John Terry [Merged]

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Anthony_18 said:
John Terry will provide Chelsea with evidence of his commitment to the club when he flies out with Carlo Ancelotti's first-team squad for their pre-season tour of America this morning. The England captain is not yet ready to hand in a transfer request despite Manchester City's repeated insistence that he wants to join them in what would be a record transfer fee paid by a British club, with any sum likely to be close to £40million.

Chelsea claim to be relaxed about City's public courting of their captain and will take heart from his willingness to travel, but Terry's continued presence at Stamford Bridge is not guaranteed. Peter Kenyon, the chief executive, declared yesterday that the matter was closed, but that will not be the case until the club and player have held formal talks over a new contract.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 715554.ece</a>

The times to me seem the most reliable out of the whole lot, to me it seems like it will run and run until he either gets a new top earning deal at Chelsea or he hands the request in.

Yep that's pretty much my take.
Best bits for me are the comments from the Chelsea fans at the bottom of the article, very intresting and I presume sum up the feelings of most of them.

Ryan G wrote:
Every Chelsea fan I know thinks we should take the inflated Man C offer and use it elsewhere. JT's ego and sense of self-worth seem to have got out of hand.

Thanks for the service JT, but after the demands during your last contract negotiation (10 yr contract, mgr afterwards) followed by this deliberate silence have damaged your standing with the fans.
7/15/2009 11:53 PM BST on UK-TimesOnline Recommend? (4) Report Abuse Permalink

Mathew R wrote:
The continued silence from Terry -regardless of Kenyon's comments - is deafening. It's clear he wants either a large pay rise from Chelsea or to move. What a way to treat the club he says he loves. Even if he stays, he has done huge damage to his standing - the fans are not stupid. There is a banner someone has at the Bridge which says JT: Captain, Leader, Legend. The last word should be changed to 'mercenary'.
7/15/2009 11:40 PM BST on UK-TimesOnline Recommend? (9) Report Abuse Permalink
I want to know why Kenyon doesnt know what we offered!
Is he talking about personal terms here - I wouldnt have thought we were in any position to talk about those yet - how can he not know what was in GC's envelope?
Kinkys Left Foot said:
I want to know why Kenyon doesnt know what we offered!
Is he talking about personal terms here - I wouldnt have thought we were in any position to talk about those yet - how can he not know what was in GC's envelope?

I personally think he fucked up there! He knows what transfer fee we offered so the comment must be about Terry's personal terms which ITK's have said he has held talks with us. I just think Kenyon is saving face saying Terry isn't for sale but things are going on behind closed door's i.e transfer request
Kenyon said he's staying at Chel$ki.

This is the same bloke who said he wouldn't leave the rags.

I conclude he's joining and Kenyon being the sneeky rag fucker he is by making out that Terry will be portrayed as a money grabbing judas.
honestly believe that john terry will stay until the last day of the transfer window to see who chelsea bring in compared to us,i think then if he sees we have made the more ambitious targets then he can say he has handed in a transfer request for this reason so it dosent look like hes goin for the money and more the fact we have bigger goals.what better excuse to have because thats what i would do.
Kinkys Left Foot said:
I want to know why Kenyon doesnt know what we offered!
Is he talking about personal terms here - I wouldnt have thought we were in any position to talk about those yet - how can he not know what was in GC's envelope?

Yeah, me too. Seemed to be a bit dismissive of our offers - poor judgement to diss them like that. He might have been referring to personal terms, but seeing as we can't officially talk to JT, that also is a bit thoughtless. Don't really like Kenyon, maybe he's feeling he's not top-dog anymore with Gary Cook in town ?

As the window doesn't close for a few more weeks yet, this could run - JT could well go to America today and it will give him some breathing space.

Indecision can be quite crippling - once a decision is made everything changes. JT's attitude yesterday and throughout all this indicates he hasn't yet made a decision he can go public on.
Cobwebcat said:
1. Chelsea confident JT definietly staying (because JT said so )

2. City confident he is interested in coming (because JT said so I guess)

3. JT says nothing and waits. Why is he waiting and keeping us, Chelsea, City and the press speculating? Because he is waiting for a reason.............

Likely outcome: JT stays at Chelsea on increased wages (which may or may not become public knowledge)

Just an opinion based on logic but it's a boring outcome I know. Until then I'll be dreaming away in the hope I don't know what I am talking about.
No need to hope.
He is bound to get on the plane to the USA as he is still a Chelsea player. Do you really think Kenyon would say he is staying then be publically woman slapped by Terry not going to America. This one looks like being very much a drawn out affair until Mr Terry comes out and opens his mouth.
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