Kamala Harris

what more can they do to prove the vote wasn't a fraud ?
When the Trump appointees on the Supreme Court say there's no case to answer, even the most rabid Trumper should sit up and listen. Problem is they haven't so there's fuck all else to do except marginalise the nutters even if there's tens of millions of them.
It's a start in how to bring America back to a more normal society in taking acceptance to a black women president.

But that sounds a lot like “I’m not racist, I’ve got black mates”.

Sure we don’t discriminate on jobs, pay, and the such.

You want to buy your little girl a black doll from the toy shop? As a white guy I’ve got 20 to choose from, you’ve got 2

You want to buy some shampoo? As a white guy I’ve got 30 different brands to pick, you’ve got 3

And so on and so forth

When day to day living isn’t more difficult just because you aren’t white is the day we can finally say we’re an equal society.
But that sounds a lot like “I’m not racist, I’ve got black mates”.

Sure we don’t discriminate on jobs, pay, and the such.

You want to buy your little girl a black doll from the toy shop? As a white guy I’ve got 20 to choose from, you’ve got 2

You want to buy some shampoo? As a white guy I’ve got 30 different brands to pick, you’ve got 3

And so on and so forth

When day to day living isn’t more difficult just because you aren’t white is the day we can finally say we’re an equal society.
Some things (like the hair care products) are simply a function of market forces though, and are an unrealistic and unfair barometer of an equal society, surely.
What’s the best policy then? Trying to anger them and driving them away as much as possible or trying to show them why there wasn’t fraud?

No matter how much a group deserves hostility, hostility only makes the situation worse.

I don’t think trying to piss people off for the sake of it will help.

The best policy is to fucking ignore them. They are extremists and cultists.

Don't waste a single fucking minute of the next 4 years in some futile attempt to make radicalised idiots think you're the good guys. They don't care, they aren't listening.

Focus on the people who got you elected. Healthcare, reverse Trumps taxes on the middle class, give DC and PR statehood, help poor people, reform the prison system, student debt, green new deal etc.

There's this stupid myth that keeps being parroted that there are 70 million Trump supporters. It's a complete lie. 60 million people voted for McCain and Mitt Romney. That's how many Americans vote for the [R] next to the name, no matter what. There's 10 million Trump supporters in a country of 255 million voting age Americans.

Fuck them, they are an irrelevance. They will either hand democrats wins by being disenfranchised like in Georgia, or they will slowly grow up and fall out of the cult because without a leader it's doomed.

Meanwhile, the democrats will be doing things that make their lives better.
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