Joe Hart (joined Torino on season long loan - Official)

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Let's imagine a scenario. Pep says to Txiki a few months ago "I'm really not sure about Hart. See if x, y or z is available."

So we ask about Ter Stegen and the price is very high but Bravo might be available at a better price. Pep says" OK but let's see what Hart can do first before I decide what to do". He starts work and decides fairly quickly that Hart really isn't up to it and he can't work with him.

So Pep says to Txiki "Bravo. Do it" and he does. What Hart does is then up to him. If he wants to keep his England spot then he needs to sort something out quick. Not our problem.

And if he decides not to go we are left holding the baby. Perhaps literally.
Perhaps but it can still be better conducted.

Agreed we know there needed to be a clear out with pep How many have we sold that needed to go. Fuckin none.

Final day of transfer window. Manchester city charitable football foundation will be providing players on loan and paying wages to other wealthy clubs. It's nuts.
The more I read about this bloody soap opera, the more I think that City have still not shed the 'Typical City' image and our first trophy under the new regime will be yet another cup for yet another cock up.

I don't know who is responsible but once again we are becoming a laughing stock as we blunder along saddled with a player we apparently do not want because he supposedly is not good enough playmaker decided either at the last minute by a manager who has been a long time in the coming, supposedly a good friend of the DoF yet apparently they do not speak about such minor matters as getting rid of the England goalie and/or paying him huge wages for either not playing or for playing for someone else.

Can anyone, even the blind faith guys, honestly say that this mess would be allowed to happen any where else at a big club in UK or Europe? Even the utter clown Woodward does not get involved in such messes. We have several highly paid players who if they stay and are not used will cost us a fortune or if they go we will take a big hit with us continuing to pay their wages.

Get a grip City FFS. What happened to the revolution?
What a great steaming pile of gutter bilge.
It is a continuing cock up. Full stop, end of, finito

At the rags you have Schweinsteiger, Darmian, probably Phil Jones all on good wages who the rags would like to move on. The fact is you can't risk moving a player on before you have a replacement. That is good management. If the selling club won't sell when you want them to there is the sum total of f*ck all you can really do.

The fact is, if Joe was so highly rated there would be a queue of clubs looking to take him and a week is plenty of time in football to sort out a move if buyers are there. The fact is that clubs clearly don't rate Joe Hart as highly as some of our fans do..
Apparently Everton ITKs say Koeman met Hart & didnt like him as he came across as arrogant? Does anyone here know if they really met?
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