Kamala Harris

Well you’re talking to someone who is Pro-Life and Christian, I want to extend human rights to the unborn, rather than remove it from anyone.

I am currently in an Evangelist Church online, as my local Anglican Church is shut for Covid. My friend who is a leader there, who invited me during lockdown, is left wing and certainly doesn’t hate anyone.

Christian Evangelism isn’t the issue, it’s a politics of hate, which is fundamentally unchristian and more far right.

Anyway, don’t want to derail the thread into a theology discussion, I think the Hillary tactic of calling all these people “basket of deplorables” is exactly what we shouldn’t be doing.

You are quite right about the historical division in the country but I am sure you will agree it’s got significantly worse from Obama’s time in office and before, I am merely saying the process should be to try and reverse that and the Democrats do seem to want to do that, Biden certainly does and is taking a step away from Hillary’s tactic of just casting them into the bin.

To be very clear, the responsibility here is on Trump supporters to heal the division, I am not absolving them of their guilt or their responsibility, I am just saying everyone else should leave the door open for them when they want to grow up and purposefully trying to antagonise them is going to help no one.

Also, just to be very clear on this, I don’t mean those involved in the coup or wider violence, they should be thrown in jail.

Republicans regularly denigrate the cities and the Democrat demographic, sewer rats was a Trump line and you will find that and worse on Conservative leaning forums.

Deplorable‘s was said once if I recall and is almost a term of endearment compared to the bile that flows non stop in the other direction.

Unity isn’t happening without some recognition of the harm being done by the Conservative side in America. You don’t get to try and overthrow the Govt and then demand the other side kiss and make up as if nothing had happened.

There has to be a reckoning because if there isn’t they will try it again.
Republicans regularly denigrate the cities and the Democrat demographic, sewer rats was a Trump line and you will find that and worse on Conservative leaning forums.

Deplorable‘s was said once if I recall and is almost a term of endearment compared to the bile that flows non stop in the other direction.

Unity isn’t happening without some recognition of the harm being done by the Conservative side in America. You don’t get to try and overthrow the Govt and then demand the other side kiss and make up as if nothing had happened.

There has to be a reckoning because if there isn’t they will try it again.
It’s not just as straight forward as that. Trump has turned the Republican Party into a monster and whilst you may completely disagree with their politics, even before he came along, they haven’t always been this way, they haven’t always been far right and the coup was something never seen before.

There’s a lot of decent conservatives in America and a lot of soft Trump supporters (I believe Trump and conservatism is opposed to each other but that’s a different topic) that aren’t within the cult, that can be turned and can behave appropriately.

All I am saying is keep the door open to the above, take the high road and America will heal, Biden gets this and it’s why he is pushing that he wants to be the President for all Americans. He’s actually really impressed me since he won.

Then again I am an optimist and always think things are going to work out.
In part, but with respect to black women and hair it’s also ignorance/indifference, because no other demographic spends as much on hair products as black women. The market is there, but most companies chose not to cater for it.

The list goes on mate, stuff we take for granted as being available that black people have to sit down and think where can I get that from? We’ve come a long way since the 70s and the shit you’d hear in the streets and that but when you actually sit down and think about this stuff it did make me go “oh”
The list goes on mate, stuff we take for granted as being available that black people have to sit down and think where can I get that from? We’ve come a long way since the 70s and the shit you’d hear in the streets and that but when you actually sit down and think about this stuff it did make me go “oh”
Not much available to me but some clippers to get rid of what little hair I’ve got left :-(
But that sounds a lot like “I’m not racist, I’ve got black mates”.

Sure we don’t discriminate on jobs, pay, and the such.

You want to buy your little girl a black doll from the toy shop? As a white guy I’ve got 20 to choose from, you’ve got 2

You want to buy some shampoo? As a white guy I’ve got 30 different brands to pick, you’ve got 3

And so on and so forth

When day to day living isn’t more difficult just because you aren’t white is the day we can finally say we’re an equal society.

Wait what shampoo is racist now, does me using head and shoulders mean I want to cause genocide in the Democratic Republic of Congo or am I just harping back to the days of the French revolution and Madame Guillotine
Well you’re talking to someone who is Pro-Life and Christian, I want to extend human rights to the unborn, rather than remove it from anyone.

I am currently in an Evangelist Church online, as my local Anglican Church is shut for Covid. My friend who is a leader there, who invited me during lockdown, is left wing and certainly doesn’t hate anyone.

Christian Evangelism isn’t the issue, it’s a politics of hate, which is fundamentally unchristian and more far right.

Anyway, don’t want to derail the thread into a theology discussion, I think the Hillary tactic of calling all these people “basket of deplorables” is exactly what we shouldn’t be doing.

You are quite right about the historical division in the country but I am sure you will agree it’s got significantly worse from Obama’s time in office and before, I am merely saying the process should be to try and reverse that and the Democrats do seem to want to do that, Biden certainly does and is taking a step away from Hillary’s tactic of just casting them into the bin.

To be very clear, the responsibility here is on Trump supporters to heal the division, I am not absolving them of their guilt or their responsibility, I am just saying everyone else should leave the door open for them when they want to grow up and purposefully trying to antagonise them is going to help no one.

Also, just to be very clear on this, I don’t mean those involved in the coup or wider violence, they should be thrown in jail.

What is the politics of hate? That's not a real thing. It's a right wing catchphrase they trot out whenever someone pushes back against them, like Lindsey Graham's disgusting letter written today.

And what is antagonising the Trump supporters? Bringing in healthcare? That would antagonise them. Keep abortion legal? That will antogonise them. Uphold the rule of law and make Trump face the consequences of his crime?
What is the politics of hate? That's not a real thing. It's a right wing catchphrase they trot out whenever someone pushes back against them, like Lindsey Graham's disgusting letter written today.

And what is antagonising the Trump supporters? Bringing in healthcare? That would antagonise them. Keep abortion legal? That will antogonise them. Uphold the rule of law and make Trump face the consequences of his crime?
It’s actually a term trotted out by the left more to attack the right but I used it because the extreme fringe of the Republican Party/Trump supporters aren’t getting their politics from the New Testament, if they are they don’t understand it. Just listen to Trump’s interview when he said “I don’t need to repent, I don’t do bad things, I just believe in being good so you don’t need to be sorry or ask for forgiveness” - I mean, it’s almost laughable how delusional, heretical and twisted that is to someone who actually is Christian.

Again, I think we should leave the abortion point as you and I clearly disagree on the rights of the unborn but moving on to what I actually meant by antagonising them, is more around rhetoric than policies.

Of course the Democrats should enact their manifesto and push forward with policies they’ve been elected on, which they feel is the best way to improve the country...

... I am just saying making everyone who voted Trump an indefinite enemy and ignoring them or labelling them as deplorables isn’t a wise move. There’s a significant percentage who aren’t like those nob heads causing chaos in the Capitol.

If the country is to move forward from this sorry mess, something has to give, obviously the vast majority from the Trump side but also a little bit from the rest of the country to allow them to reconcile with people who aren’t in the cult.

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