Jose Mourinho.


Well-Known Member
13 May 2007
Now, Rammy Blues seems to believe that a deal with this fella has already been done and that Hughes will leave at the end of the season.

I am of the opposite opinion that I believe Hughes will be given another season if we claim 7th place and qualify for Europe again. The other thing is that this is too high-risk for Jose, if he comes here and fails then his reputation fail after being a success with FC Porto, Chelsea and soon to be Inter Milan aswell. He has nothing to prove in this league anymore. Yes there is the subject of money but it depends on what JM puts first - his record of success or his bank balance.

When SGE was sacked everyone wanted this fella and now even more so because everyone knows he'd attract big names to the club. I don't know, I just think that if Hughes is given a decent amount of time we'll be alright and build up steadily - house on rock, house on sound story.

What does everyone else think?
Blue2112 said:
Genuine question do you think Hughes can ever win us the title?

I think there is no reason why he can't. However we are a million miles away from that. I think Hughes is taking us in the right direction. I don't see Mourinho coming for the reason the OP stated.
Blue2112 said:
Genuine question do you think Hughes can ever win us the title?

Yes. But it is going to take a very long time to do so but once we are at that level we will stay at that level and that is the difference between Hughes and Mourinho. If you want short-term success then go with Jose, if you want sustained but eventual success go with Hughes.

I think our owners are very patient people who, as long as their targets are met, will not fire the manager (hopefully). We have always lacked continuity and fired manager after manager and if we do the same again then we haven't really learnt much and we're just starting again really aren't we which was the same under Pearce, Sven etc.

Mourinho likes to travel and he always needs a fresh challenge which is why he isn't staying at Inter Milan (allegedly) so what makes anyone believe that he'd stick it out here and we wouldn't have the same problem yet again of a manager leaving us and a new man coming in and us starting again? It happens time and time again.
dont think it fair to judge yet, it seem quite obvious he has had to break up some cliques within the club and change attitudes. This guy has been their and done it with the biggest clubs in europe, although he may not be tacticaly the best he will know and understand all the other aspects of what is need.
after this summer when he has had a chance to get rid of the dead wood and trouble causeing element and gets his own staff in. Our club has been run into the ground and had no real investment for around 20 years, what person in their right mind would think no matter how much money we have that all that could be wiped out in less than 12 months.
all of hughes signings have come off and we have shown that we are capable of beating almost anyone in the division, when was the last time you could say that and mean it????
Hughes may not be the man to get us the title but is the man to lay the foundations and do the jobs managers like sven didnt.

Just another one

I know Jose was a bit of an enigma but all he did was spend astronmical ammounts of money making an already good side play crap football. everyone seems to forget that was the reason for him leaving
I think that, as others have posted before, it may well be a two stage process weith different managers for each. One to take us to a position to challenge the top four, another to kick on from there and actually win things. (In part, because the managers who could do the second part wouldn't want to join before the first part has been done). I don't think we're far enough down the road for Jose to want to come now, for instance.

I've wanted Hughes out for a while, but am being swayed by the manner of the Hamburg and Everton displays particularly and the way he finally seems to be getting the best out of the Brazilians, together with the fact that he knows the demands of this league and has generally bought well when given a free rein to choose the players he wants. I think we should only replace him if the replacement is someone of the calibre of Jose.
C_T_I_D said:
Now, Rammy Blues seems to believe that a deal with this fella has already been done and that Hughes will leave at the end of the season.

I am of the opposite opinion that I believe Hughes will be given another season if we claim 7th place and qualify for Europe again. The other thing is that this is too high-risk for Jose, if he comes here and fails then his reputation fail after being a success with FC Porto, Chelsea and soon to be Inter Milan aswell. He has nothing to prove in this league anymore. Yes there is the subject of money but it depends on what JM puts first - his record of success or his bank balance.

When SGE was sacked everyone wanted this fella and now even more so because everyone knows he'd attract big names to the club. I don't know, I just think that if Hughes is given a decent amount of time we'll be alright and build up steadily - house on rock, house on sound story.

What does everyone else think?

jose would not even think for 1 second about coming to us, unless we are in champs league, until then 100% zero chance
wake up eh
Let's not beat about the bush here. Our owners will certainly have asked Mourinho the question. If the answer was yes, then it's bye bye Hughes. May sound a bit harsh , but our owners are investing big money, and they aint in it to piss about!

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