Kamala Harris

Out of curiosity, what in that video did you find informative?

Personally, I believe it's more important that an anti-Democratic would-be despot is defeated than whether or not Kamala is "lying about fracking", but, hey, that's just me.
Ah yes, pray tell, who voted for the pro-Democratic Kamala?
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I do find that anyone who supports the suppression of speech and information, blocking of legitimate alternative political voices and/ or parties, the continuation of genocidal intent, regime change around the world and the occupation of foreign lands forcing the displacement of citizens, all supported and shaped by the billionaire donor class as 'democratic processes', I find them hilarious.

I find their support of these processes anti-Human and anti-Life, but they think they are not.
Yes, I found it 'charming' when she used it when telling the story of locking up parents over their child truancy.

Oh, how I laughed too...

even Joe Rogan singing her praises lately, she really is in the driving seat at the moment i feel.
Trump is becoming more incoherent and boring by the day.

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