Joe Hart (joined Torino on season long loan - Official)

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i've been harsh on hart for years - due to his 'fake' passion and arse licking of opposition (AND SCUM) players.

Interesting to see that everyone has only just clocked onto the above over the last 6-12 months

I never wanted him to leave though, as hes a great shot stopper, has come back from this before, is english, and been with us pre takeover

but for me its more about his presence in the dressing room/ego etc. rather than his poor passing (which he's never ever tried to address).

Like tolmie says, the previous managers weren't keen and I've always suspected he is a bit of a bad apple.

Unfortunate that he can't up his game with us bringing another keeper in.

1. fake passion ? based on what

the majority of our team are mates with opposition rivals. have you not seen our spanish/argentian players, they go out with scum players all the time. thats just football.
Has done more than enough to deserve a year to stay and prove himself, he's been with us from the start and he's one of the few players the fans can connect with.

Will be horrible seeing him leave whilst others who should of been out over a year ago are still here tossing it off.
The fact that most posters seem to be receptive to the idea of Joe being replaced tells me that deep down most people knew there was something fundamentally wrong in our squad and in our dressing room. Right from when Mancini was sacked there has been a suspicion that the player power tail was wagging the dog. I think our ownership, being quite new to football management, made the wrong decision in sacking Mancini when the correct route would have been to back him against the agitators in the dressing room. In doing so they made a rod for their own backs, a rod they and we have been beaten with for the last three seasons. The whole point of bringing Pellegrini in wasn't to move the club on, it was to pacify the players with the mistaken belief that a non confrontational manager (holistic) would restore harmony and smooth things in the dressing room and everything would be hunky dory. This he did but at the cost of stagnating, even regressing, our progress. Some of last seasons performances were downright disgraceful for the quality of player we have in the squad and Pellegrini wasn't strong enough to arrest and correct the malaise.
I get the feeling that the ownership have recognised their mistake and learnt their lesson. They haven't brought in the best manager in the world so he can be told what to do by certain players. From now on there is going to be one person calling the shots as far as the squad and players are concerned and he will be backed to the hilt by the top brass and the players are going to know it. I remember at Pep's unveiling one of his standout memorable comments was that he was going to kick some backsides, or words to that effect. Everybody thought it was a flippant off the cuff remark and he was trying to be funny. He knew exactly what he was saying and he wasn't joking.
He is sending out the message that those who don't get with the programme will have to get out of the door.
i've been harsh on hart for years - due to his 'fake' passion and arse licking of opposition (AND SCUM) players.

Interesting to see that everyone has only just clocked onto the above over the last 6-12 months

I never wanted him to leave though, as hes a great shot stopper, has come back from this before, is english, and been with us pre takeover

but for me its more about his presence in the dressing room/ego etc. rather than his poor passing (which he's never ever tried to address).

Like tolmie says, the previous managers weren't keen and I've always suspected he is a bit of a bad apple.

Unfortunate that he can't up his game with us bringing another keeper in.

so i take it you dont like mike summerbee. george best's friend and business partner.
That's why
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