To play the devil’s advocate, I wonder if ‘fan base size’ could play into a player’s ability to negotiate contracts with companies and brands outside of the said club?
For example, if club A has ~10k fans (aka reach), and club B has ~5k fans, then maybe I as a player get a better deal with brand XYZ if I’m at club A because of higher reach for the brand?
Outside of fan base size, I can only assume players would view ‘history’ as another term for prestige? It’s not completely beyond the realm of possibility that a person would prefer getting employed at a relatively more ‘prestigious’ company if on the cards.
For example in most white collar professions people often pick ‘bigger’ companies in terms of brand even if they have top offers from promising start ups or really good mid sized companies, because of the prestige aspect on their resume.
I’m not suggesting these are the only two facets that determine a player’s decision (clearly not as we’ve signed several top players over the years), but could be how they look at it.
I don’t really know.