Just heard DeNiro on Talksport

Blue Mooner said:
jay_mcfc said:
Great post and just to add that people can have an opinion on the manager without it having anything to do with his past. Something i've been saying for months but I still see the same shit popping up over and over

So the judgement of a manager is based on our ability to take and or defend a corner ? What if Hughes is telling the players what to do and they are failing to execute it ? Do you know Hughes hasn't worked on corners ? I don't necessarily disagree with the comment but you can't sack a manger based on those two criteria !! All teams concede goals from corners ! Perhaps the fact we don't score from corners is because we didn't have the right personnel like a John Terry or Vidic who are good at scoring form corners. Perhaps we should focus on our strengths rather than try and improve an area that is a weakness and wouldn't get much better even if you focused all day on it. Have you got the stats that demonstrate that we conceded more than other teams from corners or is it just a gut feel ? It’s too easy to focus on small parts and find fault it's the overall picture that matters

I'll go with what I see and hear from the professionals that work with the guy, the fact that RSC and Bellamy were keen to work with Hughes again. The fact that Ireland has looked a completely different player under Hughes tutelage – I’ll focus on the positives that I see.

The problem is that where fans have a negative perception or view there is no doubt that will transpire on match day, even if it’s subconsciously. I see it week in week out, you can almost pick out those who don't like Hughes, they are quick to criticize.

I just don't understand why even in a close season you can't just drop the whole Hughes negativity and go into the season with optimism - I probably never will. I've always backed our managers because I want the club to succeed and the best way of doing that is by backing the club and manager.

You have to accept that not everything will be perfect and that some decisions will baffle you. It’s not who's right or wrong because the beauty about football is that nothing can ever be proven to be right or wrong – it’s all about opinions. People like to pick out instances where Hughes can prove to be difficient (As you did with the corners) a lot of Hughes doubters harp on about the Liverpool game (where incidentally we were superb first half) due to Hughes decision to put Gelson left back – but the bigger turning point in the game (That resulted in Hughes putting Gelson left back) was the sending off of Zabaleta and having to play with ten men. Did we lose because Hughes put Gelson left back or did we actually lose because we were down to 10 men ? Hughes could do nothing about the sending off. FFS the guy will make mistakes !!!

I sometimes get on my high horse on here and I sometimes think that people on her must think I’m a patronizing git and I don’t mean to be – it just breaks my heart when I see the venomous stuff written about our own manager. I’m not advocating a completely sanitized board where people can’t/don’t have view one way or another I just hope we don’t go about destroying the opportunity we have been given. I think some fans underestimate our importance in this journey. It’s not just the mentality of the club that has to change but so does the mentality of the fans. Stoke to me is the best example of fan power – unbeatable at home and sh*t away with the same 11 players. The only difference can be the support the fans provide on the day.

The simple fact is that Hughes has not deliverd anything in terms of points and league position. You can blow as much smoke out of your arse about the why' s and where for's but he has to deliver. Folk have every right to have a go when things aren't right. If Hughes is the man then surely he will shut everyone up by delivering in terms of results
Mike D said:
Blue Mooner said:
So the judgement of a manager is based on our ability to take and or defend a corner ? What if Hughes is telling the players what to do and they are failing to execute it ? Do you know Hughes hasn't worked on corners ? I don't necessarily disagree with the comment but you can't sack a manger based on those two criteria !! All teams concede goals from corners ! Perhaps the fact we don't score from corners is because we didn't have the right personnel like a John Terry or Vidic who are good at scoring form corners. Perhaps we should focus on our strengths rather than try and improve an area that is a weakness and wouldn't get much better even if you focused all day on it. Have you got the stats that demonstrate that we conceded more than other teams from corners or is it just a gut feel ? It’s too easy to focus on small parts and find fault it's the overall picture that matters

I'll go with what I see and hear from the professionals that work with the guy, the fact that RSC and Bellamy were keen to work with Hughes again. The fact that Ireland has looked a completely different player under Hughes tutelage – I’ll focus on the positives that I see.

The problem is that where fans have a negative perception or view there is no doubt that will transpire on match day, even if it’s subconsciously. I see it week in week out, you can almost pick out those who don't like Hughes, they are quick to criticize.

I just don't understand why even in a close season you can't just drop the whole Hughes negativity and go into the season with optimism - I probably never will. I've always backed our managers because I want the club to succeed and the best way of doing that is by backing the club and manager.

You have to accept that not everything will be perfect and that some decisions will baffle you. It’s not who's right or wrong because the beauty about football is that nothing can ever be proven to be right or wrong – it’s all about opinions. People like to pick out instances where Hughes can prove to be difficient (As you did with the corners) a lot of Hughes doubters harp on about the Liverpool game (where incidentally we were superb first half) due to Hughes decision to put Gelson left back – but the bigger turning point in the game (That resulted in Hughes putting Gelson left back) was the sending off of Zabaleta and having to play with ten men. Did we lose because Hughes put Gelson left back or did we actually lose because we were down to 10 men ? Hughes could do nothing about the sending off. FFS the guy will make mistakes !!!

I sometimes get on my high horse on here and I sometimes think that people on her must think I’m a patronizing git and I don’t mean to be – it just breaks my heart when I see the venomous stuff written about our own manager. I’m not advocating a completely sanitized board where people can’t/don’t have view one way or another I just hope we don’t go about destroying the opportunity we have been given. I think some fans underestimate our importance in this journey. It’s not just the mentality of the club that has to change but so does the mentality of the fans. Stoke to me is the best example of fan power – unbeatable at home and sh*t away with the same 11 players. The only difference can be the support the fans provide on the day.

The simple fact is that Hughes has not deliverd anything in terms of points and league position. You can blow as much smoke out of your arse about the why' s and where for's but he has to deliver. Folk have every right to have a go when things aren't right. If Hughes is the man then surely he will shut everyone up by delivering in terms of results

Perhaps a lot of other people - including our board - have a different view to you as to what 'good' - in our first season under Hughes - looks like.
Blue Mooner said:
Mike D said:
The simple fact is that Hughes has not deliverd anything in terms of points and league position. You can blow as much smoke out of your arse about the why' s and where for's but he has to deliver. Folk have every right to have a go when things aren't right. If Hughes is the man then surely he will shut everyone up by delivering in terms of results

Perhaps a lot of other people - including our board - have a different view to you as to what 'good' - in our first season under Hughes - looks like.

Either that or they are incredibly niave. As they saying goes "Do gooders never win f*ck all"
masterwig said:
Come on here after a defeat.

Deep down I reckon at least 30% of people don't think Hughes is good enough. They won't admit it now but if we lose our first two games they'll all come out of the woodwork.

If we do lose the first two matches of the season the place will be in melt down with people screaming for him to go.

we admit it now mate.....
Mike D said:
Blue Mooner said:
Perhaps a lot of other people - including our board - have a different view to you as to what 'good' - in our first season under Hughes - looks like.

Either that or they are incredibly niave. As they saying goes "Do gooders never win f*ck all"

Our owners - do gooders and naive !! you couldn't make it up, and by the way I wouldn't put Hughes in the do gooder camp that's exactly why he faced up to and then got rid of Elano.

I get the impression that some people just don't know a good thing when it smacks them right between the eyes.

Criticising our board is not the right way to go........
Mike D said:
Absolutly gutted about this, F*CK OFF HUGHES I hope your gone too by christmas
For once I agree with Ian Wright on Talkshite that we need to let are football starting doing the talking not the posters. MH is under a lot of pressure to deliver and this is only gonna turn up the heat on someone who is already out of his depth. As they say this next few months will either make or break MH?
The conclusion of all these tireless endless threads is simple when he starts producing the results every single city fan will love him. Carry on the same vein as he did last season it he'll be gone by Christmas
The odds are hardly suprising and the bookies are no mugs they can see beyond the fact that just becuase you can sign a few players doesn't gloss over the realities of whether the manager is good enough in the 1st place. Who knows what will happen only time will tell whether the bookies have called ...
We just needs the vital missing ingredient and that you Jose welcome aboard
Yes, I never liked him as a player.His face offended me.His bicycle kick in 89 infuriated me I like him now,I really like him. He keeps his cards close to his chest and,I despair at his pissed off face for 90 minutes of every game
And that makes him such a great manager because thats what its all about spending the arabs money. How about the crap Stuart Taylor and the overated Crocky Santa Cruz
No F*CKing way even Hughes isn't that clueless to imagine Lescott is better than Onhou
not sure which is which? Here come the rag comments! Maybe I'm on my own but think they are both inept and I reserve the rite to voice my opinion after all that's what a forum is for. Nothing has changed my mind from last season, feel free to put me in my place when either of them does something to...
So the fact that we have a clueless tin pot manager doesn't have an influence on proceedings then?
the selected thoughts of Chairman Mike over the past month, it's clear you don't like him as a manager but is the real reason not about his ability but about the highlighted?
Blue Mooner said:
Mike D said:
Either that or they are incredibly niave. As they saying goes "Do gooders never win f*ck all"

Our owners - do gooders and naive !! you couldn't make it up, and by the way I wouldn't put Hughes in the do gooder camp that's exactly why he faced up to and then got rid of Elano.

I get the impression that some people just don't know a good thing when it smacks them right between the eyes.

Criticising our board is not the right way to go........
TBH with you Blue Mooner I think he's suggesting its the fans who like Hughes are the 'do gooders' and 'naive'. Another patronising put down sometimes used is 'happy-clappers'

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