John Terry [Merged]

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fulhamroad22 said:
Right now I get the impression he is trying to negotiate a deal on his contract, it's just a gut feeling.

If he goes, though, I think to avoid any backlash from Chelsea fans, he needs to explain why in pretty much every press conference or interview that brought up his role with Chelsea (even some that are very recent), he said that he is a one team player, and would never leave the club by his own making. I think, if he goes (and I fully understand why he would want to go), he'd have to explain why he lied.

this will take some doing, can't help thinking he'll stay there.dont know why it just feels like that.
the--dud said:
fulhamroad22, I'd be interested to know your view as a Chelsea fan on something (apologies if it's been covered already in here). This is dragging on and on without any word from JT himself, and at anytime he could have laid this to rest right?
Imagine if he gets a new 150k/week contract with Chelsea and he calls a press conf declaring his forever love to CFC and the usual blah blah stuff, would Chelsea fans still love him but? Would you not turn on him for that? Or at least it would leave you with a really sour taste in your mouth?

I'm not trying to throw cheap jabs here, I'm actually interested to know...

i dont think he has lied, at the time of making those comments he really meant it, there was no offer on the table from anyone else...

Then he gets this stoopid offer from City and whoosh he just maybe changed his mind.....

we can all do that.....
the--dud said:
fulhamroad22, I'd be interested to know your view as a Chelsea fan on something (apologies if it's been covered already in here). This is dragging on and on without any word from JT himself, and at anytime he could have laid this to rest right?
Imagine if he gets a new 150k/week contract with Chelsea and he calls a press conf declaring his forever love to CFC and the usual blah blah stuff, would Chelsea fans still love him but? Would you not turn on him for that? Or at least it would leave you with a really sour taste in your mouth?

I'm not trying to throw cheap jabs here, I'm actually interested to know...

Yeah, I don't think it would make us turn on him, but it'd damage his reputation. I'd still be pleased to keep him, obviously.

I think this "I am Chelsea" thing JT has been doing has gone too far. He is obviously like all of us, a big contract would turn his head. He shouldn't say he will never leave, when evidently he could.
fulhamroad22 said:
Right now I get the impression he is trying to negotiate a deal on his contract, it's just a gut feeling.

If he goes, though, I think to avoid any backlash from Chelsea fans, he needs to explain why in pretty much every press conference or interview that brought up his role with Chelsea (even some that are very recent), he said that he is a one team player, and would never leave the club by his own making. I think, if he goes (and I fully understand why he would want to go), he'd have to explain why he lied.
I kind of agree, but wouldn't you think for both parties' sakes, this would be better achieved in private? Reading between the lines it's my guess thats why Chelsea made a private bid public to try to head off Terry using it to renegotiate a new contract. However, it seems to have badly backfired on them and pushed Terry towards a move that he otherwise wouldn't have taken.
sput the wonder pig said:
the--dud said:
fulhamroad22, I'd be interested to know your view as a Chelsea fan on something (apologies if it's been covered already in here). This is dragging on and on without any word from JT himself, and at anytime he could have laid this to rest right?
Imagine if he gets a new 150k/week contract with Chelsea and he calls a press conf declaring his forever love to CFC and the usual blah blah stuff, would Chelsea fans still love him but? Would you not turn on him for that? Or at least it would leave you with a really sour taste in your mouth?

I'm not trying to throw cheap jabs here, I'm actually interested to know...

i dont think he has lied, at the time of making those comments he really meant it, there was no offer on the table from anyone else...

Then he gets this stoopid offer from City and whoosh he just maybe changed his mind.....

we can all do that.....

Of course, but I don't make statements to my employer (and if the public were interested) saying I will never leave no matter what happens. I understand he is only human, but you can't go round making claims about loyalty to build up your reputation and then leave in a heart beat as soon as another club offers a pay rise- at least without explaining.

The problem is, some of these quotes are VERY recent, and it'll just make him look like an absolute fool if/when he goes. Also the Chelsea fans he allegedly care about him would turn on him big time.

As I say, I wouldn't bare any grudges for him leaving. I would leave. Totally. But he should explain his statements, that would be all I asked, explain what has changed.
fulhamroad22 said:
sput the wonder pig said:
the--dud said:
fulhamroad22, I'd be interested to know your view as a Chelsea fan on something (apologies if it's been covered already in here). This is dragging on and on without any word from JT himself, and at anytime he could have laid this to rest right?
Imagine if he gets a new 150k/week contract with Chelsea and he calls a press conf declaring his forever love to CFC and the usual blah blah stuff, would Chelsea fans still love him but? Would you not turn on him for that? Or at least it would leave you with a really sour taste in your mouth?

I'm not trying to throw cheap jabs here, I'm actually interested to know...

i dont think he has lied, at the time of making those comments he really meant it, there was no offer on the table from anyone else...

Then he gets this stoopid offer from City and whoosh he just maybe changed his mind.....

we can all do that.....

Of course, but I don't make statements to my employer (and if the public were interested) saying I will never leave no matter what happens. I understand he is only human, but you can't go round making claims about loyalty to build up your reputation and then leave in a heart beat as soon as another club offers a pay rise- at least without explaining.

The problem is, some of these quotes are VERY recent, and it'll just make him look like an absolute fool if/when he goes. Also the Chelsea fans he allegedly care about him would turn on him big time.

As I say, I wouldn't bare any grudges for him leaving. I would leave. Totally. But he should explain his statements, that would be all I asked, explain what has changed.

Hes not going to say any different whilst he is at your club is he now. But some of your fans giving him abuse already on the chelsea boards is pathetic
fulhamroad22 said:
If he goes, though, I think to avoid any backlash from Chelsea fans, he needs to explain why in pretty much every press conference or interview that brought up his role with Chelsea (even some that are very recent), he said that he is a one team player, and would never leave the club by his own making. I think, if he goes (and I fully understand why he would want to go), he'd have to explain why he lied.

Which is very easily done, all he needs is some good PR spin, base it round the fact that people get married and divorced every day in the UK, on the day of that marriage they commit to each other for life and they genuinely hope that is the case but different opinions, directions or even familiarity can cause these relationships to cool and often very quickly. If Terry feels he has stagnated at Chelsea and came out telling your fans that he would not be doing them or the club justice because he needed a new and fresh challenge in his career to spur him on, and he saw us as that challenge having been through similar with You, then I think he would still get battered with the mercenary tab but Im sure you would get over it and understand after a cooling off period. What do you think ? should I give Max Clifford a ring or get my coat lol ;o)
sniff said:
fulhamroad22 said:
sput the wonder pig said:
the--dud said:
fulhamroad22, I'd be interested to know your view as a Chelsea fan on something (apologies if it's been covered already in here). This is dragging on and on without any word from JT himself, and at anytime he could have laid this to rest right?
Imagine if he gets a new 150k/week contract with Chelsea and he calls a press conf declaring his forever love to CFC and the usual blah blah stuff, would Chelsea fans still love him but? Would you not turn on him for that? Or at least it would leave you with a really sour taste in your mouth?

I'm not trying to throw cheap jabs here, I'm actually interested to know...

i dont think he has lied, at the time of making those comments he really meant it, there was no offer on the table from anyone else...

Then he gets this stoopid offer from City and whoosh he just maybe changed his mind.....

we can all do that.....

Of course, but I don't make statements to my employer (and if the public were interested) saying I will never leave no matter what happens. I understand he is only human, but you can't go round making claims about loyalty to build up your reputation and then leave in a heart beat as soon as another club offers a pay rise- at least without explaining.

The problem is, some of these quotes are VERY recent, and it'll just make him look like an absolute fool if/when he goes. Also the Chelsea fans he allegedly care about him would turn on him big time.

As I say, I wouldn't bare any grudges for him leaving. I would leave. Totally. But he should explain his statements, that would be all I asked, explain what has changed.

Hes not going to say any different whilst he is at your club is he now. But some of your fans giving him abuse already on the chelsea boards is pathetic

and you can bet that terrys agent has also mentioned the stick he has allready been getting on your forums
sniff said:
fulhamroad22 said:
sput the wonder pig said:
the--dud said:
fulhamroad22, I'd be interested to know your view as a Chelsea fan on something (apologies if it's been covered already in here). This is dragging on and on without any word from JT himself, and at anytime he could have laid this to rest right?
Imagine if he gets a new 150k/week contract with Chelsea and he calls a press conf declaring his forever love to CFC and the usual blah blah stuff, would Chelsea fans still love him but? Would you not turn on him for that? Or at least it would leave you with a really sour taste in your mouth?

I'm not trying to throw cheap jabs here, I'm actually interested to know...

i dont think he has lied, at the time of making those comments he really meant it, there was no offer on the table from anyone else...

Then he gets this stoopid offer from City and whoosh he just maybe changed his mind.....

we can all do that.....

Of course, but I don't make statements to my employer (and if the public were interested) saying I will never leave no matter what happens. I understand he is only human, but you can't go round making claims about loyalty to build up your reputation and then leave in a heart beat as soon as another club offers a pay rise- at least without explaining.

The problem is, some of these quotes are VERY recent, and it'll just make him look like an absolute fool if/when he goes. Also the Chelsea fans he allegedly care about him would turn on him big time.

As I say, I wouldn't bare any grudges for him leaving. I would leave. Totally. But he should explain his statements, that would be all I asked, explain what has changed.

Hes not going to say any different whilst he is at your club is he now. But some of your fans giving him abuse already on the chelsea boards is pathetic

Haven't actually seen any of that, but yeah whoever is giving him abuse while none of us know for sure what is going on, is pathetic. I agree.
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