jobsworth rag stewards

We won 2-0 and the biggest topics have been the crowd and the stewards upholding the rules. I fucking love this club.
Dave, I know where your coming from.. our generation grew up where smoking used to be allowed on the top deck of a bus.. I remember sitting upstairs at about 6 years old (my mum smoked) and I used cover up my mouth with my coat as it got on my lungs. Even if a toilet trip is 2 mins.. that lad still has the right to not walk into a room full of smoke.
Didsbury Dave said:
The Invisible_Man said:
Crock of shit. How anyone can argue that people who subject others to that shite in such small areas (the toilets) are anything less than selfish wankers bewilders me.
I took our kid to his first ever game on Thursday, and the fact that I had to make him wait for a piss because I didn't want him in such a small space, filled with smoke and full of pricks waving cigs around. I'm more than pissed off that I had to do that at the kids first fucking game.

Crock of shit.

Everyone hides behind kids to try to gain the moral high ground.

What do you think would have happened? He develops lung cancer after a minute and a half in a smoky bog?

It pissed you off becasue smoking irritates you. That's all.

I don't smoke. But this modern day attitude that being able to smell a fag from 5 yards away is going to pollute your entire soul gets on my nerves.

another crock of shit.
its not just "a minute and a half" though is it? some smokers light up where ever and whenever regardless of the law of the land or who else they may infect.odds are this kid will face a selfish scum smoker many many times in his life, at city for definate, perhaps he should not go for a slash, better still dont follow football.
it does'nt matter if its for a minute, an hour or all fucking day he should not have to put up with it.

as i say, scum.
I'm not condoning the smoking, south stand. If it's banned it's banned at the end of the day.

I just get a bit irritated with this modern day "It's the kids I feel sorry for" bullshit.
The stewards are stuck between a rock and a hard place really! We have regular stewards on our block and we get on great with them but what i will say is that on European nights, the no smoking policy is easier to police due to the fact that you dont have the sheer numbers on the spiral walkways having a ciggie. When we have 40k plus in the stadium, there would be a constant stream of blues ejected at half time, coz the spiral on our block is crowded. I must say that our supervisor steward tells the lads to move down the spiral in between level 2 and 3 to have a fag. This could probably get him into lumber with the club but i think he uses common sense when dealing with 100 lads and not getting the old bill involved which in turn could cause it to kick off. Halfway down the spiral is not causing any non smokers a problem but in my opinion this is not the clubs agenda. Just think how much money companies, factories and stadia are saving on their insurance premiums by declaring a totally smoke free site!! The fire risk is significantly reduced and that is reflected in the premium.
tough you deserved what you get, so you actually walked from Mary D's where you will have been puffing like Thomas to the stadium approximatelt 3 mins tops, into the stand and then to the bog and in that time you probably smoked all the way to the stadium(knowing that you couldn't smoke in the stadium) and then once on your perch you decide to spark up again knowing that its not only against the club rules, the Prem rules but also the law.

And tell me again what your problem is??????????????

you basically a fucking fool!!!!!!
i am the most anti smoking thing ever but for the life of me i dont know why they can't use the spiral at half time, i dont mean as you come out at the bog area i mean at the bottom where you come in. no one goes there till full time ffs.
i bet even the stewards would'nt know you were there.
This is a perfect example of a compromise deniro. Non smokers dont have to put up with breathing in the smoke and even the stewards who like a fag could stick aroun d down there to keep an eye on things
riggymcfc123 said:
No smoking , no drinking , no swearing , no standing etc , etc !!
When i was a kid , i used to stand in the Kippax with my dad , he would have a pint in his hand , everyone around me would be smoking and when we scored i would get trampled on ! tell you what though , i f*ckin loved it ! .......but now , you've gotta sit there quietly , making sure you do'nt offend anyone !........and peaple on here wonder why the stadium was half f*ckin empty last night !!

Yep feking great days...... smoking is a problem in the stands but in the kippax you had to watch out that some one did'nt piss on you leg.
coms64 said:
riggymcfc123 said:
No smoking , no drinking , no swearing , no standing etc , etc !!
When i was a kid , i used to stand in the Kippax with my dad , he would have a pint in his hand , everyone around me would be smoking and when we scored i would get trampled on ! tell you what though , i f*ckin loved it ! .......but now , you've gotta sit there quietly , making sure you do'nt offend anyone !........and peaple on here wonder why the stadium was half f*ckin empty last night !!

Yep feking great days...... smoking is a problem in the stands but in the kippax you had to watch out that some one did'nt piss on you leg.
or in fact a tomato on your head, as in the ketchup container that some loon threw when i was about 15. ouch:)

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