John Terry [Merged]

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happy said:
MonsallBlue said:
fulhamroad22 said:
I'm double worried when I look at Ancelotti's face in this picture with Sturridge.,,10268~1718041,00.html

I think he is just confused that he doesnt know the player stood next to him :)

I thought the traditional idea of an unveiling was to introduce the player to the press, in this case it seems it was to introduce the player to his manager.

luvin it.. lol
drsqueggy said:
Loads of Sky vans outside the Chelsea training ground. Source - that Chelsea forum.

Training must be over. Why hasn't anything been said?
This is all i was trying to say this morning [albeit in a granted aggro manner] before i got corned by the children of the corn with pitchforks, was all the Chelski twats are going to spread word about our itk banter and seek revenge....
bobrivers said:
blueinsa said:
bobrivers said:
southstand117 said:
not to mention the fact that he gets to challenge for every competition every season.....

and my question would be "do you want to challenge for every competition or WIN every competition"...

Because City are obviously so much better at winning competitions than Chelsea, I gather.

Bob, play nice ok. A few of your mob have been on today and have been a credit to your club.

We are only doing what you have done, please dont be bitter......

I'm not bitter.

If in fact there's any truth to that story about him handing the transfer request, Terry has my blessing. No player is bigger than a club, not even him.

Bang on mate.

If they want away, let them go.
You do know he is a United fan dont you????
yes he so obviously is....

what a stupid comment ;)

On a different topic, do you really want to be paying peoplethat much money? Our wage bill is ridiculously large and it annoys me. Yours will be even bigger.

I don't get why Terry is so sought after, Carvalho is far better defender and he's being touted as worth around 8m!
Terry is what...28? That gives him probably 4/5 more years at the top level and I'm 99% sure that in that time he will want to wipe away the memory of Moscow and lift the Champions League. Will we have a chance of doing that within 4 years? I doubt it! Will Chelsea? Very much so! Can't see any reason (other than ££££) why Terry would move to us/
zolas_big_toe said:
You do know he is a United fan dont you????
yes he so obviously is....

what a stupid comment ;)

This is why the whole of manchester laughs at you southern fairies........

And you weren't a Chelsea supporter ...<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ory.sport6</a>

No, I was Man Utd growing up. You know what it's like when you're a boy, you want to support the team that's winning everything. And my dad and grandad were Man Utd fans. But my first day at Chelsea I knew that was the club I wanted to be at. I just loved it. But Man Utd also approached me.

I met Alex Ferguson - great to meet. During the school holidays I would go up to Manchester and train with their boys for two weeks, play a few games and come home. But one thing that was really special about Man Utd was that Alex Ferguson took time out and invited me to one of their games and to have lunch with their players. So there we are - me, my mum and dad, my brother. He made me feel so special, autographs, my photo done with the Premiership trophy. I think it was hard for my dad to take that I was going to sign for Chelsea, but I had to sit him down and tell him it was definitely the right decision.
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