John Terry [Merged]

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bobrivers said:
sniff said:
fulhamroad22 said:
Blue4ever85 said:
Come on John, show some ambition and join the team.

But, do Chelsea not have ambition? Surely every top team (and I include City in this now) has ambitions to win the league.

They might have ambition but the ammount of managers your team go thorugh, and the fact your chairman signs players is a little embarrasing. Your new manager is nothing but a yes man, same as he was at AC, he deals with the team and the chairman decideds who he signs with a little help from Arneson(whats a sporting directors job)

Who signs your players? Who wanted Ronaldinho and Kaka? Hughes or your owners to make you more marketable? Even going after Terry has a lot to do with marketing appeal.

So Terry has to show ambition and join City,huh? What sort of ambition would make a player leave the club he played all his life for and won everything in the country, the club that is still one of the best in Europe, a permanent fixture in the CL and a title contender, the club where he became one of the best players in the world and England captain? To throw all that away to join City right now is not a sign of ambition, it's a sign of greed.

Win something before talking of ambition.

No, because winning something and ambition aren't mutually exclusive. We have 'ambitions' to be one of the Premierships top clubs, to win trophies nationally and in Europe. The fact we haven't reached that stage yet doesn't mean we don't have ambitions, or that we don't have the right to have them, or talk about them.

What you seem to be forgetting is, rewind 6 years and you're us. A billionnaire foreign owner has just taken over and is looking to spend BIG to break the, then, top 3 of Liverpool, United and Arsenal, you'd not won the league since 1955. Yes you'd won cup competitions, which is better than we've managed, but you weren't a Premiership, or a European force. Now you are. That's what we're doing.

I've no doubt a certain amount of greed would be involved in joining City for Terry, but what fans also need to grasp is that this is his career, he'll be retired in 6 years or so, he'll be looking to maximise his earnings before then. Also it's entirely possible that, after 2 titles, FA Cups and League Cups, plus numerous new managers Terry wants a 'new challenge'.

As for Hughes not being in charge of our signings, yes the Kaka, Robinho, Ronaldinho deals/non-deals were probably done by the owner, but do you really think ADUG were behind the signings of SWP, Bellamy, Given, RSC, Zabaletta, Kompany, Bridge and Barry? Those signings have Hughes' name all over them.
Matty said:
No, because winning something and ambition aren't mutually exclusive. We have 'ambitions' to be one of the Premierships top clubs, to win trophies nationally and in Europe. The fact we haven't reached that stage yet doesn't mean we don't have ambitions, or that we don't have the right to have them, or talk about them.

What you seem to be forgetting is, rewind 6 years and you're us. A billionnaire foreign owner has just taken over and is looking to spend BIG to break the, then, top 3 of Liverpool, United and Arsenal, you'd not won the league since 1955. Yes you'd won cup competitions, which is better than we've managed, but you weren't a Premiership, or a European force. Now you are. That's what we're doing.

I've no doubt a certain amount of greed would be involved in joining City for Terry, but what fans also need to grasp is that this is his career, he'll be retired in 6 years or so, he'll be looking to maximise his earnings before then. Also it's entirely possible that, after 2 titles, FA Cups and League Cups, plus numerous new managers Terry wants a 'new challenge'.

As for Hughes not being in charge of our signings, yes the Kaka, Robinho, Ronaldinho deals/non-deals were probably done by the owner, but do you really think ADUG were behind the signings of SWP, Bellamy, Given, RSC, Zabaletta, Kompany, Bridge and Barry? Those signings have Hughes' name all over them.

I totally agree. If you get the signings right, City will be the new Chelsea, and I think we'll be right up there with you, along with the Bin Dippers and United.
People sometimes need a change to avoid stagnation - Barry named that as a reason for joining City (and the entire money question, I am sure he would've gotten the £75k or abouts at Liverpool as well).

I see a trend here with Terry. Kind of ticks all the same boxes - been in the club forever, captain, claimed to feel that the club has no-where further to go, looking for a new challenge, already has the chance to earn lots...

(Saying that though, I still think he is out of our league & I don't really like him as a person...)
fulhamroad22 said:
To be fair on the transfer front, there is still a couple of months to tie up some major deals. We're having major links with players like Ibrahimovic, Ribery, Pato, Aguero, Sneidjer and Pirlo. We need a playmaker and striker- one of which should be a big name. If that went through it would be huge for the club and we would be seriously challenging on all fronts. I mean if we got one striker and one midfielder from the above names, I'd say we would have the strongest team in the league. If Terry wouldn't warm to that and a good wage, I don't know what he would warm to (other than even bigger wages).

fulhamrd22 you do speak a lot of sense on here and for that i applaud you,however are now trying to convince us and at times yourself that terry has no reason to want to leave.
im sorry to be the bearer of bad news but,terry could of put this whole thing to bed 10 days ago by making a statement,which he hasnt.FACT
and terry will be more than aware of all the media coverage and still he remains silent,because there is more than a chance he wants the move to city.our respectable itk"s on this forum,one who has a excellent track record says the deal is very close.also a chelsea itk with a good track record posted on the shed forum yesterday that it is common knowledge in the club the decision has been made and he wants the move.
There's definitely more to this Terry saga than simply City making a bid, Chelsea rejecting it and Terry not wanting to move. As has been said, Terry would have come out publically and pledged himself to Chelsea by now if he was 100% certain to stay.

I still feel he's using this to try and get a wage increase from Chelsea rather than a move to City, but there's always that chance he feels he needs a 'new challenge' or that he won't be happy with Chelsea's wage offer/lack of wage offer based on City's interest and decides to move on. It's a long shot, but not beyond the realms of possibility.

I just want it sorted, one way or the other, and quickly. It's clear to anyone taking a look at our squad we need defensive help, especially with Kompany missing the start of the season. Lescott may or may not be joining us, Lucio is another named being linked, but whoever we bring in (and I think we need 2 central defenders, ideally Lescott as one of them to provide cover for Bridge at left back) we need to do so with a certain amount of haste.
only1paulsimpson said:
fulhamroad22 said:
To be fair on the transfer front, there is still a couple of months to tie up some major deals. We're having major links with players like Ibrahimovic, Ribery, Pato, Aguero, Sneidjer and Pirlo. We need a playmaker and striker- one of which should be a big name. If that went through it would be huge for the club and we would be seriously challenging on all fronts. I mean if we got one striker and one midfielder from the above names, I'd say we would have the strongest team in the league. If Terry wouldn't warm to that and a good wage, I don't know what he would warm to (other than even bigger wages).

fulhamrd22 you do speak a lot of sense on here and for that i applaud you,however are now trying to convince us and at times yourself that terry has no reason to want to leave.
im sorry to be the bearer of bad news but,terry could of put this whole thing to bed 10 days ago by making a statement,which he hasnt.FACT
and terry will be more than aware of all the media coverage and still he remains silent,because there is more than a chance he wants the move to city.our respectable itk"s on this forum,one who has a excellent track record says the deal is very close.also a chelsea itk with a good track record posted on the shed forum yesterday that it is common knowledge in the club the decision has been made and he wants the move.

I definitely think his head is turned, which is worrying, obviously. We'll see what happens. I'm not really convinced as to what is happening either way, I just think even if he leaves, we'll still have a title-contending squad.
fulhamroad22 said:
only1paulsimpson said:
fulhamroad22 said:
To be fair on the transfer front, there is still a couple of months to tie up some major deals. We're having major links with players like Ibrahimovic, Ribery, Pato, Aguero, Sneidjer and Pirlo. We need a playmaker and striker- one of which should be a big name. If that went through it would be huge for the club and we would be seriously challenging on all fronts. I mean if we got one striker and one midfielder from the above names, I'd say we would have the strongest team in the league. If Terry wouldn't warm to that and a good wage, I don't know what he would warm to (other than even bigger wages).

fulhamrd22 you do speak a lot of sense on here and for that i applaud you,however are now trying to convince us and at times yourself that terry has no reason to want to leave.
im sorry to be the bearer of bad news but,terry could of put this whole thing to bed 10 days ago by making a statement,which he hasnt.FACT
and terry will be more than aware of all the media coverage and still he remains silent,because there is more than a chance he wants the move to city.our respectable itk"s on this forum,one who has a excellent track record says the deal is very close.also a chelsea itk with a good track record posted on the shed forum yesterday that it is common knowledge in the club the decision has been made and he wants the move.

I definitely think his head is turned, which is worrying, obviously. We'll see what happens. I'm not really convinced as to what is happening either way, I just think even if he leaves, we'll still have a title-contending squad.

The ITK on the shed forum who says Terry is he well respected, gets his info right etc etc?
Matty said:
There's definitely more to this Terry saga than simply City making a bid, Chelsea rejecting it and Terry not wanting to move. As has been said, Terry would have come out publically and pledged himself to Chelsea by now if he was 100% certain to stay.

I still feel he's using this to try and get a wage increase from Chelsea rather than a move to City, but there's always that chance he feels he needs a 'new challenge' or that he won't be happy with Chelsea's wage offer/lack of wage offer based on City's interest and decides to move on. It's a long shot, but not beyond the realms of possibility.

I just want it sorted, one way or the other, and quickly. It's clear to anyone taking a look at our squad we need defensive help, especially with Kompany missing the start of the season. Lescott may or may not be joining us, Lucio is another named being linked, but whoever we bring in (and I think we need 2 central defenders, ideally Lescott as one of them to provide cover for Bridge at left back) we need to do so with a certain amount of haste.

I agree that he will get a nice pay rise, but press conference at 2 could shed a slither of light onto the situation.
Uwe Rosler's Grandad said:
fulhamroad22 said:
only1paulsimpson said:
fulhamroad22 said:
To be fair on the transfer front, there is still a couple of months to tie up some major deals. We're having major links with players like Ibrahimovic, Ribery, Pato, Aguero, Sneidjer and Pirlo. We need a playmaker and striker- one of which should be a big name. If that went through it would be huge for the club and we would be seriously challenging on all fronts. I mean if we got one striker and one midfielder from the above names, I'd say we would have the strongest team in the league. If Terry wouldn't warm to that and a good wage, I don't know what he would warm to (other than even bigger wages).

fulhamrd22 you do speak a lot of sense on here and for that i applaud you,however are now trying to convince us and at times yourself that terry has no reason to want to leave.
im sorry to be the bearer of bad news but,terry could of put this whole thing to bed 10 days ago by making a statement,which he hasnt.FACT
and terry will be more than aware of all the media coverage and still he remains silent,because there is more than a chance he wants the move to city.our respectable itk"s on this forum,one who has a excellent track record says the deal is very close.also a chelsea itk with a good track record posted on the shed forum yesterday that it is common knowledge in the club the decision has been made and he wants the move.

I definitely think his head is turned, which is worrying, obviously. We'll see what happens. I'm not really convinced as to what is happening either way, I just think even if he leaves, we'll still have a title-contending squad.

The ITK on the shed forum who says Terry is he well respected, gets his info right etc etc?

I don't know, I don't post on the Shed. I don't really believe ITK's even if people say they are well respected etc. Because often their timings are way out or they are wrong.
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