Joe Hart or Willy Caballero

Conveniently forgetting the only reason we got the full 3 points against Liverpool is cos Hart kept us in it. I'm not arguing he could have done better today but to put all the blame on him when about 4 players fucked up before the ball got to him is just fucking stupid. It amazes me how quiet this thread was when he had a brilliant game against Liverpool but as soon as a mistake is made boom you're all over here quicker than a fly on shit. Give your fucking heads a wobble.
the god Gerry Gow said:
nobody can eat fifty eggs said:
Fuck me Willy all day after that abomination by Hart.

So not down to little fern being unable to bring his man down having already picked up a stupid yellow

Or not down to captain fantastic getting done outside the area then
or us fucking around after that poor excuse to a corner
Another collective defensive fuck up along with our attacking players not performing.
can't wait for the joe hart out posts now haha

Negredo09 said:
the god Gerry Gow said:
nobody can eat fifty eggs said:
Fuck me Willy all day after that abomination by Hart.

So not down to little fern being unable to bring his man down having already picked up a stupid yellow

Or not down to captain fantastic getting done outside the area then
or us fucking around after that poor excuse to a corner

this ^^
the god Gerry Gow said:
nobody can eat fifty eggs said:
Fuck me Willy all day after that abomination by Hart.

So not down to little fern being unable to bring his man down having already picked up a stupid yellow

Or not down to captain fantastic getting done outside the area then

If Kolorov who was tracking the fella had run back instead of jog he could have put in a challenge. He even slowed down as Fernandinho came out to press, if he'd have kept jogging at the same pace he could have put in a challenge. Too many players did not put a shift in today but Joe gets the medal for biggest fukc up!

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