Kamala Harris

Just thought I'd pop in for a min.

How foolish to think it's about 'left vs right'!! These are MINOR issues looking at the bigger picture! All the billionaire class have done is to divide you people up into issues that take your eyes off them.

If you're fighting about immigrants, you're not talking about why they ARE in the countries the perceived problems are in. Why are they displaced in the first place? Why are they being inserted into cities with a poor and working class demo and then they displace those that were there before them? Why not thin them out into the middle class and rich beltways?

If you're talking about the 'right to choose' life, why hadn't the Dems codified it into law in Obama's term? Biden's even?

If you're complaining about wage stagnation or health, why are lobbyists allowed to work against the people?

So successful is the magic trick of ignoring the wealth discrepancy, you're busy fighting about relatively smaller issues that can be sorted down the line; this is the national issue for the US.

Internationally, all the brainwashed Western people are voting in bad actors happy to destroy other Human Beings, like playing 'CoD' rather than note these are actual lives being lost through just the random act of being where they were born. So, whilst you're castigating people like Trump, I castigate the people that enact regime change directly and indirectly and are bringing nations to the brink of World War. That'll be whoever's in the billionaires' puppet Gov.

All your voting against 'Orange Man Bad', your 'right to choose', your 'right for gender ID', your 'Brexit' etc., it won't matter a jot if countries don't scale down the ramped up rhetoric enabled by the M.I.C. All because billionaire companies like Black Rock are driving the war agenda, the housing agenda and hedging bets by inserting themselves into US govs.

'Left vs Right', my arse...

Enjoy your day.
The only choice the us electorate seems to have is of ww3 starts in the middle east or eastern Europe. Who is actually running America between now and January?
I presume you're opposed to the rambling, incoherent, cognitively impaired orange idiot being in charge of things for the next four years.
The key feature that’s missing from this post is that of enduring decline. His mental acuity is plainly in free-fall, and so whatever state he’s in now will be unquestionably discernibly worse in four years time, even in twelve months. It’s surely virtually impossible for that not to be the case.

Just find her highly annoying her facial expressions, the smirking, ridiculous laughing, rolling her eyes. Her use of different accents depending on her audience is completely offensive. Trying to explain stuff everyone already understands but making an arse of it.

Just amazed this is the best candidate they have to challenge Trump.

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