John Terry [Merged]

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Stuff U TERRY!!

He's not coming he's going to be the highest payed player at chelsea news conference
next week where he'll be saying he's flattered with city interest but he's chelsea through and
through and wont be going anywhere.
Re: Stuff U TERRY!!

waspish said:
He's not coming he's going to be the highest payed player at chelsea news conference
next week where he'll be saying he's flattered with city interest but he's chelsea through and
through and wont be going anywhere.

I tend to think that is what will happen but you a writing as if you know. I take it you are guessing?

Terry thread?
Re: Stuff U TERRY!!

waspish said:
He's not coming he's going to be the highest payed player at chelsea news conference
next week where he'll be saying he's flattered with city interest but he's chelsea through and
through and wont be going anywhere.
And at what point will you start to waiver?

If this statement is not made by this time next week, do you think he'll be a City player.

Tick Tock
Dyed Petya said:
Marvin said:
I am not sure who raised the issue of this Public statement from John Terry but the papers all seem to be expecting it.

If Terry's silence continues for much longer it will get very difficult for Chelsea to manage the situation. Appears that they are making strenuous efforts to get him to commit to the club - possibly through an improved contract offer - if that doesn't happen soon, surely he will be on his way?

As far as I can see, it came from a story in the Telegraph earlier on. Maybe there's something before that, but that was the first thing I saw. It made three claims:

1. Terry has agreed "in principle" to stay with Chelsea.

2. Negotiations will take place when they get back from the USA over a new contract for Terry with Chelsea.

3. "Chelsea are expecting" that Terry will make a public announcement soon (presumably one which is positive from their point of view).

4. Didier Drogba says that: "[Chelsea] know he's going to stay with us and win more trophies".

On which I'd comment as follows:

1. I'm a lawyer and I know what a binding agreement is. If he's agreed "in principle", then presumably he's said he'll stay if things are resolved to his satisfaction. They may not be. So no "agreement" at all then, more a vague and conditional statement of intent which is worth nothing.

2. I wish I could have a hundred quid for all the negotiations I've been involved with that haven't come off. And what happens if they don't? Presumably Terry leaves.

3. Are Chelsea expecting it? Or are they saying that they do so that if it doesn't happen, they can paint Terry as the bad guy - i.e. "He told us he would and he hasn't? Mr Chelsea? Pah!". And even if they're "expecting" it, we don't know why. Presumably he hasn't told him that he definitely will, or this would be phrased more conclusively.

4. Drogba is telling us this, as is everyone else at Chelsea. Except Terry. Oh, and Lampard, the one player at Chelsea one might expect above all to know what Terry may be thinking.

I don't think it's definite that Terry will come to City at all. I think his preference would be to stay at Chelsea if he were offered the right financial package and if other frustrations he has there can be resolved. But, for reasons I've already stated at length, I question whether they will be able to offer a financial package that's acceptable in the light of what I expect we will be offering.

All up in the air, then. The only thing I'd say is that it would be a mistake to underestimate our chances at this point. Seems to me we're very definitely still in the game.

sorry David I am not a lawyer but it strikes me as incorrect when you say it made three claims and then list four? Mind you I am a bloody accountant so I know these things. Impressed by what you say though, very interesting
gazeth said:
Excellent post Dyed Petya. Especially the bit about Cook and Milan, I remember reading that article when it came out, everyone was berating Cook for being uneducated in the football world and completely missing the point of what we were trying to pull off signing Kaka. It also seemed Kaka's father and other representatives couldn't get their head round it either.

I was quite critical of Cook in the Kaka deal, first I thought his "bottler" comments were unneccessary, classless and embarassing. Secondly if you have the worlds best product, but don't know how to sell it, the product is pretty much worthless.

Having said that, I remember reading the Telegraph article at the time and it was intruiging. I haven't read it again but from memory Cook was saying that Kaka was earning only about 10% of his commercial potential. Even if he was excaggerating that type of thinking did have the potential to revolutionalise the way the game is being run. If he can bag someone like Terry with the type of thinking that is rare in the game then it will undo a lot (but not all) of the misgivings I have about Cook as a man I want in charge of the club.
Dyed Petya said:
bobrivers said:
Dyed Petya you do bring up a few intersting points but:

What your argument is basically boils down to is that City can offer Terry much more money and Chelsea can't/won't be able to match that offer or even come near it. I don't think anyone debates the fact that City can offer more money in wages than any club in the world right now.

Nothing against Cook but you make him look like he invented business and everybody else was living in dark ages until MCFC chief executive arrived on the scene and enlightened the savages about the use of wages and image rights in modern football.

City are in a position to offer Terry or any other player the kind of terms that blow away any competition for one reason only: your new owners are able and willing to pay way more than any other club would. Your pulling power has little to do with Cook,Umbro or especially City finances and standing as a club since even with your "real' budget you were losing money.

I speak from the personal experience as a Chelsea fan since we've been doing similar thing only several years ago but it never occured to me to suggest that it was Peter Kenyon's expertise rather than Roman's big pocket that allowed us to assemble one of the best squads in Europe.

I'd respond with two points:

1. I'm not saying that football was in the dark ages before Cook. What I'm saying is that the commercial exploitation of image rights (and other commercial issues) in football is and has always been a long, long way behind American sports in terms of sophistication. Garry Cook has basically made his career in this area in America, and he's the only person (at least as far as I know, and I follow these things because it's my job to follow them) who has. That makes City much bolder in terms of what they'll offer through image rights.

2. In offering the wages that blow everyone else out of the water, City (in contrast with Chelsea when Abramovich arrived) do have a strategy to make at least a decent chunk on it back. And it's not a muddle-headed, aspirational and pie-in-the-sky idea either: it revolves round using demonstrable and fairly rare expertise we have in house. Now, it may work out that we recoup smoe or all of the money or it may not: all kinds of strategies that seem fairly sensible fail for all kinds of reasons, in football and in life. But it remains that City are trying to implement a more aggressive approach in this area that, so far at least, has been tried in football maybe only by advisers to Brand Beckham.
Thanks for your thoughts on this.
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