John Terry [Merged]

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Godzilla said:
Why do we need Terry when we've got Tal Ben Haim!!!

Because Tal Ben Haim has outgrown us and there isn't a chance in hell that we'll be able to keep hold of him. He is MADrid bound. Mark my words.
Pam said:
BillyShears said:
I have to say, I find the above Chelsea fan's comments utterly bizarre. Seems very similar to the Lescott situation where the fans are clinging to the fact that their own player's silence is somehow a good thing...


I know. I find that slightly odd as well, Billy.
It's the old 'no news is good news' scenario - they're just burying their heads in the sand.
mr t said:
Pam said:
I know. I find that slightly odd as well, Billy.
It's the old 'no news is good news' scenario - they're just burying their heads in the sand.

God, I remember doing the exact same thing all through the SWP to Chelski saga.
Pam said:
mr t said:
It's the old 'no news is good news' scenario - they're just burying their heads in the sand.

God, I remember doing the exact same thing all through the SWP to Chelski saga.
The whole world does it at one point or another - it's human nature.
BillyShears said:
Pam said:
Are you genuinely satisfied with Anchalotti's handling of this? He's handled it so badly. There was considerable annoyance the last time Ancholotti took it upon himself to say Terry does not want to leave Chelski. It is obvious that the matter is still under consideration with no final decision made.

I have to say, I find the above Chelsea fan's comments utterly bizarre. Seems very similar to the Lescott situation where the fans are clinging to the fact that their own player's silence is somehow a good thing...

In the case of Terry, Lampard's comments the other day were clear as day and there for all to see. Whether Terry gets his transfer or not, he clearly, crystal clearly, wants out of Chelsea, and wants to join City. All these supporters coming onto bluemoon and trying to be "level headed" don't realize their words betray their won fear of losing their best players..

That is what I find funny.

Im sorry Billy but when and where has Terry said he wants out of Chelsea and he wants to join City?

And Fulham Road i have to absolutely agree with you..when talksport or mirror or daily star writes something about City like.."Robinho wants out" etc. etc which is all speculation and fabricated bullshit, ppl here's bullshit, don't read that its' all nonsense..

But now, most of the ppl here are saying "interesting" and "i think that article makes it clear he waqnts to come" ..
Pam said:
fulhamroad22 said:
Exactly. I came on this site to pick up on the City perspective of this saga and I think the most amusing aspect is the extent to which many City fans on here will cling onto every chunk of information from speculation from newspapers and randoms who claim to know something as long as it supports City's cause, yet when an article or quote suggests a break through for Chelsea, people are quick to write it off.

Generally, if I were to post an article saying Chelsea will announce they are keeping JT in the following week with quotes from one of Roman's advisors it'd be quickly be denounced of rubbish. Press speculation, but if it is an article saying one of ADUG's advisors expects to sign Terry it's 'interesting' and some people will go totally overboard.

I don't think it's a bad thing, I just think it's amusing. I've never seen a football support be so reliant on speculation but can also turn on speculation at the same time.

Are you genuinely satisfied with Anchalotti's handling of this? He's handled it so badly. There was considerable annoyance the last time Ancholotti took it upon himself to say Terry does not want to leave Chelski. It is obvious that the matter is still under consideration with no final decision made.

Absoluteyl satisfied to say the least. He has made it clear that JT is not for any price. He has compared him to the legend that is Maldini, repeated that he is the leader and symbol of Chelsea and he wants Jt to be his captain ..for many many more years.
I say he's handed it pretty beautifully, smartly and professionally.
bloody chelsea fans

stop...... going...... round...... in..... circles

it's embarrasing to see the same old crap recycled every 5 pages. 'where does he say he wants to leave' as if his deathly silence implies there is nothing to comment on, as if lampard and cole hadn't all but let the cat out of the bag.
He will be a City player by next month. I have experienced a psychic manifestation. Then you'll see.

I think he'd be deeply stupid to miss out on something this big.
zigga_zagger said:
Pam said:
Are you genuinely satisfied with Anchalotti's handling of this? He's handled it so badly. There was considerable annoyance the last time Ancholotti took it upon himself to say Terry does not want to leave Chelski. It is obvious that the matter is still under consideration with no final decision made.

Absoluteyl satisfied to say the least. He has made it clear that JT is not for any price. He has compared him to the legend that is Maldini, repeated that he is the leader and symbol of Chelsea and he wants Jt to be his captain ..for many many more years.
I say he's handed it pretty beautifully, smartly and professionally.
Night night, god bless..... it'll all be gone in the morning...zzzzzzz
Pam said:
Are you genuinely satisfied with Anchalotti's handling of this? He's handled it so badly. There was considerable annoyance the last time Ancholotti took it upon himself to say Terry does not want to leave Chelski. It is obvious that the matter is still under consideration with no final decision made.

Again with assumptions.

Who was annoyed with Ancelotti's handling of the subject? City fans?
Who do you mean when you post this? Any actual quotes from the annoyed parties?
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