Kamala Harris

It's more a response to the comments I've been reading from people who seem adamant that they're two sides of the same coin.

Some people are so driven to make it all about left vs right and their desire to stay between and above both.

And it's all a bit pathetic.

Just thought I'd pop in for a min.

How foolish to think it's about 'left vs right'!! These are MINOR issues looking at the bigger picture! All the billionaire class have done is to divide you people up into issues that take your eyes off them.

If you're fighting about immigrants, you're not talking about why they ARE in the countries the perceived problems are in. Why are they displaced in the first place? Why are they being inserted into cities with a poor and working class demo and then they displace those that were there before them? Why not thin them out into the middle class and rich beltways?

If you're talking about the 'right to choose' life, why hadn't the Dems codified it into law in Obama's term? Biden's even?

If you're complaining about wage stagnation or health, why are lobbyists allowed to work against the people?

So successful is the magic trick of ignoring the wealth discrepancy, you're busy fighting about relatively smaller issues that can be sorted down the line; this is the national issue for the US.

Internationally, all the brainwashed Western people are voting in bad actors happy to destroy other Human Beings, like playing 'CoD' rather than note these are actual lives being lost through just the random act of being where they were born. So, whilst you're castigating people like Trump, I castigate the people that enact regime change directly and indirectly and are bringing nations to the brink of World War. That'll be whoever's in the billionaires' puppet Gov.

All your voting against 'Orange Man Bad', your 'right to choose', your 'right for gender ID', your 'Brexit' etc., it won't matter a jot if countries don't scale down the ramped up rhetoric enabled by the M.I.C. All because billionaire companies like Black Rock are driving the war agenda, the housing agenda and hedging bets by inserting themselves into US govs.

'Left vs Right', my arse...

Enjoy your day.
Maybe true. However on the day a billionaire businessman walks in space whilst many on the planet are living in poverty I stand by my assertion that the economic system we have is mainly benefitting the very rich.
As you say she might want to change that.

Unless she raises wages to a more acceptable living standard in the face of rising US inflation, she'll change nothing.
Just thought I'd pop in for a min.

How foolish to think it's about 'left vs right'!! These are MINOR issues looking at the bigger picture! All the billionaire class have done is to divide you people up into issues that take your eyes off them.

If you're fighting about immigrants, you're not talking about why they ARE in the countries the perceived problems are in. Why are they displaced in the first place? Why are they being inserted into cities with a poor and working class demo and then they displace those that were there before them? Why not thin them out into the middle class and rich beltways?

If you're talking about the 'right to choose' life, why hadn't the Dems codified it into law in Obama's term? Biden's even?

If you're complaining about wage stagnation or health, why are lobbyists allowed to work against the people?

So successful is the magic trick of ignoring the wealth discrepancy, you're busy fighting about relatively smaller issues that can be sorted down the line; this is the national issue for the US.

Internationally, all the brainwashed Western people are voting in bad actors happy to destroy other Human Beings, like playing 'CoD' rather than note these are actual lives being lost through just the random act of being where they were born. So, whilst you're castigating people like Trump, I castigate the people that enact regime change directly and indirectly and are bringing nations to the brink of World War. That'll be whoever's in the billionaires' puppet Gov.

All your voting against 'Orange Man Bad', your 'right to choose', your 'right for gender ID', your 'Brexit' etc., it won't matter a jot if countries don't scale down the ramped up rhetoric enabled by the M.I.C. All because billionaire companies like Black Rock are driving the war agenda, the housing agenda and hedging bets by inserting themselves into US govs.

'Left vs Right', my arse...

Enjoy your day.

You'd have thought someone like you, blessed with a third eye to see what everyone else fails to, would have struggled to miss the message.

Some people are so driven to make it all about left vs right and their desire to stay between and above both.

People like you confuse stubbornly sitting at the midpoint of the beam with being on top of the fulcrum.

From your perspective, you're well balanced. From mine, you're way off kilter.

Given that you've spent days calling anyone who disagrees with you an idiot, I'd suggest you do more thinking and less yapping.
Obama’s policy towards the Mediterranean (where east meets west) was disastrous. Thanks to his studied disinterest, Russia now has a naval base there and Syria is torn apart.
Russia (or the Soviet Union) has had a naval base in Syria since 1971. They have also had an air base for many decades.
I’m glad you respect my post. It is a lot better to debate cordially than to name call, isn’t it?
If I don’t understand your point of view I will ask you for clarification. Same goes for anyone else in here.
I was always that way from early school days. I was never afraid to ask ‘how?’ Or ‘why?’
It didn’t get me into conflict with my teachers and I see no reason why random people I don’t know in here should see it as a sign of conflict either. Rather use me, as certain teachers did, as a guage of how well they were getting their lesson across.

Having said all that, there’s a lot in what you said and it’s not new to me.
Am I bothered? Well yes and at the same time I’ve come to realise that progress comes in small steps and you change what you have influence over.

You seem to argue points in here that are beyond the scope of yourself certainly and also perhaps those with skin in the game of the election we are talking about.

American foreign policy ain’t changing, we can agree on that.
Do we regard it as a democracy at all? Well I do believe I’ve argued amicably that point with some of the same protagonists that you regularly spar with. It is flawed but they are not the only so called democracy that is funded by billionaire businessmen. Unfortunately it is the way of the world.
I used to shout at the moon too, but for my own sanity, I have come to realise the small changes I have control over are where my energy is best spent.

Where you and I majorly differ is, I can see that same self preservation in responses from people in here and I can fully appreciate that at an internal level nationally, for our fellow members from America, there really is a difference between these two candidates and also the two parties and the directions both are heading.

On a human level, I’ve always found Trump a despicable excuse of a man and he has gotten worse with age.
I think he would be bad for the world in general but your point is both are anyway.

I see a difference in where America would head though and I think it is a worse scenario than any current Dem. getting in.

Do I think the American form of politics is ideal? Absolutely not. I scratch my head about a lot of what is regarded normal over there.
I work in the courts over here and doing so has given me a confidence in the objectivity of the justice system here.
I don’t see how appointing Red or Blue leaning judges is helpful, it should be beyond politics. Stuff like that etc etc.

In short, I have no say in this election but have nailed my my colours to the mast in a simple either or, scenario.
I understand that if you were American you would vote independent or whatever choice you may have.
Unfortunately as you’ve described yourself their system dictates to many over there that voting has to be tactical to keep this dangerous loon away from their constitution and regressive policy, if indeed you could call it policy.

It is not as simple as a toss of a coin and as my quite intelligent niece and her equally intelligent American husband explained to me over the weekend, the real power is at local level but the real danger to them is at this presidential level.
They are not the same.

Thanks again for the reply. Unfortunately I won't be able to give an expansive reply as I'd want. I gave one earlier eating into my time. However, ask your American fam whether grassroot funded representatives or politicians win over lobbyists/ funders like AIPAC, interjecting into a democratic process, i.e., people power vs foreign state actors.

Biden is [currently] pres.

Harris has carried on some of the Biden policies on her website.

Biden-Harris have carried on some of the Trump tax policies and carried the border policies forward.

You are naive.
What you say is true but it doesn’t alter the fact that he has to address her planned policies, not the soon to be previous administration’s, not to mention state his own.

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