Joe Royle - has he been acknowledged enough?

I loved joe when he was in charge, brought back some pride and dignity to the club after a few woeful years. Brought some exciting players such as mark Kennedy and Terry cooke, Darren Huckerby and Introduced swp. I think the season we got promoted back to the prem was a step to far in hindsight. I think we were riding on the crest of a wave after the previous year.

We lack quality and creativity in that first season and maybe he thought he could replicate his Everton dogs of war mentality which obviously failed miserably.

maybe it has something to do with the way he left the club and trying to sue the club that has left a bit of an after taste but I’m only guessing. Whatever happened shouldn’t detract from the magnificent job he did from dragging us by the bollocks and getting us back where we belong.

As another thread has been started I can’t believe it was 23 years ago at Wembley.!where does the time go. It’s easy to look back and say what a great day etc but it wasn’t really. Ok maybe the last few minutes after dickov scored and after penalties but the rest of it was awful.

Anyway top lad Joe and and thanks for giving us a city we can all be proud of.

Why shouldn’t he sue the club if they fucked him about on his contract. I can’t hold that against him. He was a decent forward for us in his day.
He was just what we needed when he took over and cleared out the large playing staff.
He should be remembered for his achievements here.
He was a
Great bloke, Joe.

Brilliant for City.

He's an Evertonian, first and foremost, but a great servant for City too.
Weird that Joe and Reidy grew up Liverpool fans. Gerrard, Carragher, Owen, Fowler etc all Evertonians.
Reminds me of a story my brother-in-law told me following our back to back promotions under Joe Royle. He (my brother in law, not Joe Royle) was tiling a guys house in Bramhall when a highly respected former City player visited. The talk was naturally around our return to the top flight and the ex player said "The first decision the club will make will be who the new manager is". Now I can't be certain that's what was said but, if true, it suggests the club recognised (rightly as it happened) that Joe was the right man to get us into the PL but not the right man to keep us there. Maybe they were swayed by the emotion of back to back promotions, maybe they felt there would be a media backlash if they sacked Joe under those circumstances or maybe there were financial restraints which meant he stayed.
Always had a liking for Joe, saw his debut at Liverpool on Boxing Day 1974 and, despite the manner of his departure, I've never heard him badmouth the club.
Soon after his case against us, he said:
”The only thing about that club that is class is the fans.”
When we won the title in 2012, he was asked if he was pleased, since the people he fell out with had all departed, he said:
”I’m very pleased for the fans, they deserve this”
I doubt he has ever really got over what he saw as a betrayal.
Two great promotions but we never steadied in the Prem and went straight down.
As for his arrival; he had a third of the season to move us up one place, and failed.
It may seem churlish to point this out, but our two lowest overall league positions were on his watch. The lowest as a result of us being relegated in the second lowest.
I had a particular liking for Joe because I thought he really 'got' our club and its fans. He seemed to have an instinctive understanding of what we were about and that made me warm to him.

Wasn’t it Joe who coined the phrase ‘a cup for cock ups’
Royle and Bernstein changed the whole direction of the club. Royle got us promoted twice in two seasons which was a major achievement but it meant that we had players, bought to get us out of league one (as it's now called) trying to keep us in the premiership. Much as I love Andy Morrison he was never going to be the centre back to keep us in the prem. In hindsight maybe an extra year in the championship, between the two promotions, would have helped us rebuild a little further and Royle might have kept us in there. Having said that, football under Keagan was a joyous roller-coaster.

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