Hvaing seen Corrigan play and the mistakes he SOMETIMES made, he would have been sacked ny these standards... And he was a great.
Thing is, it's all very subjective. But the facts are plain, he absolutely loves City and playing for us, he IS England number 1, he is rather quite good (Despite the fact that he grins or smiles, or gets pumped up too much according Phil Mccunty !) , he has made some amazing game saving performances for us, and brining in a new keeper to replace him is a 50/50 call.
Common sense at least says keep him.
But now I think the BBC are starting a campaign against him, they have finished with Sterling, and I am not buying into this Utd-loving media bullshit. They are trying to highlight one mistake ffs, and it wont be long before other media pick up on it, then MOTD, then the snowball cant be stopped... Just like Sterling. Utd reporters picking our team! Fuck em
Pretty sure Hart ignores all this nonsense by the biased media