Jude Bellingham

No idea if it's true but I think I read something along the lines that because Birmingham decided to rely on him at such a young age both in playing for them and bringing in a good fee early doors, they consciously nurtured the billy big bollocks arrogance as a way of him not being overwhelmed as a 16 year old in an adult dressing room. I'd have thought it would have made things worse but I think the idea was if you're convinced you're a cut above those you are playing with (and in fairness he was) then you become impervious. If true, it possibly worked for them as a short term tactic but hasn't really done him much good as a person by the look of it.
I've been mocked by a few mates of mine all season for saying the best player in the world talk around this lad is utter bullshit and several years premature. He's obviously operating at a high level for his age otherwise he wouldn't be at Madrid but I got laughed out of town for suggesting he would not walk into our side and would be subject to the same rotation as anyone else, whereas someone like Rodri is an absolute must start for us as the results have shown with and without him. And Rodders himself was poor last night.
But last night was the first proper big boy game that Bellingham has had to shine in and he was anonymous. One half decent chance he carved out for himself the shanked it, otherwise he spent all night getting passed around for fun and kept bitching at the ref. Top young talent yes, best in the world a million miles off. The 2 Brazilian lads are Madrids main men if last night is anything to go by.
I've been mocked by a few mates of mine all season for saying the best player in the world talk around this lad is utter bullshit and several years premature. He's obviously operating at a high level for his age otherwise he wouldn't be at Madrid but I got laughed out of town for suggesting he would not walk into our side and would be subject to the same rotation as anyone else, whereas someone like Rodri is an absolute must start for us as the results have shown with and without him. And Rodders himself was poor last night.
But last night was the first proper big boy game that Bellingham has had to shine in and he was anonymous. One half decent chance he carved out for himself the shanked it, otherwise he spent all night getting passed around for fun and kept bitching at the ref. Top young talent yes, best in the world a million miles off. The 2 Brazilian lads are Madrids main men if last night is anything to go by.
His PR team, him being English, or the fact he went to Madrid and not us, these are some of the things that made him massively overhyped. Is he a great player? Yes. Is he among the best in the world? Hell, no. We are talking about here and now, but the media focus too much on his age and fast progression. He has done well for himself overall, but let's be honest, he is nowhere near the likes of Rodri, KDB or even our Phil despite what the narrative is.
His PR team, him being English, or the fact he went to Madrid and not us, these are some of the things that made him massively overhyped. Is he a great player? Yes. Is he among the best in the world? Hell, no. We are talking about here and now, but the media focus too much on his age and fast progression. He has done well for himself overall, but let's be honest, he is nowhere near the likes of Rodri, KDB or even our Phil despite what the narrative is.
I think the narrative went into overdrive the minute he didn't sign for us, but then I could also be just speculating that Erling might have put tuppenceworth into the discussion.
His PR team, him being English, or the fact he went to Madrid and not us, these are some of the things that made him massively overhyped. Is he a great player? Yes. Is he among the best in the world? Hell, no. We are talking about here and now, but the media focus too much on his age and fast progression. He has done well for himself overall, but let's be honest, he is nowhere near the likes of Rodri, KDB or even our Phil despite what the narrative is.
I think his contribution overall for Madrid this season makes him someone who is operating in and around world class level. It has to if you're playing well for that level of club. As I said earlier though the best in the world chat is nonsense. Confirmed by his peripheral/near anonymous showing last night. Those are games you've got to shine in if you want to be known as the world's best right now and he was several steps below elite.
Good player, not great. I'm not judging him on last night because every player has quiet games but he's been way overhyped because he went to Real Madrid and had a good purple patch.

Even Rashford had a similar patch last season and nobody was saying he should win Ballon d'or. It would be laughable.

These are the real tests and he didn't turn up yet. A player in his position has no excuse to be invisible. You're not a striker starved of service a la Haaland, you're right in the thick of the game. I'd almost rather our midfielders be poor than go into hiding, at least you know they're still trying.

I've just got a feeling he wouldn't look all that good in the Premier League...

That said he is young still, but I honestly don't think he's anything special. Certainly a good player, but time will tell the truth and in the long run we will see his level isn't that of a superstar. He's a bit of a bellwhiff too and a shithouse.

That's why I don't care when the media or other fans try not to big up Foden like they do others, because I know it'll get to a point where his superiority over the likes of Bellingham will be laid bare for everyone to see.

He's riding the hype wave at the moment. Undoubtedly had a great spell with Dortmund considering his age. Has performed for England too. And then gone to Real over joining an English club and kicked on. As you say, one game doesn't change the fact he's a very good player. He's 3 years younger than Foden so you do have to give him credit.

The key thing for him is that it isn't always going to be this good. Real Madrid are the most fickle fans out there. If he doesn't perform in the 2nd leg then regardless of what he's done so far questions start being asked. They expect players to deliver consistently in the CL and unless you do they want the next shiny toy to play with. Can he cope when he inevitably has a bad spell, as all youngsters do.
Tried getting Foden booked by screaming around the floor then the replay showed he was never actually touched. Then was tackled by Akanji, jumped to the floor then back up again screaming at the ref for a second yellow.

Proper bellend and ironically, after all that, he would've been suited to the dippers given how unlikeable he is.
People on here had a go at me last year when I said I didn't think he was all that, that he seems clumsy and gangly on the ball.

Compare Rodri to him. The control, the movement, passing, switching play, Bellingham hasn't really got any of them.

What he has got is a presence and an eye for goal and that's about it. Yes he is young and still has years ahead of him before he peeks but the word overhyped fits perfectly for him.

Yes he might notch next week but we might be out of sight by then, I'm sure some of the Madrid players must look at him a go WTF, he just looks like a square peg in a round hole at the minute.

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