Kamala Harris

It's very interesting to read that, and thank you for taking the time to post it.

For me, Obama came across as statesmanlike and I always loved his speeches. It's interesting to read that you didn't, but I guess thats because you are "closer" and saw it in a different way. It's always a different take when you see a country leader from another angle.

It's obvious why you want Harris to win, and I get that

It's just that she really disappoints (from an "outsiders" view) because she (honestly) is quite vacuous.
I've always expected America's Presidents to be "Presidential" "Sincere" "Truthful" even if I don't agree with it.
It's just that I don't get any of that from Harris.
To be honest I don’t give a flying fuck about Harris’s strengths and weakness or whether she comes across as especially statesmanlike, presidential or any other adjective you’d hope to see. When her opponent is a clear danger to not only the US but also the rest of the world the only important thing is that he doesn’t get to be president again. We can judge Harris once she gets elected and Trump is no longer a threat. There is no equivalence between them in any aspect of their potential future presidency.
Careful now.
That sounds like an objective critique of the Dems.
We elect people, not platforms, not ideas, not policies — people. I am a good judge of character, I think, or have been in my six decades on earth to this point. That I knew what Trump was in 1989 is down to luck and direct, specific experience, as I’ve shared. That I know what he is now is down to observations of behavio(u)r that have not changed one whit since then. I was right about him then, and always have been and still am, and whoever doesn’t agree is wrong. Of course that sounds arrogant. Well, tough. I feel no such confidence describing nearly anyone else that way, politically for sure, but not even that many friends or business associates. That’s my confidence level. That’s why I’d vote for a ham sandwich if it ran against him for county dog catcher.
We elect people, not platforms, not ideas, not policies — people. I am a good judge of character, I think, or have been in my six decades on earth to this point. That I knew what Trump was in 1989 is down to luck and direct, specific experience, as I’ve shared. That I know what he is now is down to observations of behavio(u)r that have not changed one whit since then. I was right about him then, and always have been and still am, and whoever doesn’t agree is wrong. Of course that sounds arrogant. Well, tough. I feel no such confidence describing nearly anyone else that way, politically for sure, but not even that many friends or business associates. That’s my confidence level. That’s why I’d vote for a ham sandwich if it ran against him for county dog catcher.
Home Alone 2 was when he came to prominence for me. I thought he was a **** then. I've seen nothing to change my mind. In fact, everything I've seen of him has only strengthened my opinion of him.
Trump (or his advisors) figured out a long time ago that generally the American electorate is just not very smart or thoughtful, and pick a side more or less in the same way as they pick a football team to support. Turn them into two baying mobs hating each other with little or no thought and you can get away with feeding hate rather than offering anything solid.
Similarly Kamala can get away with promising change while glossing over the fact the democrats are and have been in power for years.
Last time I looked the Republicans held a slim majority in the House.
Oh, I did see Obama as statesman-like, but thought his worldview was more "solve domestic problems, that's my sweet spot" rather than take a more central role in international politics. To be fair, he inherited the worst economy since the Depression so I get his focus of necessity needed to be internal.

I don't see Harris as vacuous, but I see her as inconsistent, which is a more nebulous word. "Slippery" is a meaner and more unfair one, and IMO doesn't apply here, especially as Newsom has cornered it. Also Harris was a tough cookie, especially as a DA in a verrrrrrry liberal place. But she can also seem devoid of ideas (a "concept of a plan"?) sometimes. Is she narrow? Maybe that's it -- maybe on issues she doesn't have a grasp of, she looks overtaxed or naive. But I also bet she's a quick study, and will take her role as America's leader (if she wins) seriously, and her gravitas will grow as it will need to.

But "Presidential", "Sincere", "Truthful" -- I agree, and Biden was all of those things IMO -- just too old.
Obama’s policy towards the Mediterranean (where east meets west) was disastrous. Thanks to his studied disinterest, Russia now has a naval base there and Syria is torn apart.
And again -- the Democrats have NOT been "in power for years" -- it's getting tiresome giving civics lesson on how the American Congress works.

This is why I don't spend time on the UK politics threads -- because I'm smart enough to know I don't understand the mechanics over there well enough to add value or to have an opinion.

But if I did, I'd talk about Brexit, which -- were I going to act like you do -- would perhaps convince me that all Brits should forever be completely disqualified commenting on any flaws in the American political system, because you dumbfucks were so stupid that somehow you allowed a 15-word sentence to forever alter your economic competitiveness globally in order to keep brown people out of the country.

But, hey -- I'm not that guy, and I don't think that.
Still, Harris promises change which she is unlikely to be able to deliver which is the point. I think both of our nations seem to be equally vulnerable to stupidity as is human nature. Online stupidity has increased this vulnerability over I suppose the last 15-20 years with the 'footballisation' and polarisation of politics being used to herd folk into opposing baying mobs rather than thinkers.

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