Joleon Lescott & Micah Richards

BringBackSwales said:
Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
Lovebitesandeveryfing said:
Just a tinge of sadness in all my celebrations today, because I will always have a place in my heart for everyone who took part in that epic title win two seasons ago. And Joleon and Micah were definitely a major part of it. My question, in any case, is this: what's our cover for Zabman? Because if Micah's going we need someone (I thought Boyata was downright embarrassing in that position, when he was brought in briefly before Christmas). Zab is Ironman, but even iron can break sometimes. And who is real quality, worldwide, in right back position?

Aren't we in for Sagna?

Sagna and Cole allegedly, arsenal fans will be fucked next season, won't have a clue who to boo

Probably just follow the Anfield lead and boo everyone. ;-)
bluemoondays said:
I get annoyed at all these 'not good enough for where we want to be' comments, to be fair most people are wishing them all the best.

We have a requirement to have, I think, 8 home-grown players in the squad and for the CL, this includes 4 club trained. I appreciate that Richards and Lescott wouldn't get many games but there is no reason either of them wouldn't be good enough as squad players to be used against the 'no-mark' CL clubs or used in some home games in early stages of the cups or against the poor PL teams at home occasionally to rotate some of the first team. The likes of Wes Brown and John O'Shea have a shedload of winners medals whilst only playing 10-15 games (at most) a season.

It probably boils down to what wage they are willing to accept to be in that squad player role, imho it should be 50% (at most) of the players currently viewed as 1st teamers.

No team can afford to have 25 world class players in their squad and even if they could, the ego's would create huge problems in the dressing room with them all thinking they should be playing every week.

We'd be better served by keeping some players who might not be world-class but are city through and through, as long as they are capable of performing at a 'decent' PL level and they don't expect to be paid anything close to players like Aguero, Yaya, Vinnie etc.

/rant off

I wish both of them all the best wherever they end up.

I wish them well, but that right there is the problem for Micah at least. Lescott still has a few years left in him and needs to be playing regularly, he's still good enough for 3/4 of the league. Whilst Micah was fantastic in 11-12 quite simply you need your back-ups to be fit, give Zab time to breath now and then. If Zab had picked up and injury at any point this season, we'd have been fucked. You need two players in every position and at the moment and for quite some time, Micah has just not been reliable enough.
I know lescott got a medal and some of the write ups suggesting Richards didn't play enough to receive one but in a few of the celebrations he had one round his neck. Did the rules change regarding medals I thought the club got a number of medals and they give them out how they seem fit
swinton blue said:
I know lescott got a medal and some of the write ups suggesting Richards didn't play enough to receive one but in a few of the celebrations he had one round his neck. Did the rules change regarding medals I thought the club got a number of medals and they give them out how they seem fit

Lescott had a proper medal, Richards would have got one of the replica ones that were being handed out to friends and family members during the players celebrations.
If you want to get to the root of Richards' recent decline, then you only need to look to Roy Hodgson who preferred his Liverpool team after getting sacked by them and consequently getting the England job for the Euros.

Micah should have been on that plane instead of Glen Johnson. Instead he had to join Stuart Pearce's Team Britain for the Olympics and that is what started his injury slide to Hades. He never had a preseason in the previous season and just has not been himself since.

I blame Roy for picking some of England's players based on who he has worked with in the past. At the time Johnson wasn't anywhere near the levels of Micah. Even in the current world cup squad, he has picked Lampard as the only other experienced midfielder besides Gerrard rather than Barry despite the fact that the latter plays much better with Gerrard than Lampard. Not impressed at all.
Re: Joleon Lescott & Micah Richards

I like Micah too but, it can't be someone else's fault. He's had the chances to develop and impress like everyone else in the team. Sadly Micah has stood still whilst others have just got better. Maybe a change is best for him, maybe staying and committing himself more is what's needed. Micah has the choice and whatever he decides, I and others should support.
The interview with him and Joel was a bit depressing frankly. But I've said it all season and will continue to do so -- he just isn't good enough for the team at this point. Every game he played in, he was a liability because he just didn't have the pace and/or stamina to track back as effectively as needed. This was just painfully clear every time, but if you'll notice the game we lost 1-0 to Sunderland, their one goal came with him just inside the halfway line as Milner was trying to cover for Micah down in the corner.

I'd love for him to stick around, but he doesn't provide adequate cover and he won't get enough time to try and earn his way back into the England squad if he stays here. It's best for both sides if he moves on this summer. I think it'll do him a load of good.
Great way to say goodbye and thank you to the fans today

Thanks and good luck, Joleon.
Bigga said:
Personally, I think Micah shouldn't leave, but not sign a new contract either.

He should work to see if he can get back in the squad on ability and sign or leave on a free if it doesn't work out.

that would be okay in theory but would the club go for this?

of course if he signs an extension they'd be no issue.

with playing time Micah can work further on his game and I'd just love to see him give it one more season with us, although if stories are correct we've already been looking into other options.. it wouldn't appear to portend well for Micah supporters...

whatever happens, I wish him & Joleon all the very best

(except on occasions when they may be appearing against us)


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