John Terry [Merged]

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sniff said:
fulhamroad22 said:
Blue4ever85 said:
Come on John, show some ambition and join the team.

But, do Chelsea not have ambition? Surely every top team (and I include City in this now) has ambitions to win the league.

They might have ambition but the ammount of managers your team go thorugh, and the fact your chairman signs players is a little embarrasing. Your new manager is nothing but a yes man, same as he was at AC, he deals with the team and the chairman decideds who he signs with a little help from Arneson(whats a sporting directors job)

Who signs your players? Who wanted Ronaldinho and Kaka? Hughes or your owners to make you more marketable? Even going after Terry has a lot to do with marketing appeal.

So Terry has to show ambition and join City,huh? What sort of ambition would make a player leave the club he played all his life for and won everything in the country, the club that is still one of the best in Europe, a permanent fixture in the CL and a title contender, the club where he became one of the best players in the world and England captain? To throw all that away to join City right now is not a sign of ambition, it's a sign of greed.

Win something before talking of ambition.
Nixon_The_Bike_Thief said:
fulhamroad22 said:
If he goes, though, I think to avoid any backlash from Chelsea fans, he needs to explain why in pretty much every press conference or interview that brought up his role with Chelsea (even some that are very recent), he said that he is a one team player, and would never leave the club by his own making. I think, if he goes (and I fully understand why he would want to go), he'd have to explain why he lied.

Which is very easily done, all he needs is some good PR spin, base it round the fact that people get married and divorced every day in the UK, on the day of that marriage they commit to each other for life and they genuinely hope that is the case but different opinions, directions or even familiarity can cause these relationships to cool and often very quickly. If Terry feels he has stagnated at Chelsea and came out telling your fans that he would not be doing them or the club justice because he needed a new and fresh challenge in his career to spur him on, and he saw us as that challenge having been through similar with You, then I think he would still get battered with the mercenary tab but Im sure you would get over it and understand after a cooling off period. What do you think ? should I give Max Clifford a ring or get my coat lol ;o)

Ah, but it doesn't explain what went wrong at Chelsea for him to go full circle from any of the statements he has made, especially the following:

* "Chelsea told me what had happened as a courtesy. I was very happy with their reaction, as mine would have been the same. I have always said that I want to end my career at the club which I love and we all see no reason why that cannot happen" - John Terry, speaking on February 16, 2009 after Chelsea reject a bid for him from Manchester City.

* [Upon being asked if 'there any way you can see yourself leaving?']. "Never. No chance I can firmly sit here and say I never want to leave Chelsea. It's the club for me. When I first came through the crowds sung my name, 'John Terry', and then week-in, week-out 'Terry for England'. That relationship I've had with them...and I'm a very loyal person anyway. There's not many players that do that nowadays - start at one club and finish there. I really, really want to do that - I can't stress it enough" - John Terry, speaking on May 7, 2006.

* "Everything's going in the right direction and touch wood I can't see them going wrong. But if they ever did, I still wouldn't want to leave Chelsea" - John Terry, speaking on May 7, 2006.

* [Upon being asked 'Would you ever play for a club other than Chelsea?'] "No, I love it at Chelsea. I've been here since I was 14, and I'm 28 now. All my friends are here, so I'm going to stay for ever unless Chelsea tell me I've got to go" - John Terry, speaking on January 31, 2009.

* "When I was speaking about my contract with Chelsea, I was talking about a nine-year contract that we spoke about and maybe with an option to manage at the end of it. It's certainly the way I want to go" - John Terry, speaking on April 30, 2007.

* [Upon being asked 'Do you wonder what it would be like at another club?'] "No not really. I never want to leave Chelsea and I've made that quite clear. I had a two-month loan spell at Forest and enjoyed it very much but came back and things have gone very well for me at the club. The supporters have always been great to me. I just feel part of the furniture so it's the place I want to stay for the rest of my career" - John Terry, speaking on February 11, 2007

* "Hopefully I've got another 10 years in me. Certainly for Chelsea" - John Terry, speaking on 19 December, 2008

* "I want to stay at Chelsea for the rest of my career, and at the end of that if an opportunity comes up, then being in football for so long I never want to be out of it" - John Terry, speaking August 28, 2005.
fulhamroad22 said:
sput the wonder pig said:
the--dud said:
fulhamroad22, I'd be interested to know your view as a Chelsea fan on something (apologies if it's been covered already in here). This is dragging on and on without any word from JT himself, and at anytime he could have laid this to rest right?
Imagine if he gets a new 150k/week contract with Chelsea and he calls a press conf declaring his forever love to CFC and the usual blah blah stuff, would Chelsea fans still love him but? Would you not turn on him for that? Or at least it would leave you with a really sour taste in your mouth?

I'm not trying to throw cheap jabs here, I'm actually interested to know...

i dont think he has lied, at the time of making those comments he really meant it, there was no offer on the table from anyone else...

Then he gets this stoopid offer from City and whoosh he just maybe changed his mind.....

we can all do that.....

Of course, but I don't make statements to my employer (and if the public were interested) saying I will never leave no matter what happens. I understand he is only human, but you can't go round making claims about loyalty to build up your reputation and then leave in a heart beat as soon as another club offers a pay rise- at least without explaining.

The problem is, some of these quotes are VERY recent, and it'll just make him look like an absolute fool if/when he goes. Also the Chelsea fans he allegedly care about him would turn on him big time.

As I say, I wouldn't bare any grudges for him leaving. I would leave. Totally. But he should explain his statements, that would be all I asked, explain what has changed.

The get out clause to the Chelsea fans if he did leave would properly be the unsettling influences, management changes.

The lack of ambition and control of the manager in the Transfer market may be a factor too, Sturridge will be great if and its a big if your next 2/3 managers can keep his ego in check, but hes still a long way from World Class and Carlos admitted to not even knowing anything about him.

Terry was very public with his desire for Chelsea to strenghten significantly and they have been very passive to date.

Less games in aa world cup year, putting country first etc.

So if he does go the underlying reason will be the dosh, but there is enough scope for his PR team to smooth it over with some good well planned spin which in my humble opinion is the reason for the silence as it keeps his options open
We should publicly walk away from the Terry deal right now and concentrate on players (like Lucio) that we can definitely attract. Terry may become available in the January window...
bobrivers said:
sniff said:
fulhamroad22 said:
Blue4ever85 said:
Come on John, show some ambition and join the team.

But, do Chelsea not have ambition? Surely every top team (and I include City in this now) has ambitions to win the league.

They might have ambition but the ammount of managers your team go thorugh, and the fact your chairman signs players is a little embarrasing. Your new manager is nothing but a yes man, same as he was at AC, he deals with the team and the chairman decideds who he signs with a little help from Arneson(whats a sporting directors job)

Who signs your players? Who wanted Ronaldinho and Kaka? Hughes or your owners to make you more marketable? Even going after Terry has a lot to do with marketing appeal.

So Terry has to show ambition and join City,huh? What sort of ambition would make a player leave the club he played all his life for and won everything in the country, the club that is still one of the best in Europe, a permanent fixture in the CL and a title contender, the club where he became one of the best players in the world and England captain? To throw all that away to join City right now is not a sign of ambition, it's a sign of greed.

Win something before talking of ambition.

one of the best in europe???

and what terry does show by being interested in joining us is wanting to be a part of something special,a transition.that he feels he no longer gets at chelsea.
we can talk about ambition because that is what we at city have in abundance from the fans right up to our owner.and nowthe wheels are firmly in motion to achieve our goals and the "top 4" are shitting bricks.
You can drag out as many Terry "I'm Mr Chelsea" quotes as you like they make little difference. Terry has a responsibility to himself and Chelsea to publicly say the right thing irrespective of whether he believes it or not.

Mind you, by listing Terry's comments you have proven that he has a track record of affirming his allegiance to Chelsea in times of uncertainty. City is a totally different proposition to most clubs right now, we have proven so far in this window that we mean business, we are becoming a real threat to the top six teams, City want Terry...if ever there was a time for Mr Chelsea to come out and reaffirm his allegiance to Chelsea it was about ten days ago. I'm still waiting for it...I'm not sure it will come.
lionheart said:
We should publicly walk away from the Terry deal right now and concentrate on players (like Lucio) that we can definitely attract. Terry may become available in the January window...

I have to disagree. Until it drags on too long or there is an indication that Terry does not want to come, City should continue to pursue Terry.
To be fair on the transfer front, there is still a couple of months to tie up some major deals. We're having major links with players like Ibrahimovic, Ribery, Pato, Aguero, Sneidjer and Pirlo. We need a playmaker and striker- one of which should be a big name. If that went through it would be huge for the club and we would be seriously challenging on all fronts. I mean if we got one striker and one midfielder from the above names, I'd say we would have the strongest team in the league. If Terry wouldn't warm to that and a good wage, I don't know what he would warm to (other than even bigger wages).
fulhamroad22 said:
Nixon_The_Bike_Thief said:
fulhamroad22 said:
If he goes, though, I think to avoid any backlash from Chelsea fans, he needs to explain why in pretty much every press conference or interview that brought up his role with Chelsea (even some that are very recent), he said that he is a one team player, and would never leave the club by his own making. I think, if he goes (and I fully understand why he would want to go), he'd have to explain why he lied.

Which is very easily done, all he needs is some good PR spin, base it round the fact that people get married and divorced every day in the UK, on the day of that marriage they commit to each other for life and they genuinely hope that is the case but different opinions, directions or even familiarity can cause these relationships to cool and often very quickly. If Terry feels he has stagnated at Chelsea and came out telling your fans that he would not be doing them or the club justice because he needed a new and fresh challenge in his career to spur him on, and he saw us as that challenge having been through similar with You, then I think he would still get battered with the mercenary tab but Im sure you would get over it and understand after a cooling off period. What do you think ? should I give Max Clifford a ring or get my coat lol ;o)

Ah, but it doesn't explain what went wrong at Chelsea for him to go full circle from any of the statements he has made, especially the following:

* "Chelsea told me what had happened as a courtesy. I was very happy with their reaction, as mine would have been the same. I have always said that I want to end my career at the club which I love and we all see no reason why that cannot happen" - John Terry, speaking on February 16, 2009 after Chelsea reject a bid for him from Manchester City.

* [Upon being asked if 'there any way you can see yourself leaving?']. "Never. No chance I can firmly sit here and say I never want to leave Chelsea. It's the club for me. When I first came through the crowds sung my name, 'John Terry', and then week-in, week-out 'Terry for England'. That relationship I've had with them...and I'm a very loyal person anyway. There's not many players that do that nowadays - start at one club and finish there. I really, really want to do that - I can't stress it enough" - John Terry, speaking on May 7, 2006.

* "Everything's going in the right direction and touch wood I can't see them going wrong. But if they ever did, I still wouldn't want to leave Chelsea" - John Terry, speaking on May 7, 2006.

* [Upon being asked 'Would you ever play for a club other than Chelsea?'] "No, I love it at Chelsea. I've been here since I was 14, and I'm 28 now. All my friends are here, so I'm going to stay for ever unless Chelsea tell me I've got to go" - John Terry, speaking on January 31, 2009.

* "When I was speaking about my contract with Chelsea, I was talking about a nine-year contract that we spoke about and maybe with an option to manage at the end of it. It's certainly the way I want to go" - John Terry, speaking on April 30, 2007.

* [Upon being asked 'Do you wonder what it would be like at another club?'] "No not really. I never want to leave Chelsea and I've made that quite clear. I had a two-month loan spell at Forest and enjoyed it very much but came back and things have gone very well for me at the club. The supporters have always been great to me. I just feel part of the furniture so it's the place I want to stay for the rest of my career" - John Terry, speaking on February 11, 2007

* "Hopefully I've got another 10 years in me. Certainly for Chelsea" - John Terry, speaking on 19 December, 2008

* "I want to stay at Chelsea for the rest of my career, and at the end of that if an opportunity comes up, then being in football for so long I never want to be out of it" - John Terry, speaking August 28, 2005.

What this shows me is that JT has always been forthcoming with quotes for the media.

So why the sudden silence now?

If I was a Chelsea fan I would be worried.
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