Joke thread

A young woman was flying from NYC to Toronto seated in economy class. After take-off she got up and walked into the first class section and sat down. One of the flight attendants asked to see her ticket and said "I'm sorry, Miss, you'll have to go back and sit in economy." The woman replied "I'm blonde, I'm beautiful and I'm going to Toronto." The flight attendant then went into the cockpit to speak to the co-pilot who in turn came back into the cabin and approached the passenger and insisted she return to the seat she was ticketed for. Again came the reply "I'm blonde, I'm beautiful and I'm going to Toronto." The co-pilot duly reported all this to the captain who said "let me handle this, I'm married to a blonde and I know how they work." The captain politely introduced himself to the young woman and spoke quietly with her for a couple of minutes, whereupon she got up, smiled, said thank you and went back to the economy section. Amazed, the flight attendant and co-pilot both asked the captain how he had persuaded her to move. "Easy" he said, "I just told her first-class isn't going to Toronto."

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