can't see why people think you're a dick. Grow up.[/q

i do accept there would have been consequences but more of a fine type thing that i would have been happy to pay, and didn't need to have a skinfull i chose to have a few beers with the boys on my day off before the game as i and many other blues do on a regular basis on many occasions i attend games without having a drink as there has been no time or work commitments and because i made the wrong choice to smoke does not in any way mean i tried acting like some naughty schoolboy does that go for the hundreds of fans i've seen smoking at games and if people think i'm a dick so be it i'm big enough to take it on the chin not like i'm arsed anymore after all it's those same type of city fans that make me not want to go anymore the holier than though i'll sit here and do as i'm told and not question it and sit nice and quiet in the corner types that make the place unbearable give me the old north stand boys anyday that's how you enjoy football i'll leave the happy clappy shit to everyone else thanks.
Barry Conlons wig said:
tough you deserved what you get, so you actually walked from Mary D's where you will have been puffing like Thomas to the stadium approximatelt 3 mins tops, into the stand and then to the bog and in that time you probably smoked all the way to the stadium(knowing that you couldn't smoke in the stadium) and then once on your perch you decide to spark up again knowing that its not only against the club rules, the Prem rules but also the law.

And tell me again what your problem is??????????????

you basically a fucking fool!!!!!!

Mate you don't know shit so shut your boring fuckin mouth for your information i'd not had a cig for a while and wasn't smoking on the way to the ground not that i fuckin give a shit what you think now go back to your conformist life and be a good little boy and sit nice and quiet with the other happy clappys with fans like you couldn't give a shit if i never set foot inside the place again boring bastards no wonder we cant fill the place the good day's of football are dead fact and it's thank's to whiter than white prick's like yourself.
Smoking is BANNED, yes BANNED, within the ground. You break the rules you pay the price so stop your whingeing! Its only 90 minutes ffs you should of just waited.
They make the rules very clear and even announced them before the game saying that it included toilets etc.

Regardless of what you think of the smoking ban rules is rules and people have to stick to them.

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