Keir Starmer

We already were in that position in reality with all the opt outs and keeping the pound etc..

I’d take your point if the vote had been the other way round and we’d gone full EU afterwards, but that was never going to happen or be possible.

We voted on how things stood within the EU and that included opt outs and sterling. Which in itself shows you all you need to know about fairness in the EU.

My point was quite simple with the breath taking hypocrisy since eg.

Referendums are no good it's too complicated they cried the politicians must make these decisions.


Most would now die for a referendum. And the politicians? Well they've done well on your behalf and look how the clever politicians have fucked up literally everything they have touched.

No doubt we will be back to square one through the back door soon enough.

If it wasn't all so predictable with our political systems and politicians the EU might actually have been worth being a member of.

Anyhow it's the Starmer thread and I've had my once every few weeks plunge into all things brexit.
The differences between what NI has currently and what a plain vanilla membership of the single market and customs union for the UK as a whole would entail - while remaining outside of the EU of course - are the tricky bits though aren’t they?

Currently, and at least in theory, NI has democratic control over trade policy, product/food standards and VAT exemptions - all via goods imported from GB - and changes in single market legislation can be kicked back if sufficient opposition exists. All of this would be removed should the rest of the UK sign up for customs union / single market.

Do you really believe that the UK should be in a situation where it has no control over any of these factors, and simply follows the EU with no influence over trade, product standards and market legislation?

Personally I think that support for rejoining the EU proper would be much stronger and more widespread than the scenario you’re outlining.

Economic alignment with the EU is more likely than membership as it will happen gradually and by default. We have no industrial strategy, no grand plan and no real idea of where we go from here, so the path of least resistance is the one we will take, and that path is economic alignment.

Full membership will require extensive preparation, debate, referendum etc., none of which we are capable of. We do not understand how the EU works - and by we I mean our political and media class - so, there is zero chance of any measured assessment of the pros and cons of membership. This country couldn‘t even understand what a great deal it had to begin with, choosing instead to bin it off in return for some magic beans.

Can we accept rules being imposed on us with no input in their formulation? Well, that’s what voted for with Brexit, so I guess the answer is yes. The Brexit vote was a vote to absent ourselves from the political process and still retain the economic benefits. And that is precisely what I am advocating. Will of the people and all that.
Yep and they could have even done all that or some of it before and the referendum wouldn't have been lost. I'm glad some are finally realising listenening to others is a good idea.

Shame it's too late.
They did most of it and the referendum was lost.
When one campaign blatantly lied and the other was insipid we ended up with the result we did. Facts didn’t really come into it.
Anyway, who cares. We are where we are and we just need to get rid of the current idiots in charge who don’t seem capable of organising a piss up in a brewery never mind a country.
Just watched that on telly. Proves what a distrustful #unt he is...
Alexi Sayle made a comedy routine out of claiming he's a secret M15 officer used to destroy the party.

He's stopped doing it now because he's starting to think his satire maybe true.
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Labour, if I wanted to throw away my vote to help the tories I'd just stay home.
Yeah it's almost as if every vote carries equal weight.

If Labour lose a 14,000 majority where I am I reckon they'd have a lot more questions to answer than me.

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