Just heard DeNiro on Talksport

masterwig said:
Come on here after a defeat.

Deep down I reckon at least 30% of people don't think Hughes is good enough. They won't admit it now but if we lose our first two games they'll all come out of the woodwork.

If we do lose the first two matches of the season the place will be in melt down with people screaming for him to go.

who won't admit it? i certainly will. and i reckon those figures are wrong.
Mike D said:
citymad said:
Well done De Niro. Frankly I find it appalling to think that fans are not behind Hughes at the moment. He's done exceptionally well this summer, he's represented the club impressively and has made sure he gotten his wish list early so they can blend as a team before the season starts. To me it certainly feels like its us and them so we need to stand together and believe in our club.

I think what you will find is that most folk are not fooled by spending shed loads of cash and bringing in yet more players. What really counts is what happens on the pitch and right now that ain't happenin. All Hughes is doing as as they saying guilding the turd. Its no good beating the same old drum lets get behind him people will get behind when he has shown that he is shown fit that he is capable of carrying out the job. The message is GET THE RESULTS AND WE WILL ALL GET BEHIND YOU HUGHES
yeah, we shouldn't get behind the team until they are winning too, get the results and then we will support them.
I've always subscribed to the view that if supporters support the team and the manager and give them their full support then that support would help the team and manager to produce better performances on the pitch. Or do we only support when we're winning now like some sort of plastic rags ffs?
squirtyflower said:
Mike D said:
I think what you will find is that most folk are not fooled by spending shed loads of cash and bringing in yet more players. What really counts is what happens on the pitch and right now that ain't happenin. All Hughes is doing as as they saying guilding the turd. Its no good beating the same old drum lets get behind him people will get behind when he has shown that he is shown fit that he is capable of carrying out the job. The message is GET THE RESULTS AND WE WILL ALL GET BEHIND YOU HUGHES
yeah, we shouldn't get behind the team until they are winning too, get the results and then we will support them.

There is no true City fan on this planet who is not behind the team. That does not mean we have to get behind the manager he has to prove himself
Lets just see what happens on the pitch before sticking our heads so far up his arse you can see Santa Cruz's feet. Yes he's made some good signings and yes he's handled the summer well but all this matters not a jot. Last season was poor and he has much, much more improving to do, though a £100m transfer kitty might help.
I wish people would understand there is a difference between getting behind the team, and having an opinion on the manager.

The manager, and more specifically his coaching team, have done very little so far to justify some of the support they get. One instance, one of the football basics, corners, we can't take them, and we can't defend them, they've had a year to sort that out.

The thing is an opinion on the manager is just that, an opinion, which we are all entitled too, supporting the team at a match is totally different, and I would imagine its what we all do, regardless of opinions about individuals.

The ability to spend great wads of money on footballers is all fine and well, but making them perform as a team is a whole different ball game, so we will all have to wait and see on that one, but because of the signings, expectations are now very high.
I'm currently behind Hughes but I only want the best for MCFC. If we're a few games in and are not getting results and the reasons for this are down to the manager - like playing SWP in central midfield and other tactical errors then hughes has got to carry the can and the best for MCFC might well be to get a new manager in.
cleavers said:
I wish people would understand there is a difference between getting behind the team, and having an opinion on the manager.

The manager, and more specifically his coaching team, have done very little so far to justify some of the support they get. One instance, one of the football basics, corners, we can't take them, and we can't defend them, they've had a year to sort that out.

The thing is an opinion on the manager is just that, an opinion, which we are all entitled too, supporting the team at a match is totally different, and I would imagine its what we all do, regardless of opinions about individuals.

The ability to spend great wads of money on footballers is all fine and well, but making them perform as a team is a whole different ball game, so we will all have to wait and see on that one, but because of the signings, expectations are now very high.

Great post and just to add that people can have an opinion on the manager without it having anything to do with his past. Something i've been saying for months but I still see the same shit popping up over and over
jay_mcfc said:
cleavers said:
I wish people would understand there is a difference between getting behind the team, and having an opinion on the manager.

The manager, and more specifically his coaching team, have done very little so far to justify some of the support they get. One instance, one of the football basics, corners, we can't take them, and we can't defend them, they've had a year to sort that out.

The thing is an opinion on the manager is just that, an opinion, which we are all entitled too, supporting the team at a match is totally different, and I would imagine its what we all do, regardless of opinions about individuals.

The ability to spend great wads of money on footballers is all fine and well, but making them perform as a team is a whole different ball game, so we will all have to wait and see on that one, but because of the signings, expectations are now very high.

Great post and just to add that people can have an opinion on the manager without it having anything to do with his past. Something i've been saying for months but I still see the same shit popping up over and over

So the judgement of a manager is based on our ability to take and or defend a corner ? What if Hughes is telling the players what to do and they are failing to execute it ? Do you know Hughes hasn't worked on corners ? I don't necessarily disagree with the comment but you can't sack a manger based on those two criteria !! All teams concede goals from corners ! Perhaps the fact we don't score from corners is because we didn't have the right personnel like a John Terry or Vidic who are good at scoring form corners. Perhaps we should focus on our strengths rather than try and improve an area that is a weakness and wouldn't get much better even if you focused all day on it. Have you got the stats that demonstrate that we conceded more than other teams from corners or is it just a gut feel ? It’s too easy to focus on small parts and find fault it's the overall picture that matters

I'll go with what I see and hear from the professionals that work with the guy, the fact that RSC and Bellamy were keen to work with Hughes again. The fact that Ireland has looked a completely different player under Hughes tutelage – I’ll focus on the positives that I see.

The problem is that where fans have a negative perception or view there is no doubt that will transpire on match day, even if it’s subconsciously. I see it week in week out, you can almost pick out those who don't like Hughes, they are quick to criticize.

I just don't understand why even in a close season you can't just drop the whole Hughes negativity and go into the season with optimism - I probably never will. I've always backed our managers because I want the club to succeed and the best way of doing that is by backing the club and manager.

You have to accept that not everything will be perfect and that some decisions will baffle you. It’s not who's right or wrong because the beauty about football is that nothing can ever be proven to be right or wrong – it’s all about opinions. People like to pick out instances where Hughes can prove to be difficient (As you did with the corners) a lot of Hughes doubters harp on about the Liverpool game (where incidentally we were superb first half) due to Hughes decision to put Gelson left back – but the bigger turning point in the game (That resulted in Hughes putting Gelson left back) was the sending off of Zabaleta and having to play with ten men. Did we lose because Hughes put Gelson left back or did we actually lose because we were down to 10 men ? Hughes could do nothing about the sending off. FFS the guy will make mistakes !!!

I sometimes get on my high horse on here and I sometimes think that people on her must think I’m a patronizing git and I don’t mean to be – it just breaks my heart when I see the venomous stuff written about our own manager. I’m not advocating a completely sanitized board where people can’t/don’t have view one way or another I just hope we don’t go about destroying the opportunity we have been given. I think some fans underestimate our importance in this journey. It’s not just the mentality of the club that has to change but so does the mentality of the fans. Stoke to me is the best example of fan power – unbeatable at home and sh*t away with the same 11 players. The only difference can be the support the fans provide on the day.
Blue Mooner said:
So the judgement of a manager is based on our ability to take and or defend a corner ?

You've no right to judge how I support this club, since its highly unlikely you've ever met me, and how do you know I'm not optimistic for the coming season, my expectations are probably higher than yours, because strangely enough I want us to win something !

I picked on "one deficiency", but there were plenty of others to pick from, but that one is a basic in any football team, even at school level defending of corners is something you try and get right. I didn't mention scoring from corners either, just taking them to give us a chance of scoring would be a start.

Whatever.........unlike many, I don't think he's the messiah, and I don't much rate his coaching staff either, but I'm right behind the team at every game I attend, which is quite a lot. I have an opinion that's all, and I'm very unlikely to be bullied out of it.

I guess you read what you wanted to read, that I'm against him, the whole club, all our fans, maybe I'm just a rag WUM eh ? By the way where did I mention sacking him ?

And like jay says its NOTHING to do with the team(s) he's previously been at.

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