Keir Starmer

Let’s just try and persuade reluctant Labour/ Liberal voters that fourteen years of lies and corruption needs to end, no cut in interest rates, income tax at it’s highest rate just unfulfilled promises and filling their bank accounts right up to the end even betting on the date of the GE hope she is prosecuted it’s illegal
One thing I’m sure of Starmer will suspend anyone guilty of bending the law
Yep, let’s stick to the cunts who have ruined the country or maybe, like you vote for racist cunts who are thick as two short planks but wave flags at every opportunity.
Apart from that anyone else sick of the immigration on the news it’s stuck on part of the GE
Today it’s Mexicans Men Women and children invading the US for a better life poor people are going to go where the grass looks greener it’s not difficult to understand we would do the same if we were poor and could not feed our kids
I hate the entitlement of people we are full up they cry while asylum seekers struggle to find a safe haven on a planet that belongs to everyone

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