Juan Mata (Merged)

Dribble said:
According to Greame Hunter the three Premier League clubs who were in for Mata were Arsenal (who wouldn't pay the wages!! Surprise surprise), Spuds (who got blown out of the water by fuck knows who) & Chavski who showed more desire than anyone else to complete the deal.

Jesus Navas anyone?? :-)

Navas is shit scared of everywhere but his bedroom.
Dribble said:
b2b said:
shit shit shit Chelsea r getting stronger with Lukaku and Mata :''(
And they've confirmed they still want Modric too!!! Why is it only our board who seem petrified by FFPR?
Because we've lashed £250m in 2 years on players mate!! We are the only ones that uefa are desperate to nail it seems.

- I once caught a fish... thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis big!
I would have loved this lad at our place but we can't buy everyone.I reckon he will be a revelation for Chelski,exactly what they are currently missing,certainly makes the battle all the more interesting...
the way I look at it is that it just makes the chances better that a team in blue wins the title this year.
They have got a really good player there for very good money. Will change their season. 23.5 million is a bargain really wish we had gone in for him instead of pissing around waiting for nasri which might still never happen.
alera said:
They have got a really good player there for very good money. Will change their season. 23.5 million is a bargain really wish we had gone in for him instead of pissing around waiting for nasri which might still never happen.


Bargain and would have preferred him to Nasri.

I read that he will only be on 60k a week or something which is pretty low these days as weird as that sounds.

He will prove to be a great signing.
Chelsea could be dangerous again now with Mata plus modric. I'd still love us to get snjeider

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