In the park there were two naked stone statues, a male and a female, who'd stood facing one another for over one hundred years.
One day an angel came down and spoke to them. The angel said that as they'd stood on their plinths, through all kinds of weather during their lifetime, she would allow them to come alive for one hour, and do what ever they wanted.
The male statue said to the female, "Shall we?" She replied, "Yes".
They went into the bushes and there was loads of moaning and groaning, puffing and panting. After thirty minutes they both reappeared with a look of pleasure and satisfaction on their faces.
The angel met them and said you have obviously enjoyed that, but you still have thirty minutes left.
This time the lady said, "Shall we do it again?" The male statue was quick to agree, saying, "Fine, but this time you hold the pigeon down while I crap on it."