
Danilo was a snip at £30m. He has been brilliant for Juventus and Brazil. We should have kept him given our constant fullback crisis. He could still pick up a World Cup winners' medal in Qatar.
Whether we should have kept him or how he has performed since leaving are not relevant to what he was valued at sat on our bench. He was being linked with moves away for 10-15 euros and went for approx 35m.
Tbh I’ve seen loads of Juventus fans slagging Danilo off and making statements such as ‘I can’t believe we swapped Cancelo for this guy’.
I wonder who they did these false transfers with. Hope we are far far away from it all.
It doesn't matter which teams are involved. If we buy a player from them and send 40 million by bank transfer, as long as we tell the tax man it was 40 mill we are in the clear. If Juve say they got 20 mill but bank records show 40, they are in the shit.
I've over simplified it but it has nothing to do with other clubs as long as they declare honestly.
How exactly do you falsify transfer fees without UEFA knowing?
The details have to be lodged with UEFA and monies lodged with them.
Did Juve collude with UEFA? Did they collude with the counter party?
Juve not the only guilty party here.
UEFA are not part of this. Look at this way. They get 40 million from a club but tell the tax man it was 20.
UEFA are not part of this. Look at this way. They get 40 million from a club but tell the tax man it was 20.
So the other club needs to be squared in case of cross check.
If there is a transfer, it must go thru UEFA.

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